[Hentai game] [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game] [Crack]

Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Como joden con los cracks enserio sean buenas personas y pasen los cracks please

Just pointing the fact that we speak english, or we won't be able to understand what you're asking for....
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Still waiting for crack…
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Anyone thats played it have a comment/mini-review on it?

Just wondering if its any good. Anim just released like 2 games so close to each other...I've never seen them do that (this is the first time I paid attention so, dont know if they've done this in the past).

Feels like one of the two games didnt get the "Full" Anim treatment. the other game was ....Ok, I guess its great for fans of swapping. but compared to the first Kabetsuma, the second game wasnt that great.

So is it because they sent all the resources to this game or is it because they split the resources and now we just get two "meh" games?

( I actually have this game on its way. just wont get here for a week or two, just very anxious to play it)

I don't think so. Anim is big company. They have different staff for different game. It's not a problem for them. They done it like that many times in the past. Besides, it's work of different companies. Kabetsuma been done by AnimTeamMM, imprint company (they have one more imprint, Mother & Wife). And this one by original Anim. I liked Kabetsuma 2. Haven't tried this one, but by the looks of it it's very good. Animation, characters... Main theme from previous Mesu Ochi Kyonyuu Tsuma.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

I don't think so. Anim is big company. They have different staff for different game. It's not a problem for them. They done it like that many times in the past. Besides, it's work of different companies. Kabetsuma been done by AnimTeamMM, imprint company (they have one more imprint, Mother & Wife). And this one by original Anim. I liked Kabetsuma 2. Haven't tried this one, but by the looks of it it's very good. Animation, characters... Main theme from previous Mesu Ochi Kyonyuu Tsuma.

Kabetsuma 2 was good, but not as good as 1. Maybe its just me but I didnt really like boss' wife. I liked the hidden plot and what she tells you in one of the route, felt new and nice but...uno.
Liked both ladies in Kabetsuma 1 plus liked the story ( similar to KT2, i know).

Thanks for the info on Anim I did not realize they were "big" I know they've been around a long time (I've been playing eroges for the past ~11-12 years) I've just never stuck with another company long enough to know their facts, currently my favs are BISHOP and Silky's, but now have added Anim and Atelier Sakura to the list. (I love my ntr).
Just never took the time to dig into their other branches (dont think BISHOP has one, unless those H-Voices are from them too...but I think its just a company with the same name but in lowercase, and Silky's has been doing a lot of games with Sakura lately)

Sorry for the off-topic, but thanks for the insight on Anim.
Now that I know this is from the main Anim branch, I'm a bit more excited...I think. my fav from TeamMM has been 妻の媚肉を弄る父の太い指 (tsuma chichi) so I could be coming at this backwards, and really just love TeamMM side of Anim.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Anxiously waiting for crack. :)
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Kabetsuma 2 was good, but not as good as 1. Maybe its just me but I didnt really like boss' wife. I liked the hidden plot and what she tells you in one of the route, felt new and nice but...uno.
Liked both ladies in Kabetsuma 1 plus liked the story ( similar to KT2, i know).

Thanks for the info on Anim I did not realize they were "big" I know they've been around a long time (I've been playing eroges for the past ~11-12 years) I've just never stuck with another company long enough to know their facts, currently my favs are BISHOP and Silky's, but now have added Anim and Atelier Sakura to the list. (I love my ntr).
Just never took the time to dig into their other branches (dont think BISHOP has one, unless those H-Voices are from them too...but I think its just a company with the same name but in lowercase, and Silky's has been doing a lot of games with Sakura lately)

Sorry for the off-topic, but thanks for the insight on Anim.
Now that I know this is from the main Anim branch, I'm a bit more excited...I think. my fav from TeamMM has been 妻の媚肉を弄る父の太い指 (tsuma chichi) so I could be coming at this backwards, and really just love TeamMM side of Anim.

Personally, i don't really like netorare. I like netori better. So i liked other's wifes and stuff with them in both Kabetsumas more.
And i like original Anim's works more than darker TeamMM. And, especially Mother & Wife imprint. Cuz i'm fan of good incest. It's just like a paradise. That's one of the reasons why i excited about new Mesu Ochi.

