Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Here is my thoughts about ojisan in Marina 3.

From what I'm understanding the gaiden series won't feature or mention Kenji at all unless my theory about her "telling" him about her previous "sex" experiences proves true (ie he asks about her past and this is her story of it)

I'm thinking this basically explains why Marina is Marina, since you played 3 now I assume you get that Marina's intent the whole time has always been to be with Kenji. Honestly I've never really understood why she even began doing this with him since its become rather clear since 2 that she was only ever doing it FOR Kenji. (I know shes mentioned feelings for the men she fucked between the games, but honestly in context those 3 scenes (1 per game) were honestly "broken" as they don't flow with the narrative of the kenji/marina canon the games establish or Marinas end game motives.

Honestly they felt more like they were added for fan service for people to fap to who wanted it, but otherwise felt out of place. Or she simply manipulating the feelings of her lovers for fun or reason.

My point is I think Kenji was a new "start" to her life involving an actually relationship and a man she fell in love with. Basically the gaiden series is her slutty/wild oats past before Kenji. I don't imagine Marina or Kenji ever having to "adjust" to one another like you suggest because they didn't marry for any other reason but love and that first year married is often the "honeymoon phase" which means cheating would have been VERY unlikely at that stage. ...

I DO assume the gaidens will feature some NTR though, not only because its still under their NTR label but because I expect NTR to develop between her "sex toys/partners". It will be true netorare as Marina plays the part more of a slut just having multiple boyfriends for sex rather then relationships (but the men want more). In this sense she is just using the men rather then being used by them, as it seems was her intent by just meeting older men online for sex.

Regardless I seriously doubt she ever cheated on Kenji based on the last 3 games (and I fully expect she would have told him since she knows t hat would have turned him on). I think the point of the gaiden series is to provide some true NTR without messing around with the Marina/Kenji canon, but focusing on other men before they got together.

Its not to saying their isn't a small possibility they might not include it, but I honestly feel if they do it will ruin what the last 3 games canon established and break netorase theme of Kenji/Marina (which is what made this series so popular). Which in turn would probably annoy a lot of the fans who made this game so popular.
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Here is my thoughts about ojisan in Marina 3.

I do not think he is a bad guy. He sent that email to the daughter because he knew that Kenji and Marina would stay together. I was hoping that Marina would fall for him for real and they Kenji would win her back but it did not happen that way. But it was overall very good. And I am glad that it is over.

Um what? lol....

He is clearly a bad guy, he's not only slimy, a drug user but also a criminal - in point he drugs Marina and Kenji. Good people don't go around drugging other people for their own pleasure or own gain, bad people do. In most countries you can not only be charged for that but face jail time and a criminal record. If it involves sex, he would also be labelled a sex offender in a nation wide or state registry. At the very least that defines him as a criminal, if nothing less then the "bad person".

He was just a slimy bad dude. The "bad" boy of Marina's past if you will who grew up into something worse. BUT I think that was the point, they needed a villian to end the story line of Marina.

Which is odd if you think about it, they honestly could have gone on and on with new lovers (who weren't "bad") for a couple more games based on the series popularity, each exploring a new kink. Oh well...
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From what I'm understanding the gaiden series won't feature or mention Kenji at all unless my theory about her "telling" him about her previous "sex" experiences proves true (ie he asks about her past and this is her story of it)

I'm thinking this basically explains why Marina is Marina, since you played 3 now I assume you get that Marina's intent the whole time has always been to be with Kenji. Honestly I've never really understood why she even began doing this with him since its become rather clear since 2 that she was only ever doing it FOR Kenji. (I know shes mentioned feelings for the men she fucked between the games, but honestly in context those 3 scenes (1 per game) were honestly "broken" as they don't flow with the narrative of the kenji/marina canon the games establish or Marinas end game motives.

Honestly they felt more like they were added for fan service for people to fap to who wanted it, but otherwise felt out of place. Or she simply manipulating the feelings of her lovers for fun or reason.

My point is I think Kenji was a new "start" to her life involving an actually relationship and a man she fell in love with. Basically the gaiden series is her slutty/wild oats past before Kenji. I don't imagine Marina or Kenji ever having to "adjust" to one another like you suggest because they didn't marry for any other reason but love and that first year married is often the "honeymoon phase" which means cheating would have been VERY unlikely at that stage. ...

