KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Ok, I managed to defeat the E-2 boss on hard once after the 4th try. But I decided to switch to medium after all. my fleet got heavily damaged and i don't want to risk wasting so much time and resources. passing on the 51cm is hard, but it's fine.

51cm can only be equipped on Nagato, Mutsu, Yamato and Musashi only. So you're not missing out too much because there is a soft cap on Firepower apparently? So it would be useless on Yamato and Musashi due to the soft cap. Thus the gun is only really useful on Nagato and Mutsu, which actually I used during E3 and Nagato hit like 270+ to a Flag Wo with AP ammo and 41cm as the other weapon, which I think is great but not really missing out a lot.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

51cm can only be equipped on Nagato, Mutsu, Yamato and Musashi only. So you're not missing out too much because there is a soft cap on Firepower apparently? So it would be useless on Yamato and Musashi due to the soft cap. Thus the gun is only really useful on Nagato and Mutsu, which actually I used during E3 and Nagato hit like 270+ to a Flag Wo with AP ammo and 41cm as the other weapon, which I think is great but not really missing out a lot.

The soft cap for firepower is 150. This means that having more than 150 fp is useless in daytime, having more than 150 still gives more damage in night battle so consider that.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

The soft cap for firepower is 150. This means that having more than 150 fp is useless in daytime, having more than 150 still gives more damage in night battle so consider that.

But its not something worth wasting tons of resource and frustration over for. 46cm serve you just as well and those can be crafted at any time at your leisure. If you want ships from events then you're better off just doing the slightly easier difficulty if you're struggling, considering E2 is the hardest out of the first 3 map.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

But its not something worth wasting tons of resource and frustration over for. 46cm serve you just as well and those can be crafted at any time at your leisure. If you want ships from events then you're better off just doing the slightly easier difficulty if you're struggling, considering E2 is the hardest out of the first 3 map.

Of course they are not worth wasting resources on E-2 but i must say they are incredibly useful. 46cms are very hard to come by, just try crafting them and you will know. While the 51s have -1 evasion it doesn't really affect a battleship of the scale of yamasushi or the nagatos and it gives accuracy which the 46s don't (although the prototype 46 double turret also gives accuracy).
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Of course they are not worth wasting resources on E-2 but i must say they are incredibly useful. 46cms are very hard to come by, just try crafting them and you will know. While the 51s have -1 evasion it doesn't really affect a battleship of the scale of yamasushi or the nagatos and it gives accuracy which the 46s don't (although the prototype 46 double turret also gives accuracy).

You make it sounds like I don't craft at all, but the point was that 46cm is readily available and you can choose when to attempt them when you're in a much better resource position and not time restrained. Events on the other hand, only last 2 weeks with limited amount of time for you to gather resource/level up should you need to do so during the event, and that will push the clock round even faster and less time for you to attempt other maps if you're running out of time. And its true that 51cm does give +1 accuracy that 46cm doesn't, however one must consider that any above 41cm have been nerfed significantly in terms of accuracy a few patch back that its not like that +1 accuracy is going to make a difference between the two.

The soft cap during day battle also made this not as desirable because day battle you attack four times (or 2 cut-in) provided you achieve Air supremacy, which probably will be the best way to clear out anything that set you up for a night battle, but however putting onto Yamato/Musashi is still rather pointless as Double 46cm will put them into around the 19x FP region where they'll pretty much demolish anything they hit during the night battle, so that leaves 51cm being more useful to Nagato/Mutsu, which bring me to the question, is it that much worth when you can only use it on 2 ships (or 4 if you really want to go for that NB damage on Yamato/Musashi) when 46cm can be used on all Battleships? Don't get me wrong, 51cm is a great gun and if you can burn resource/buckets to get it, do it. But I would by no mean trying to abandon any chance on progressing to next stage of event over a 5 star gun when you can craft 46cm whenever you want later on.

P.S. Just did a E4 run, E4 is gonna burn 10k resource I think >_<
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

You make it sounds like I don't craft at all, but the point was that 46cm is readily available and you can choose when to attempt them when you're in a much better resource position and not time restrained. Events on the other hand, only last 2 weeks with limited amount of time for you to gather resource/level up should you need to do so during the event, and that will push the clock round even faster and less time for you to attempt other maps if you're running out of time. And its true that 51cm does give +1 accuracy that 46cm doesn't, however one must consider that any above 41cm have been nerfed significantly in terms of accuracy a few patch back that its not like that +1 accuracy is going to make a difference between the two.

