Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Well I made it thru Triangle Blue for the first time, took all night but i got to an ending, not the one i wanted i had hoped for the student hook up but got totally lost by all of the various choice paths...i will try again once i rest my eyes a bit. It is a superb game HUGE and some of the best CG art I have seen, it was a gigantic project for them to create with so many choices and the art is really good. I look forward to the other games in the series. But wow, the paths get complex, i may have to resort to that walk thru for some help....but i like to do my best first. I will also have to try it with AGTH, being here in the states i can't switch languages as easily... sigh. well sure is fun to find such a good game with both NTR and other stuff stashed away in it.

yeah! for more people playing Tri Blue. back when I was really active I'd always compare every ntr game to tri blue :D
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Thanks Prettz-sam, I am only shortly into my deep research into VN and ntr but I think i see why you feel that way, it is a superb game, complex almost beyond belief, the staff work on the plot lines surely took a huge effort and some very skilled mapping. And the immersion that it generates after a while, i played it thru straight and can assure you that it really become a real world that you are INSIDE of, even with the limitations of the 2D and mostly static visual world. I am eager to try the rest of the series as I have said it has long been one of my favorite anime sets of OVA, as they produced all of them in anime form, and my team is planning now to decensor at least True Blue and we may consider Triangle Blue esp after seeing how good the game is. We may be able to release a decensored version of the game as well, but one step at a time. I love the high key colour art of this game and the characters are really fun. your sig shows that. Nice one!
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Try this walkthrough it has less mistakes (with the other one there were some choices that didn't appear) and easier to understand

PD: i also finally also got my firts real ntr ending for that game recently xD, at least playing with atlas

Good job with that. Wish I'd found it, but I may go back to Triangle Blue and make use of it yet. It is a good one after all.

And I noticed Orcsoft's tendency to go with heroines with very mature figures ages ago. Pretty much every game they've put out has them, NTR or not.
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Good job with that. Wish I'd found it, but I may go back to Triangle Blue and make use of it yet. It is a good one after all.

And I noticed Orcsoft's tendency to go with heroines with very mature figures ages ago. Pretty much every game they've put out has them, NTR or not.

Yeah orcsoft really likes boobs, even the lolis are like that (if they can still be considered lolis that is)
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Good job with that. Wish I'd found it, but I may go back to Triangle Blue and make use of it yet. It is a good one after all.

And I noticed Orcsoft's tendency to go with heroines with very mature figures ages ago. Pretty much every game they've put out has them, NTR or not.

I found that one because the other one was really confusing and there were some things that didn't check (i mean some choices were wrong), aparently that is because that guide was for the demo version or something

PD: in the original game does asato also cheat akane with the sister? and mother xD?
PD: in the original game does asato also cheat akane with the sister? and mother xD?

Haven't played とらぶるっ!, but as I understand it Triangle is mostly the exact same content minus any NTR routes. You get pretty much same game as you would playing the common route in Triangle and then going on to the available routes there. So yes, he probably does get involved with the sister and/or mother, assuming you don't go down the pure akane route. Even the tags on vndb indirectly confirm it, so there's not much point in playing it when you've already got Triangle.
I found that [みじいし] メニミス was updated to version 1.03, and I thought that it was time to replay it seriously, especially with this month ntr games shortage!
For now, the rpginess of this game makes it more difficult to play, but it's a lot more fun than I expected as I'm kind of getting used to it :P

no new eroge release until now except 麗華の館 ~催眠遊戯への招待状
although has a ntr scene (only 1 unfortunately T_T),

hopefully someone will share the new one soon >,<
I think it's an entire ntr route, not just a scene...?
I found that [みじいし] メニミス was updated to version 1.03, and I thought that it was time to replay it seriously, especially with this month ntr games shortage!
For now, the rpginess of this game makes it more difficult to play, but it's a lot more fun than I expected as I'm kind of getting used to it :P

I think it's an entire ntr route, not just a scene...?

seriusly? what is it about?
Well, we know that 愛する妻、渚の浮気告白 奥ゆかしい妻のカラダが、あいつの激ピストンでとろけていた真実 was released the other day, so we're just waiting for someone to upload it. Considering the precedent with previous TeamNTR games from that writer, it probably won't be more than a week before we get our hands on it, so be patient guys.