I DO assume the gaidens will feature some NTR though, not only because its still under their NTR label but because I expect NTR to develop between her "sex toys/partners". It will be true netorare as Marina plays the part more of a slut just having multiple boyfriends for sex rather then relationships (but the men want more). In this sense she is just using the men rather then being used by them, as it seems was her intent by just meeting older men online for sex.

Regardless I seriously doubt she ever cheated on Kenji based on the last 3 games (and I fully expect she would have told him since she knows t hat would have turned him on). I think the point of the gaiden series is to provide some true NTR without messing around with the Marina/Kenji canon, but focusing on other men before they got together.

Its not to saying their isn't a small possibility they might not include it, but I honestly feel if they do it will ruin what the last 3 games canon established and break netorase theme of Kenji/Marina (which is what made this series so popular). Which in turn would probably annoy a lot of the fans who made this game so popular.

I think you are right regarding the gaiden series will not feature Kenji. I just wish it did lol. According to Onboro1212's tweeter, I think the gaiden 2 will be about Marina "training" inexperienced, premature ejaculating younger boyfriend. I do think it will be before meeting Kenji but I really wonder why she wants it to be a secret from Kenji. The only reason that I can think of is that she has cheated on him... I guess we will find out.

And also, she mentioned that relationship has ended because of cheating but did not mention who cheated.

If I can try to guess, based on the known facts;
1. Marina was "teaching/training" the younger bf.
2. The relationship ended because of someone cheating.
3. She has kept the relationship secret from Kenji the entire duration of relationship/marriage.

there are two possibilities.
1. Marina was dating the younger bf before she met Kenji but somehow she met Kenji and wanted to date Kenji so she told Kenji she is single and not dating anyone. And then she starts dating Kenji but the younger bf finds out that Marina is cheating on him so they break up. Kenji and Marina marries without Kenji ever finding out about the relationship.
2. Marina and Kenji were already dating but Marina meets the younger guy who can't perform while having sex so he asks Marina for help. Marina ends up having sex with him, therefore cheating on Kenji but realizes Kenji is her true love so breaks up with younger guy. Kenji and Marina eventually gets married but Marina can't tell Kenji.

There are other possibilities too, I guess but there really is no reason to keep the relationship secret from Kenji. Oh well, who knows, but I am more interested in gaiden 2 than 1 for sure, lol...
Um what? lol....

He is clearly a bad guy, he's not only slimy, a drug user but also a criminal - in point he drugs Marina and Kenji. Good people don't go around drugging other people for their own pleasure or own gain, bad people do. In most countries you can not only be charged for that but face jail time and a criminal record. If it involves sex, he would also be labelled a sex offender in a nation wide or state registry. At the very least that defines him as a criminal, if nothing less then the "bad person".

He was just a slimy bad dude. The "bad" boy of Marina's past if you will who grew up into something worse. BUT I think that was the point, they needed a villian to end the story line of Marina.

Which is odd if you think about it, they honestly could have gone on and on with new lovers (who weren't "bad") for a couple more games based on the series popularity, each exploring a new kink. Oh well...

I think he was a good guy playing bad guy at the end. The message he sent to the daughter was apparently sent during the last confrontation, not after the confrontation. Which tells that ojisan foresaw and knew that Marina will choose Kenji. The very last sex part was a shock factor staged by ojisan already knowing the outcome. Which effectivey killed Kenji's NTR fantasy and made Marina strengthen her love for Kenji. And by the way, I do think drug part was bad.

Speaking of the drug part, I wish the story took another way. Instead of Marina, planning to make Kenji worry about her while she had no intention of leaving him, it would have been better if she actually seriously considering leaving Kenji. I think it would have been better that Marina and Ojisan together stage the last sex part to make Kenji give up on Marina. It would have been better that Kenji watches all of love making in silence and after they are done, say something nice to remind her the good family days to win her back or something.

I did like all the fan service they threw out, such as that Marina will be ojisan's wife when she is at his house. I wish she was addressing him as "anata" from that moment on, but she didn't which was a little disappointing. But declaring that she was his wife when Kenji was peeking was a nice touch. It was a let down to know after all it was all "play" but I did enjoy it. Heck, she even told Hiroto that she has become commuting wife for ojisan, lol. I did also wish that there was some scene involving her wedding ring. Something like wedding ring play with wedding dress in Lovemilf would have been very nice.

The scene with Marina talking to Kenji while getting fucked by ojisan was nice too, trying to hide that she was having sex was erotic. Reminded me some of pacopacomama JAV's lol. The phone sex was a very nice touch but she declaring to Kenji that she is going to do it was a little turn off. I wish that she was doing it secretly but caught by Kenji would have been alot better.