I play eroges (especially vn) for years too and have pretty much the same favourite companies as you do, but mostly permanent ones. Silky's Sakura (new Karizuma is hot) and Silky' Plus (Akeiro), Bishop, WAFFLE (many different stuff), TinkerBell (some old ones great, some new too), Cattleya (just all of them), Heiantei, Hadashi Shoujo, Erectlip, Lune, Miel, Alice Soft (Tsumamigui series one of the best), Orcsoft etc... but i like usual good romance + comedy vn too. Like Candy Soft do.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Personally, i don't really like netorare. I like netori better. So i liked other's wifes and stuff with them in both Kabetsumas more.
And i like original Anim's works more than darker TeamMM. And, especially Mother & Wife imprint. Cuz i'm fan of good incest. It's just like a paradise. That's one of the reasons why i excited about new Mesu Ochi.

Ah I just like the female perspective, not a fan of "Only the Husband" route where theres scenes catching little glimpses of her and the other guy. annnd Netorase, even tho the Kabetsuma games all start Netorase (hubby makes wife or allows wife to sleep with other guy, a.k.a swapping, kind of)
Was actually hoping there was a "NTR" subgenre for the female perspective NTR, but oddly enough, none has be coined, unless I missed it.

I play eroges (especially vn) for years too and have pretty much the same favourite companies as you do, but mostly permanent ones. Silky's Sakura (new Karizuma is hot) and Silky' Plus (Akeiro), Bishop, WAFFLE (many different stuff), TinkerBell (some old ones great, some new too), Cattleya (just all of them), Heiantei, Hadashi Shoujo, Erectlip, Lune, Miel, Alice Soft (Tsumamigui series one of the best), Orcsoft etc... but i like usual good romance + comedy vn too. Like Candy Soft do.

Amazing list sir. love and like almost the entire list.
Wasnt sure who "Hadashi Shoujo" was till I googled it. INO! <3 love the artstyle I own the physical Oshioki Sweets bundle set just because I wanted to own some of Ino' work.

No love for Crossnet/Omega Star ? (ω-star) Happoubi Jin
another circle, I definitely want to own. but I keep missing their games...well more like I only recently got into buying the games, love B2s.
I mainly got into Anime for the story and Hentai and Ecchi for the at. Eroges and Doujin/shi just brought those two together. so I'll play almost anything with awesome art. but your list consists of some of my favs for other genres. Just wish NTR wasnt so niche, glad to see it growing, but wish it would speed up.

EDIT: (forgot to hit reply, left this up all day) My game came in the mail!. got the Sofmap B2, looks awesome....cant hang any of em up(dont live alone or in Japan) so, into storage they go. Just started Install. =D

And you cant forget Jellyfish! and Erogos! now those studio put some amazing work into their games. fully animated. hand drawn, amazing!
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

I like anim games of wife and mother is one of the best sagas they have and the type of netori makes the beautiful milfs should make another title
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Ah I just like the female perspective, not a fan of "Only the Husband" route where theres scenes catching little glimpses of her and the other guy. annnd Netorase, even tho the Kabetsuma games all start Netorase (hubby makes wife or allows wife to sleep with other guy, a.k.a swapping, kind of)
Was actually hoping there was a "NTR" subgenre for the female perspective NTR, but oddly enough, none has be coined, unless I missed it.

Amazing list sir. love and like almost the entire list.
Wasnt sure who "Hadashi Shoujo" was till I googled it. INO! <3 love the artstyle I own the physical Oshioki Sweets bundle set just because I wanted to own some of Ino' work.

No love for Crossnet/Omega Star ? (ω-star) Happoubi Jin
another circle, I definitely want to own. but I keep missing their games...well more like I only recently got into buying the games, love B2s.
I mainly got into Anime for the story and Hentai and Ecchi for the at. Eroges and Doujin/shi just brought those two together. so I'll play almost anything with awesome art. but your list consists of some of my favs for other genres. Just wish NTR wasnt so niche, glad to see it growing, but wish it would speed up.

EDIT: (forgot to hit reply, left this up all day) My game came in the mail!. got the Sofmap B2, looks awesome....cant hang any of em up(dont live alone or in Japan) so, into storage they go. Just started Install. =D

And you cant forget Jellyfish! and Erogos! now those studio put some amazing work into their games. fully animated. hand drawn, amazing!

I kinda like wife's perspective too. What i didn't like in netorare is when protagonist is a guy and his wife, sister etc. starting to seriously enjoying doing it with others, and protagonist is really hurt. Kabetsumas is definitely in swapping genre, and i like swapping cuz no one to seriously judge, no one to seriously blame. Things they do is on free will etc. without any rape and other dark stuff.