Also just been released is the new Parthenon game 弱みを握って人妻とその娘をパコってみた。 which is a typical netori game without too much depth or moral dilemma's, where you just play a manager at a supermarket who coerces the hot wife working part-time into doing it with you. And then you go after her naive, sexually curious daughter and have hot mother/daughter sex. The art is pretty good, but it looks like pure nukige. Even from a netori perspective, the husband is a non-entity who is only mentioned second hand.
I'm a lot more about netorare than netori, but if I am going to play a netori game I want to actually emphasise the netori aspect. IE, making an issue of the fact that your having that kind of relation with a woman who is already spoken for, and the immorality and fear of getting caught. Unfortunately like this one, most focus entirely on the sense of superiority of doing another man's wife, with a little relation to the husband as possible to avoid any hint of guilt ruining it for the faint of heart players. So it's always nukige, and you're always playing either a villainous protag who revels in doing bad things, feeling no guilt and who you can comfortable detach yourself from being anything like and so just sit back an enjoy the show, or happy no strings attached sex without any negative consequences resulting from it. The latter may not have you as the bad guy, but it always just makes it seem like having sex with another man's wife is no big deal, and generally has a light hearted feel, with any victims (husbands/boyfriends) being far out of sight and out of mind. Or in the case of that game ActionBastard liked, the wife and or husband are the bad guys, and you are made to feel justified in turning the woman into your sex-toy, and getting even.
Just once I'd like play a netori game with a plausible, real-life plot, where you play an otherwise decent guy who succumbs to temptation and then has to deal with the consequences.
But since we have little to work with right now, you might as well play the parthenon game if you have nothing better to do.
Unfortunately like this one, most focus entirely on the sense of superiority of doing another man's wife, with a little relation to the husband as possible to avoid any hint of guilt ruining it for the faint of heart players. So it's always nukige, and you're always playing either a villainous protag who revels in doing bad things, feeling no guilt and who you can comfortable detach yourself from being anything like and so just sit back an enjoy the show, or happy no strings attached sex without any negative consequences resulting from it. The latter may not have you as the bad guy, but it always just makes it seem like having sex with another man's wife is no big deal, and generally has a light hearted feel, with any victims (husbands/boyfriends) being far out of sight and out of mind

Am i the only one that thinks games like this are actually more moraly wrong? seriusly vainilla fags should speak against these games rather than ntr xD
It looks like Mink's upcoming anniversary game 13人の麗しきケダモノ is going to have at least some NTR, though probably not as much as the premise could easily provide for, it's not NTR-focused. But it looks like an interesting nukige and I was going to play it anyways so this is a bit of good news.
Am i the only one that thinks games like this are actually more moraly wrong? seriusly vainilla fags should speak against these games rather than ntr xD

Maybe the vainilla fags had been ntr'ed and it hurt their feelings. Maybe that's why they hate ntr games so much. Ntr ova's piss me off greatly, mainly because the protagonist dosen't react the way I think they should react. I used to rage hard when I first started watching ntr shows, I still do but not nearly as bad. When I first saw Triangle Blue OVA I was pissed for days afterward. True Blue did the same to me but I felt much better after seeing True Blue Gaiden. That's an ending I like. Now I am raging at the games and I love it! LOL in a pissed off sort of way LOL!
I am curious what you found upsetting about True Blue and Triangle Blue, i am very fond of both of them, and am studying both games very closely as well as working on a decensor of True Blue. Just wondered what you found about them that hit you hard? they are both pretty classic NTR indeed some of the purest of them.
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I am curious what you found upsetting about True Blue and Triangle Blue, i am very fond of both of them, and am studying both games very closely as well as working on a decensor of True Blue. Just wondered what you found about them that hit you hard? they are both pretty classic NTR indeed some of the purest of them.

I pretty much said why. The main dude just dosen't act like he ought to in my opinion. So far from the ntr shows I've seen, the main guy is clueless or has no anger towards both his significant other or the antagonist. He is basically just shocked and does nothing. And the girl is another thing altogether. She falls easily into the hands of the antagonist and offers little or no resistance and ends up becoming a sperm bank. And if the protagonist does end up winning the girl back, it's like nothing ever happened. It's just the opposite of what I would do or at least feel. At least in True Blue Gaiden one of the antagonists gets what he deserved. Don't get me wrong, I did rage at the shows and how stupid the characters were but I still liked them. At least in some games there are different routes that you'll get different endings where the antagonist gets the girl or the protagonist gets revenge or some variation of those endings ... but most games so far the protagonist loses everything. I'm no expert in the ntr game field having played less than half a dozens games but it's a genre I like.
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Ah thanks. Yes it is a more subtle story than many tho on the surface it may appear that the characters are clueless. Actually they are very lifelike and people actually DO act just that way in real life. The compulsion to bond with an aggressive libertine as she shows is actually quite also realistic, and happens many times both in NTR and in real life. It maybe frustrating to watch but that is the essence of NTR, and the thrill of it too. The Boy friend was such a wimp in my opinion that he deserved what he got, and the third guy delivers what she actually wants ..... but i can certainly see how it is confusing to some and that is part of the NTR genre, the many layers of the changes people go thru. This series actually has a number of titles in it, True Blue and Triangle Blue are two of the strongest NTR content, the story gets told somewhat differently in the games and the anime but both are very good as NTR goes. thanks for replying.
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No problem. I guess it's a matter of perspective. I see the protagonists actions as not something I would do and it pisses me off. I can understand to a degree the feelings of the protagonist like in True Blue when you are a bit over powered by the antagonist but at the same time the girls lack of will power also gets to me. That type of woman I would not have any long term relationship with. Yes some people do act that way, probably more so that way than any sort of violent or aggressive way. Anyway, I go by feelings, if it pisses me off then it's done it's job :) It's a cheep thrill but it's what I like.
@dhrv65 well i don't think there is that many protagonist acting realistic in eroge in general, and if hentai was realistic almost all the game would end up with a murder, or 2, personally the only thing that really makes me rage is when lets say, a girl is raped and instead of going berserk on the guy, the father, family, community/school blame her and obstratice her, for some reason that is really popular in manga and novels and i hate it, when i read something like that i get this urge to murder them slowly........ok i need a chocolate to calm down xD

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