But like i said, I loveed Marina 3. Way better than 2 in my opinion and haven't decided which one I like better between 1 and 3. One thing I am curious about is that why so much love for Kenji? Maybe it will be explained in one of the gaidens. By the way, I think gaiden 2 will be the end of Marina series period. Onboro has stated that he can not come up with any more story that will continue from Marina 3.

Oh one more thing, did anyone else think that the CG's were not consistent in Marina 3? In some scenes, she looked different, like looking younger than before. In other scenes, she looked very nice. Maybe i am wrong.
I liked the new anim (Netori) game, it had its ups and downs but each heroine is significantly different so it should fit the tastes of everyone who likes milf characters. All the girls have below average sex-lives with their husbands.

The black haired girl is Type A. I didn't read into her story too much as it was the last route I did and I kind of wanted to move on to another game I downloaded. She sleeps in a room separate room from her husband which played into one of the endings really well.

The brunette’s route is Type B. She has a few “dawn till dusk” sex scenes which I especially like. Her route involves blackmail.

The blue haired girl is also Type A. I think she has the best route but I have a bias for the onee-san types. Wouldn't have minded if the whole game was based around her personally.

I really enjoyed the black hair girl (shino) and the brunette bombshell (saya)'s route, each have their own issues with the husbands, Shino seems to be the easy catch but that is due to her husband being the most dickhead out of the three, really liked how one of the ending ends.

Saya was a bit in the middle, she has active sex life with the husband but for some reason hubby dont want a kid, also as cliche as it is, hubby can only do 1 round (lol), but yea i agree with you regarding one of the sex scenes where she gets plowed from like 12:00 pm till late afternoon. I am pretty sure that is where she is fallen anyway.

I am doing the blue haired girl at the moment.. and oh boy that escalated too quick haha.

Shino (black haired girl) route is the one where MC put the most work in, hiring detectives, playing "teach me sensei" with shino, playing with shino's kid, so far it is one of my favourite.
I think he was a good guy playing bad guy at the end. The message he sent to the daughter was apparently sent during the last confrontation, not after the confrontation. Which tells that ojisan foresaw and knew that Marina will choose Kenji. The very last sex part was a shock factor staged by ojisan already knowing the outcome. Which effectivey killed Kenji's NTR fantasy and made Marina strengthen her love for Kenji. And by the way, I do think drug part was bad.

Speaking of the drug part, I wish the story took another way. Instead of Marina, planning to make Kenji worry about her while she had no intention of leaving him, it would have been better if she actually seriously considering leaving Kenji. I think it would have been better that Marina and Ojisan together stage the last sex part to make Kenji give up on Marina. It would have been better that Kenji watches all of love making in silence and after they are done, say something nice to remind her the good family days to win her back or something.

I did like all the fan service they threw out, such as that Marina will be ojisan's wife when she is at his house. I wish she was addressing him as "anata" from that moment on, but she didn't which was a little disappointing. But declaring that she was his wife when Kenji was peeking was a nice touch. It was a let down to know after all it was all "play" but I did enjoy it. Heck, she even told Hiroto that she has become commuting wife for ojisan, lol. I did also wish that there was some scene involving her wedding ring. Something like wedding ring play with wedding dress in Lovemilf would have been very nice.

The scene with Marina talking to Kenji while getting fucked by ojisan was nice too, trying to hide that she was having sex was erotic. Reminded me some of pacopacomama JAV's lol. The phone sex was a very nice touch but she declaring to Kenji that she is going to do it was a little turn off. I wish that she was doing it secretly but caught by Kenji would have been alot better.

But like i said, I loveed Marina 3. Way better than 2 in my opinion and haven't decided which one I like better between 1 and 3. One thing I am curious about is that why so much love for Kenji? Maybe it will be explained in one of the gaidens. By the way, I think gaiden 2 will be the end of Marina series period. Onboro has stated that he can not come up with any more story that will continue from Marina 3.

Oh one more thing, did anyone else think that the CG's were not consistent in Marina 3? In some scenes, she looked different, like looking younger than before. In other scenes, she looked very nice. Maybe i am wrong.