Oh, i forgot about ω-star in my list. I love their works too.

Amazing artwork is one of the reasons why i choose particular vn. But good story is the reason why i read it to the end. I don't really stuck at NTR genre, i like just vanilla stuff too, maybe with good incest like in Anim's Musuko Mama series too.

Well, you're lucky then. :) All others just destined to wait for crack))

And yeah, i've read Jellyfish and Erogos works too.

I like anim games of wife and mother is one of the best sagas they have and the type of netori makes the beautiful milfs should make another title

I completely agree. And we are lucky! They do it already. New Itsu made mo Boku dake no Mama no mama de ite! would be released on December 22. I'm excited.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

I kinda like wife's perspective too. What i didn't like in netorare is when protagonist is a guy and his wife, sister etc. starting to seriously enjoying doing it with others, and protagonist is really hurt. Kabetsumas is definitely in swapping genre, and i like swapping cuz no one to seriously judge, no one to seriously blame. Things they do is on free will etc. without any rape and other dark stuff.

Oh, i forgot about ω-star in my list. I love their works too.

Amazing artwork is one of the reasons why i choose particular vn. But good story is the reason why i read it to the end. I don't really stuck at NTR genre, i like just vanilla stuff too, maybe with good incest like in Anim's Musuko Mama series too.

Well, you're lucky then. :) All others just destined to wait for crack))

And yeah, i've read Jellyfish and Erogos works too.

I completely agree. And we are lucky! They do it already. New Itsu made mo Boku dake no Mama no mama de ite! would be released on December 22. I'm excited.

Me too i quote Akihiko-san and Bill.
I like netori game, or vanilla game. I like love story in the game. I like good story. I like incest/normal/romantic/passional sex. But netorare? Hell no! I really hate it. There is no sense in that story. There is no sense in a protagonist who cry, suffer pain and does nothing to stop the Bully/bastard man who steal you woman. Specially in love story or incest story. There is no way that a lover/mother/aunt/sister go with a bastard man in that way. A man or a woman betray for a good reason. But i think that we are going out topic. So... T_T i wanna the crack to play it!
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

I completely agree. And we are lucky! They do it already. New Itsu made mo Boku dake no Mama no mama de ite! would be released on December 22. I'm excited.

Right there with you.
Looks fantastic.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Right there with you.
Looks fantastic.

Same, but i wouldn't get too excited.

It'll most likely need a crack. Given how long this one is taking it'll be ages before we can even use it.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

Not really a problem for me anymore. I just used to waiting (you can just play other new eroges, there always plenty). And all, even very long waiting 100% worth it, cuz Anim games always amazing.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

When will the crack come out?
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

I think if the crack came out girlcelly would be one of the first to know.

Have no idea how the first 3 ANIM mother & wife titles were cracked.. did they have a different DRM?
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

I think if the crack came out girlcelly would be one of the first to know.

Have no idea how the first 3 ANIM mother & wife titles were cracked.. did they have a different DRM?

No, like i said : mikocon cracked all this games long time ago, but you can have them only if you become VIP on mikocon website. Mikocon's admin delays crack's public release on purpose. Just wait and see. 3 Mother & Wife games been delayed too, and we only got them after some months.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

No, like i said : mikocon cracked all this games long time ago, but you can have them only if you become VIP on mikocon website. Mikocon's admin delays crack's public release on purpose. Just wait and see. 3 Mother & Wife games been delayed too, and we only got them after some months.

First of all sorry for me bad english.

Well Akihiko-san is not interely tru who you say. On this forum other then girlcelly there is Flowertradewind. Who i think work with mikocon as a well. And if i remember correctly... when mother & wife 3 come out, not girlcelly not flower post it soon. First both the crack and the game stay on mikocon for 3 month. then both Girl/flower post the game here.

For this game is different, both girl/flower post the game in the same time, but not crack. So or the roule are change and they can post the game but not the crack. Or perphes mikocon do not have the crack right now. And if i am right... we need to wait more the 3 mount. but >.> 4 or 5 mounth. Because when the patch come out and if is mikocon who made it. Then... first stay exclusively there for 3 mount than come here. So long time first to made it, than for give the crack at us T_T i think. I hope that i am wrong.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

First of all sorry for me bad english.

Well Akihiko-san is not interely tru who you say. On this forum other then girlcelly there is Flowertradewind. Who i think work with mikocon as a well. And if i remember correctly... when mother & wife 3 come out, not girlcelly not flower post it soon. First both the crack and the game stay on mikocon for 3 month. then both Girl/flower post the game here.