The soft cap during day battle also made this not as desirable because day battle you attack four times (or 2 cut-in) provided you achieve Air supremacy, which probably will be the best way to clear out anything that set you up for a night battle, but however putting onto Yamato/Musashi is still rather pointless as Double 46cm will put them into around the 19x FP region where they'll pretty much demolish anything they hit during the night battle, so that leaves 51cm being more useful to Nagato/Mutsu, which bring me to the question, is it that much worth when you can only use it on 2 ships (or 4 if you really want to go for that NB damage on Yamato/Musashi) when 46cm can be used on all Battleships? Don't get me wrong, 51cm is a great gun and if you can burn resource/buckets to get it, do it. But I would by no mean trying to abandon any chance on progressing to next stage of event over a 5 star gun when you can craft 46cm whenever you want later on.

P.S. Just did a E4 run, E4 is gonna burn 10k resource I think >_<

"You make it sounds like I don't craft at all, but the point was that 46cm is readily available and you can choose when to attempt them when you're in a much better resource position and not time restrained. Events on the other hand, only last 2 weeks" wouldn't that also mean that you can get the 46 whenever you want but you only have a limited time to get the 51? (and also i never said you didn't attempt crafting i'm just pointing out how difficult it is to get a 46 even if you can craft it any time).

"with limited amount of time for you to gather resource/level up should you need to do so during the event" this is just a very bad idea, you should always avoid crafting and leveling during the time an event takes places and that's just common sense.

" but however putting onto Yamato/Musashi is still rather pointless as Double 46cm will put them into around the 19x FP region " i agree than even double 46 on yamasushi is not really efficient and i would give them double 38cm twin gun if i could (sadly no biscuit).

Efficiency aside, it's generally not a good idea to go on night battle anyway (unless you are clearing a boss) but i have found myself using only 2 BBs most of the time (Musashi and Nagato to be more specific) and giving double 46 to Nagato already puts her over the soft cap (151 fp) so i give the 51 to Musashi to destroy everything she cans if night battle is needed.

"(or 2 cut-in) provided you achieve Air supremacy" let me correct you on that, you only need air superiority to trigger Artillery Spotting. Achieving Air Supremacy requires quite a bit more planes than supremacy.

"P.S. Just did a E4 run, E4 is gonna burn 10k resource I think >_<" That should still be cheaper than E-3 combined fleet, my resources and buckets ;-;
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

try report for E-2(Hard)

1st: Boss, A-Victory/no damage for flagship
2nd: no Boss
(change the constitution of my fleet)
3rd: Boss, A/minor damage
4th: no Boss
5th: no Boss
(change the equipment)
6th: Boss, S
7th: Boss, A/moderate damage
8th: Boss, A/moderate damage
(change the equipment again)
9th: Boss, S
10th: Boss, A/heavy damage
11th: Boss, S


Probably it will become severe in future. A boss turns into Final Form soon.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I switched to medium. I'm burning through my resources. God save me.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Shit! :kongou: 12 hp E-3 boss and my Kitakami missed during night fight. =_=
Gonna try to send support expedition for the boss node. I'm already lost count who many sorties I made to finish this map.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

ok, i now lazily cleared E-2 on medium. new kanmusu:





soo.. is the Wurfgerät equipment reward in E-3 any good? if not, I'd rather do E-3 on easy. Since i am lazy and all. will try E-3 with this:












Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Yeah! Finally! After so much struggle with help of support expedition I finished E-3.


I love my Sendai. When I almost lost hope to kill boss, she sank 80 hp Boss during night battle. :naka:

Gonna take a rest, farm some resources and level up my kanmusu before attempting E-4.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

The battleship princess in the last event felt a lot more difficult. She didn't let me meet Prinz.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

soo.. is the Wurfgerät equipment reward in E-3 any good? if not, I'd rather do E-3 on easy.

No one is certain yet but apparently it will be useful in the upcoming event. To be honest E-3 was piss easy so you should be able to do it on medium if not Hard.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Report!!!! E-2 clear!!!

I manage to kill last run boss with Akagi and Kaga medium damage from node F. All thank to Nagato-chan, today kantai no idol :D.
Welcome new girls from E-2: Noshiro, Agano, Amatsukaze, Maikaze and Ooyodo.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Report!!!! E-2 clear!!!

I manage to kill last run boss with Akagi and Kaga medium damage from node F. All thank to Nagato-chan, today kantai no idol :D.
Welcome new girls from E-2: Noshiro, Agano, Amatsukaze, Maikaze and Ooyodo.