There are several things about ojisan that kinda put the final nail in the coffins for me that he is a bad guy pretending to be a good guy.
- Drugging Marina to make her submit in the last sex scene
- He messed around with both Kenji and Marina on the day where Kenji is going to confront him (he lied to Kenji and Marina asking Kenji to come earlier to witness his love making with Marina, and also lying to Marina by saying They still have time, and Marina being Marina already promised ojisan that she will act as Ojisan's lover whenever she is in his apartment making things even worse for Kenji who witnessed the act
- He is a gambler for christ sake

his text to saki is pretty much his backup plan if all else failed.

He is pretty much a more suave version of senpai in netoraserare.
Hi can you reupload Marina 3 game link again.Of course i would not share to anyone.or you can pm me.i downloaded yesterday night and after i wake up it pause 90percent and i resume link and is gone.It is really suck beceause i am waiting for these game nearly one month and now i am only read others spoiler while they playing their game.

By the way nice to meet you guys.i just lurking around and pop up for Marina 3 game.

Can someone tell me about detail Gatenkei 3 story line.Like nomal ending,ntr ending, ghost ending,villain and character.
I’ve put together a list of NTR audio stories that I personally like. If you’ve played enough VN’s and watched enough anime I find that 9 times out of 10 I get the general understanding of what’s being said.

I’ll give a brief summary for each one. In no particular order:

Edit: 1,3,6 were ones I bought myself. Whether or not they're worth spending money on depends on how much you like audio stories I guess. I personally love ASMR (there's no ASMR NTR unfortunately), so I listen to a lot of audio stories which was more or less the reason I spent money on them.

寝取られた幼馴染み ~彩夏(18)の告白~
A NTR confession story from an 18 year old. Includes audio from the NTR sex. She slowly details her fall to madness.

Your girlfriend wants to break up but you’re desperate not to let her go. She agrees, but only if she can have an open relationship with another man for the next two months. If you make it through the two months she’ll be yours, if not, she’ll be free.
She’s just playing with you and had no intention of staying with you after the two months ends.

AMAZING if you love over-the-phone confessions. Each time you phone her you can kind of tell her sexual escapades are escalating to the point she’s having sex while talking to you.

わかづまりあ! ~あなたの名前を呼んでフェラチオ~
You can hear your neighbour and his girlfriend having sex into the night through the thin walls and you’re a bit jealous about it. One night she comes home drunk and comes into your house by mistake and even mistakes you for her boyfriend and has sex.

Interestingly this one actually has two routes that start mid-way through in different files. It’s been about year since I listened to it but if I remember correctly one’s a rather vanilla type A ending and the other in a corruption Type A ending.

(despite being the 15th none of the others in this series are ntr) Great voice acting. You, your girlfriend, and your best friend are sleeping in the same room one night. During the night your best friend slips into bed with your girlfriend and sex ensues.

Your lovely wife never loved you in the first place. This entire time she’s been scheming with another man to marry you just to screw with you. From what I understood even the children weren’t yours.
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Do you have a link for this? I can't find it anywhere.

Oh I should have mentioned in the original post but I bought that one, three of them in fact (1,3,6). All the others were downloaded from this site though. I'm a little hesitant to share it because of my countries strict copyright laws regarding sharing. I wouldn't bother paying for them though unless you had a lot of expendable money lying around, or you're bad with money like me, they're good, but not that good, it's just audio after all. Sorry about that.
Oh I should have mentioned in the original post but I bought that one, three of them in fact (1,3,6). All the others were downloaded from this site though. I'm a little hesitant to share it because of my countries strict copyright laws regarding sharing. I wouldn't bother paying for them though unless you had a lot of expendable money lying around, or you're bad with money like me, they're good, but not that good, it's just audio after all. Sorry about that.

Damn, thanks anyway. I want more NTR like that scenario, where the girl is sadistic like that.
One thing I am curious about is that why so much love for Kenji? Maybe it will be explained in one of the gaidens.

Oh one more thing, did anyone else think that the CG's were not consistent in Marina 3? In some scenes, she looked different, like looking younger than before. In other scenes, she looked very nice. Maybe i am wrong.

Um, have you never been in love with somebody that just felt "right" for you and they felt the same? Like true soul mates for life? Like they just felt right for one another?

I felt the love between Marina and Kenji very much was about this - they didn't marry for money or arrangement, they didn't marry for any other reason but love for one another. She demonstrated many times between all games how much she loved Kenji and he loved her. Sure some men fucked better then him and she felt things for other men (which again felt like fan service or Marina was just egging on her lovers since it didn't jive with Kenji/Marina canon) but I felt this story was about Kenji and Marina - a very happily married loving couple.

