Leifthrasir [LPW #147]

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/me debates whether to try :kurochan_hmm:

It wouldnt be a very effective trash can if it ran from everyone

/me hides behind vel chan instead~ :kurochan_climb:

At least I wont be the last

Vel chan is being meannnnn :runaway:

/me tries a tiny speck :lapi_annoyed:

And to make sure~ /me clings to velenora~ :rr_mmm:

Trrrrrry :alice_4u: /me shoves the food in front of Samy's face.

It only needs to run when it's eavesdropping on people :anblink:

WAH, DON'T HIDE BEHIND ME! :alice_shock: /me runs away.

Touche, my friend. Touche.

Y-you were trying to hack my stuff! :akazukin_but:

:alice_glitter: You tried it! YAY! :alice_happy: So how does it taste??

/me continues hugging Samy :rr_hug:

Congrats Vel-chan~
Don't worry much about the results cause you'll excel in them :fulfilled:
Let's celebrate with bishies from free! XD

Missed you too, we've been waiting:akazukin_yahoo:

Thank you, Dawn-chan! :fulfilled: I really hope so :bigeyes:


/me hugs Dawn-chan tightly
Thank you, Dawn-chan! :fulfilled: I really hope so :bigeyes:


/me hugs Dawn-chan tightly

Yes you will because I've already threatened the lecturer marking the exam sheets:kurochan_yandere:

Wet!!! <3 :kurochan_kyaa:

/me hugs back :nekopara_hug:
Yes you will because I've already threatened the lecturer marking the exam sheets:kurochan_yandere:

Wet!!! <3 :kurochan_kyaa:

/me hugs back :nekopara_hug:

Really?? :alice_glitter: Thank you, partner! :lapi_cheer:

I know right? It's glorious~ :alice_love:
[MENTION=115385]Neruko[/MENTION]; Goodnight imouto-chan! :bye:
:hi: [MENTION=55154]Shinseph[/MENTION]; & [MENTION=116555]Rain Summerfields[/MENTION];
someone with AC please adopt me, I make a great addition to any household
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