Congratulation! Glad you made it. I'm having lots and lots of fun in Hard Mode E4, why don't you come and join me? :P
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Congratulation! Glad you made it. I'm having lots and lots of fun in Hard Mode E4, why don't you come and join me? :P

Thank you!!! ^_^
Well it's impossible for me to choose hard mode because i'm below 80, i guess. Since i don't have much time before event to farm that many girls so now i'm lacking of DD, CL, CAV for Rengo kantai so i'll try E-3 with easy mode. Even E-2 medium is a bit hard for me though. It will take more time and resources if i choose medium >.<. Now i'll take 1~2 days to farm few more DD, CL, CAV. Battleship hime is scary :@.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Thank you!!! ^_^
Well it's impossible for me to choose hard mode because i'm below 80, i guess. Since i don't have much time before event to farm that many girls so now i'm lacking of DD, CL, CAV for Rengo kantai so i'll try E-3 with easy mode. Even E-2 medium is a bit hard for me though. It will take more time and resources if i choose medium >.<. Now i'll take 1~2 days to farm few more DD, CL, CAV. Battleship hime is scary :@.

E3 boss is not Battleship Princess, you do however encounter her preboss node no matter which route you choose. But 95% of the hit she miss because of the Combined Fleet Mechanics, all BB class have close to like only 40% hit chance (which makes them not very desirable in Combined Fleet, but still great when they hit). Enemy ships also take the penalty (otherwise BB-hime will indeed be scary!). The actual boss of E3 is 軽巡棲鬼 which is CL-Demon, she's really adorable when you finally sink her because she sounds like an actual KanMusu sinking, which mind fucked me for a bit when I sunk her >_<
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage












How's that configuration working for you?
I'm getting nowhere with my fleet(s), wanted to try something new.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

[MENTION=73341]DreamCa7ch3r[/MENTION]; I can only talk about myself here. It's working ok. 4 fights total in comparison to CAV setups with 3 fights. if you go south, you will hit the maelstrom. if you go north, you won't. it is random which route you take. my quick response fleet deals good damage with torpedoes. i always get air superiority as well. and for some reason i get a lot of cut ins with my BBs. sometimes they dont do much damage, sometimes they do. i just have to hope that my carries and destroyers dont go red before boss node.

EDIT: my divers and bombers do good damage from time to time. but i get shit drops at E-3 with this fleet. D:

EDIT 2: north route sucks. maelstrom brings me luck. running on fumes FTW! when i go south my girls suddenly hit and destroy. lol

EDIT 3: cleared E-3 on medium. sinking her was kind of sad. her voice became normal like the other kanmusu. map was more or less easy, but i got gayed a lot. and no good drop at all. where is my tokitsukaze?! ;~;
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

There have been reports of girls sinking in E-2 and E-4 while having green, yellow and orange HPs so be very careful when going on sorties. Apparently devs are already looking into it but still be careful


I'm gonna take this as a chance to stockpile again and grind Akizuki for E-4
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage


(change the equipment)
12th: no Boss, node E, heavy damage: Mogami (torpedo)
13th: no Boss (node G-L), LOS was not enough (recon aircraft effect?)
Damn it!
(change the equipment)
14th: no Boss, node G, heavy damage: Yuudachi (opening carrier attack phase)
15th: no Boss, node E, heavy damage: Yuudachi (fire)
(change the equipment)
16th: Boss, S
17th: no Boss, node G, heavy damage: Yuudachi (opening carrier attack phase)
(replace Yuudachi for Shigure)
18th: no Boss, node E, heavy damage: Shigure (torpedo)


[EDIT] Heavy damage was "wan-pan" all.
[EDIT 2] wan-pan: Japanese slang for games, "one punch". It means that she gets an unlucky punch and suffers heavy damage at a blow.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I don't have the luxury of ample resources unlike AB :-P
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

19th: no Boss, node E, heavy damage: Sendai (torpedo)


There are fewer changes of resources than an event start.

start / now
63301 / 62708 fuel
63085 / 60020 ammo
54185 / 59884 steel
52170 / 57881 bauxite
684 / 691 buckets

It's caused by support fleets that ammunition decreased (Mutsu is a big eater). King is right, and it's waste.
The main constituent of my fleet are DD, so the resources don't decrease by sortie and heavy damage very much.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

What! How could you have used up only so little resources?!
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

What! How could you have used up only so little resources?!

My fleets doesn't use CV. BB is only one ship. The support fleets has four BB, but they don't receive attack. It's only fuel and ammunition to use. Because they are only CVL, almost none of the bauxite decreases, too.

When I return from an attack on the way, only one DD is heavy damage in most cases. There are a few resources necessary for repair.

The fourth fleet not to use for attack and support repeats an expedition 5 (or 9) with be sparkling. When I can't attack it during repair, I use the second and the third fleet for an expedition.
In addition, the basic daily quests are accomplished naturally.

From the next stage, resources will be necessary in large quantities. So I save it with E-1 and E-2 :goodtea:

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