Your asking for them to explain why she loves him like he rescued her or something, but thats a false love. They love each other because their in love and they are very compatible together which makes for a solid relationship. Marina was too "different" from the other men - which might be exciting but in the long run those relationships especially built off lust never last.

I think one thing you see in the Marina series is how different the other men are from Marina or a "normal" life which she clearly wants and its that normal life that made the Marina series so popular too I think. If she ran off with another man that would undermine this theme and turn her into something less "normal" or "good".

I felt Marina 3 also did a GREAT job at showing how important family life was to Marina between her daughter and Kenji. Overall I think she was mad at Kenji for starting this whole thing and in a sense trying to punish him since part 2 - and eventually make him stop wanting it.

Honestly this is what makes netorase so great, that you can have ntr elements without destroying the love between a couple, because that allows them to explore it together.

As for Marina's secret, I kinda think she met Kenji at that time and probably "cheated" with him. Thats my guess. However at that stage one could argue that nobody was exclusive - something very common now in western countries, especially with internet dating.

I think one thing everybody is forgetting too is perhaps why Marina series was so popular or rather why Marina herself is. A loving wife who stands beside her husband and doesn't just leave him for sex - who is actually in love with him but can play on the side with his knowledge/consent.

In a sense we respect her for this, I think when a women "leaves" somebody she loves for better "sex" (like in most ntr games) we lose respect for them and label them negatively in our mind (be it subconsciously or not). Nobody likes a cheater or homewrecker, right? Marina was none of those things and so players respect her. But that also makes it more exciting because she is both an angel and a whore.

In regards to a sequel the writer is clearly limiting himself or his own imagination. I remember reading that too and was like...really?

I know he thinks he wrote himself into a hole by the way part 3 ends but clearly as I've demonstrated a sequel could take place like 5 or 10 years later in a logical way.

Personally I'd like to see an adult Saki or for the company to explore more netorase games as well done as this.

Clearly their is an audience.
I think he was a good guy playing bad guy at the end.
The message he sent to the daughter was apparently sent during the last confrontation, not after the confrontation. Which tells that ojisan foresaw and knew that Marina will choose Kenji. The very last sex part was a shock factor staged by ojisan already knowing the outcome. Which effectivey killed Kenji's NTR fantasy and made Marina strengthen her love for Kenji. And by the way, I do think drug part was bad.

Speaking of the drug part, I wish the story took another way. Instead of Marina, planning to make Kenji worry about her while she had no intention of leaving him, it would have been better if she actually seriously considering leaving Kenji. I think it would have been better that Marina and Ojisan together stage the last sex part to make Kenji give up on Marina. It would have been better that Kenji watches all of love making in silence and after they are done, say something nice to remind her the good family days to win her back or something. I think we must have different values because the last time I checked...
Ojisan's first sex scene with Marina involves getting her dead drunk, taking her back to a hotel room where shes passed out - then she wakes up tied to the bed naked where he then has his way with her.

Thats rape 101. Full on criminal offense level and the worst kind because men who often do this blame the victim for it to protect themselves. aka rape culture.

His first sex scene basically shows him to be a villian, who clearly only cares about his own self interests no matter who they might hurt.

As for that whole Monaco/gambler storyline - ya in most countries we call that kinda person a deadbeat, regardless he seems more like a con man to me then anything else.

I mean lets not forget he MEETS Marina as an underage teenager on the internet just to have sex with her in the gaiden series. Something that even in Japan can get you arrested.

He's certainly not somebody I'd want to be friends with, if for no other reason that I expect he'd probably steal from me in the most basic sense (ie personal goods lying around the house)
Um, have you never been in love with somebody that just felt "right" for you and they felt the same? Like true soul mates for life? Like they just felt right for one another?

I felt the love between Marina and Kenji very much was about this - they didn't marry for money or arrangement, they didn't marry for any other reason but love for one another. She demonstrated many times between all games how much she loved Kenji and he loved her. Sure some men fucked better then him and she felt things for other men (which again felt like fan service or Marina was just egging on her lovers since it didn't jive with Kenji/Marina canon) but I felt this story was about Kenji and Marina - a very happily married loving couple.

Your asking for them to explain why she loves him like he rescued her or something, but thats a false love. They love each other because their in love and they are very compatible together which makes for a solid relationship. Marina was too "different" from the other men - which might be exciting but in the long run those relationships especially built off lust never last.

I think one thing you see in the Marina series is how different the other men are from Marina or a "normal" life which she clearly wants and its that normal life that made the Marina series so popular too I think. If she ran off with another man that would undermine this theme and turn her into something less "normal" or "good".

I felt Marina 3 also did a GREAT job at showing how important family life was to Marina between her daughter and Kenji. Overall I think she was mad at Kenji for starting this whole thing and in a sense trying to punish him since part 2 - and eventually make him stop wanting it.

Honestly this is what makes netorase so great, that you can have ntr elements without destroying the love between a couple, because that allows them to explore it together.

As for Marina's secret, I kinda think she met Kenji at that time and probably "cheated" with him. Thats my guess. However at that stage one could argue that nobody was exclusive - something very common now in western countries, especially with internet dating.

I think one thing everybody is forgetting too is perhaps why Marina series was so popular or rather why Marina herself is. A loving wife who stands beside her husband and doesn't just leave him for sex - who is actually in love with him but can play on the side with his knowledge/consent.

In a sense we respect her for this, I think when a women "leaves" somebody she loves for better "sex" (like in most ntr games) we lose respect for them and label them negatively in our mind (be it subconsciously or not). Nobody likes a cheater or homewrecker, right? Marina was none of those things and so players respect her. But that also makes it more exciting because she is both an angel and a whore.

In regards to a sequel the writer is clearly limiting himself or his own imagination. I remember reading that too and was like...really?

I know he thinks he wrote himself into a hole by the way part 3 ends but clearly as I've demonstrated a sequel could take place like 5 or 10 years later in a logical way.

Personally I'd like to see an adult Saki or for the company to explore more netorase games as well done as this.

Clearly their is an audience.
Well, this is a game. And for the storytelling goes, it feels a little off to see "Marina is only for Kenji." I don't think they explained enough in the game or maybe I missed it so I wanted to ask you guys. Now if we see history of Marina games,
1. Marina agreed to fuck other men without much hesitation.
2. Marina admitted that she was going to leave Kenji for an AV actor because sex was so good. Don't tell me there was any other reason, they only met for maybe a couple of months. They never had a date, they never had a conversation as a relationship builder, they never had common interest. It was pure fuck but she admitted that she would have left Kenji if it continued.
3. I don't want to spoil for Marina 3 but what happens in Marina 3 totally contradicts Marina 2.

So is Marina really devoted to Kenji? I hate to argue with you but her admitting that she was going to leave Kenji for Yamashita if it continued proves that she could/should be corrupted all the way. I will stop here because I kept deleting what I am writing because of spoilers for Marina 3.

I am not criticizing Marina 3. I am very happy with everything but I think Marina's point of view could have been a little less about how faithful Marina is to Kenji. Which I think ruined NTR element of the game little.

Now let em touch little bit about real life love too. I mentioned this before, there have been too many cases of cheating spouses. All of us have seen in real life, a wife leaving a husband after cheating, after getting pregnant by her lover, home wrecked. That is real life. In fact, I think cases of soul mate/true love is rarer that divorce/cheating. So I don't think it is unrealistic to have a story of completely corrupted wife.

I like how you said she is both angel and whore lol... Well said and it pretty much summed up why she is attractive character but since I am more fan of a little harder NTR, I wanted her to be a whore and betrayed all of us. :D I think we must have different values because the last time I checked...
Ojisan's first sex scene with Marina involves getting her dead drunk, taking her back to a hotel room where shes passed out - then she wakes up tied to the bed naked where he then has his way with her.

Thats rape 101. Full on criminal offense level and the worst kind because men who often do this blame the victim for it to protect themselves. aka rape culture.

His first sex scene basically shows him to be a villian, who clearly only cares about his own self interests no matter who they might hurt.

As for that whole Monaco/gambler storyline - ya in most countries we call that kinda person a deadbeat, regardless he seems more like a con man to me then anything else.

I mean lets not forget he MEETS Marina as an underage teenager on the internet just to have sex with her in the gaiden series. Something that even in Japan can get you arrested.

He's certainly not somebody I'd want to be friends with, if for no other reason that I expect he'd probably steal from me in the most basic sense (ie personal goods lying around the house)

Well, I really don't want to be arguing but I think most of Japanese AV's or H games first sex start with women saying no to main character. I think it is because of the culture. I almost think any Japanese women in games are expected to say no even though she wants it because of it is just expected from Japanese women. So does that make main character a bad guy? By the way, I am only talking about fictional setting so do not think that no means yes in Japanese women.

And since the basic setting of Marina 3 is that Marina wants to quit and wanted to be only devoted to Kenji that would have been only way to get the sexual relationship started as far as the story telling. That is why I am a little critical of the way the story went because Atelier Sakura limited themselves too much by starting with that preset of Marina loves Kenji so much and she wants to quit fucking other men. With that preset, I think only choice Atelier Sakura/Onboro had was for the first sex scene was that. I think the story would have been alot smoother if;
1. Kenji tells Marina that he wants Marina to fuck other men.
2. Marina truly feels disappointed by Kenji but agrees to do it.
3. Marina choose ojisan because they loved each other previously.
4. As they have sex and reconect, Marina truly realizes that this is not the type of life she wants to live.
5. Marina is starting to be disgusted by Kenji's more and more.
6. More she feels disgusted by Kenji, she feels drawn to ojisan due to him being more understanding as a older man.
7. She realizes that she fell in love with ojisan all over again.
8. She starts doing more kinky things (Cosplay, piercing, and little bit of tattoo maybe) for ojisan because she loves him and wants to satisfy him.
9. She decides to break the news to Kenji but doesn't know how.
10. Ojisan offers to show their love making to Kenji and show how truly they love each other.
11. The final confrontation begins.
12. Marina shows her piercing (clit) for the first time to Kenji and tells him the piercings are made from their wedding ring.
13. Ojisan has a new set of wedding ring for Marina and him.
14. As Marina gets creampied, she reveals that she has not been taking pills and takes the new ring on her finger and claim that she is not ojisan's wife.
15. While all that is going on, Kenji stays silence.
16. After all love making was done, Kenji quitely start telling Marina, about first time he fell in love with her, the movies/TV shows they watched together, and ultimately memory and experience of raising fruit of their love Saki.
17. Marina chooses Kenji and asks ojisan to give up on her.
18. Ojisan quitely walks out and Marina and Kenji returns.

I know it is very similar to Kenji's view point of Marina 3 but I really think it would have been better if Marina falls/corrupted but Kenji wins her back in the end. And Kenji is ready accept Marina no matter how much she got corrupted. And that is his love.

By the way, I am just saying my wish. And I am not criticizing Marina 3 because I am actually pretty happy with it. Just think it would have been more erotic and story would have been smoother without involving drugs or rape.

Hmmm, I thought more people would jump to discussion because i thought more people would have played Marina 3 by now... Oh well...
You're just a little late to the talk about Akatsuki, just that.


Yeah no.
Kind of random discussion but I have started watching Bakemonogatari because I heard about NTR in there, lol. Senjougahara definitely stole Araragi from Hankawa, lol. NTR'ed, bang! lol
Kind of random discussion but I have started watching Bakemonogatari because I heard about NTR in there, lol. Senjougahara definitely stole Araragi from Hankawa, lol. NTR'ed, bang! lol
The NTR there is that Kaiki was Hitagi's first man and not Koyomi.
First, please go back and fix your replies revealing all my spoilers. Kinda makes it pointless otherwise if your just showing it to everybody in your replies.

Now let em touch little bit about real life love too. I mentioned this before, there have been too many cases of cheating spouses. All of us have seen in real life, a wife leaving a husband after cheating, after getting pregnant by her lover, home wrecked. That is real life. In fact, I think cases of soul mate/true love is rarer that divorce/cheating. So I don't think it is unrealistic to have a story of completely corrupted wife.

Actually statistically the whole 50% of marriages end in divorce is myth. Divorce has actually fallen by a further 10% since the early 90's and continues to decline. I think your kinda looking at the world very negatively, and most divorces that do end with a child usually involve the husband knocking up another (younger) women. Its actually more common for a wife to have an affair and NOT divorce her husband or tell him that the child isn't his (if thats the case) then for her to leave him.

If a women leaves her husband usually its for a LOT more then just sex, affairs for most women are a lot more about emotion then they are for men. Plus people who are "in love" don't tend to sleep with other people, its when they fall out of love they do. Often many marriages end because the couple have become to familiar with one another like brother and sister if not for other reasons like money issues, ect.

2. Marina admitted that she was going to leave Kenji for an AV actor because sex was so good. Don't tell me there was any other reason, they only met for maybe a couple of months. They never had a date, they never had a conversation as a relationship builder, they never had common interest. It was pure fuck but she admitted that she would have left Kenji if it continued.
3. I don't want to spoil for Marina 3 but what happens in Marina 3 totally contradicts Marina 2.

So is Marina really devoted to Kenji? I hate to argue with you but her admitting that she was going to leave Kenji for Yamashita if it continued proves that she could/should be corrupted all the way. I will stop here because I kept deleting what I am writing because of spoilers for Marina 3.

This is what I've commented on before as broken canon (meaning it breaks the main plot/doesn't fit). Marina ONLY says this once and very randomly. Going back to it, I think she said it to Yamashita to make him want more then just sex with a women (which he states later he does) rather then imply she actually wanted to. Marina has proven to be very manipulative in making men want other things.

The only really question is if the writer was smart enough to be thinking this when he wrote that scene or if it was just bad writing. If it is bad writing then it was also said in the "heat" of the moment, clearly Marina is only thinking about the physical, she isn't thinking about her family or what that would mean for Saki. Still I'd like to think she was just manipulating him as again she never showed any emotion towards him otherwise.

Plus NO relationship EVER lasts based on lust, it burns out very fast. Real relationships require a lot more then just sex, especially when they involve children.

Honestly I just prefer to pretend that scene never happened or again was used to manipulate him into wanting more with another women - or simply added for fan service for people that wanted to hear her say that.

Let me put it this way, if that one VERY short scene wasn't in part 2 - would have you enjoyed it more?
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Now all arguments aside of broken canon, was anybody actually DISAPPOINTED by the Marina/Ojisan sex scenes? To me they felt too well...sterile, too basic. For such a slimy dude I wanted him to do more kinky things with her as not only does he seem the type but I kinda expected it since thats what was hinted at.

I know this was more shown via the Marina/Kenji "scenes" (and boy does she go to the extreme) and I think they did a REALLY good job with the kenji/marina scenes - but I really felt the actually scenes involving Ojisan/Marina seemed...boring to be honest. If not recycled from previous games but even more generic.

Then it kinda occurred to me that nearly ALL of this companies NTR games are pretty basic when it actually comes to the sex itself. In this sense it never really gets creative or crazy, just lots of missionary and doggy style mixed with blowjobs. No?
Now all arguments aside of broken canon, was anybody actually DISAPPOINTED by the Marina/Ojisan sex scenes? To me they felt too well...sterile, too basic. For such a slimy dude I wanted him to do more kinky things with her as not only does he seem the type but I kinda expected it since thats what was hinted at.
Same here, the CGs weren't to my liking, from an artistic point of view they're good but as a critique it lacked creativity to try something else besides the usual.

I know this was more shown via the Marina/Kenji "scenes" (and boy does she go to the extreme) and I think they did a REALLY good job with the kenji/marina scenes - but I really felt the actually scenes involving Ojisan/Marina seemed...boring to be honest. If not recycled from previous games but even more generic.
That's because it took some things from the previous guys Hiroto and Yamashita mixed together.

What made up for those two points is the voice acting.

Then it kinda occurred to me that nearly ALL of this companies NTR games are pretty basic when it actually comes to the sex itself. In this sense it never really gets creative or crazy, just lots of missionary and doggy style mixed with blowjobs. No?
Yeap, not even Elf could escape from their own bubble when it come to the most blatant cliches from the genre.

How many of these
Is used on VN these days? (seriously does nobody cares about this one?)
2 days left for Ayame-chan game.
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Now all arguments aside of broken canon, was anybody actually DISAPPOINTED by the Marina/Ojisan sex scenes? To me they felt too well...sterile, too basic. For such a slimy dude I wanted him to do more kinky things with her as not only does he seem the type but I kinda expected it since thats what was hinted at.

yup, ojisan sex is way too uh.. casual not exciting type of sex.

The first sex when marina was bounded have soo much potential to be the kind of kinky crazy sex worthy for ojisan, but eh...

the last sex scenes was rough full of snots, tears, saliva's, but it doesnt seem "hardcore" enough, i mean sure marina was panting, moaning, hell begging for the D, but thats it.

But yea, hell marina's scene with kenji was pretty damn hot, that black lingerie, the phone sex with ojisan.. fuck i was hoping marina will bring that lingerie and fuck with ojisan on that.. meh.

I want something hardcore like what happened in anim's tsuma o biniku o ijiru at least, i mean Anim.teammm sex scenes are all pretty hardcore imo, the kind of sex that can break a woman's mind.
It don't think it was about being "hardcore" but about being more kinky like someone said above.
It don't think it was about being "hardcore" but about being more kinky like someone said above.

hmm sorry it was just in my mind hardcore == more kinky with more toys, anal play, teasing, rough pounding..

while casual is just the standard missionary, one round finish.

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