For this game is different, both girl/flower post the game in the same time, but not crack. So or the roule are change and they can post the game but not the crack. Or perphes mikocon do not have the crack right now. And if i am right... we need to wait more the 3 mount. but >.> 4 or 5 mounth. Because when the patch come out and if is mikocon who made it. Then... first stay exclusively there for 3 mount than come here. So long time first to made it, than for give the crack at us T_T i think. I hope that i am wrong.

Yeah, rules definitely change. Now they release all games (not just Anim) immediately. But without crack. Maybe it's better for them that way, who knows. I don't know about that game, but mikocon have previous Anim game and almost all others. And i think Flowertradewind is one of mikocon's admins (or moderators). We just have to wait anyway.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

First of all sorry for me bad english.

Well Akihiko-san is not interely tru who you say. On this forum other then girlcelly there is Flowertradewind. Who i think work with mikocon as a well. And if i remember correctly... when mother & wife 3 come out, not girlcelly not flower post it soon. First both the crack and the game stay on mikocon for 3 month. then both Girl/flower post the game here.

For this game is different, both girl/flower post the game in the same time, but not crack. So or the roule are change and they can post the game but not the crack. Or perphes mikocon do not have the crack right now. And if i am right... we need to wait more the 3 mount. but >.> 4 or 5 mounth. Because when the patch come out and if is mikocon who made it. Then... first stay exclusively there for 3 mount than come here. So long time first to made it, than for give the crack at us T_T i think. I hope that i am wrong.

For most of the games, some Japanese uploader uploaded the game, which we post that copy. If we happen to have bought the same game, and have a file of same quality, we post our own file as own bought.

Except own-bought, whoever post (the same file) first, only mean someone happened to be awake at that time, or has faster servers to download. Neither of us is the first person to post, nor is this a hint of whether a crack is going to be available.

Obviously the uploader doesn't give a key. Some people offered us a key, but we don't use them most of the time, because making a working release will void the key (so the provider himself can't play it anymore)

We crack these game by buying a legit copy of the game, so that we have our own serial key to do decryption. Certain people may be able to do it without a key, but that is not my concern (other than that it increases the difficulty of future cracks).

Ultimately there is a very high cost for us to make a crack, and posting on public internet does not allow us to recover that cost.

The best I can suggest is you buy your own copy of the game.
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Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

For most of the games, some Japanese uploader uploaded the game, which we post that copy. If we happen to have bought the same game, and have a file of same quality, we post our own file as own bought.

Except own-bought, whoever post (the same file) first, only mean someone happened to be awake at that time, or has faster servers to download. Neither of us is the first person to post, nor is this a hint of whether a crack is going to be available.

Obviously the uploader doesn't give a key. Some people offered us a key, but we don't use them most of the time, because making a working release will void the key (so the provider himself can't play it anymore)

We crack these game by buying a legit copy of the game, so that we have our own serial key to do decryption. Certain people may be able to do it without a key, but that is not my concern (other than that it increases the difficulty of future cracks).

Ultimately there is a very high cost for us to make a crack, and posting on public internet does not allow us to recover that cost.

The best I can suggest is you buy your own copy of the game.

Hi Flower *_*
The real question is... can i buy a game on internet? If i can... surely i buy it. But unfortunately i cant T_T so i can only wait and see if someone can and help us to play also the game.
Again sorry for me bad english i hope who i write is not wrong. Is hard to explain in english.
I just hope not to have said or written something bad. Because I always thank all the people who buy and posting what they buy. Because without you all it would be highly difficult to be able to play all this wanderfull games. So again thanks for all the game your all upload here. I can only wait and see and hope^^
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

en ex-hentai ya subieron las HCG ya liberaron el crack o que pex?
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

todavía no hay crack para este juego y tambien si buscas en ex-hentai tambien esta el cg del anterior juego de Anim "Kabe no Mukou no Tsuma no Koe 2" que tambien de ese juego no hay crack hasta el momento.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

This games is really expensive. You can't just buy them all. Personally, i can't buy even one of them. I'm just not a rich, and not a millionaire. So only choice for me is wait.
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

todavía no hay crack para este juego y tambien si buscas en ex-hentai tambien esta el cg del anterior juego de Anim "Kabe no Mukou no Tsuma no Koe 2" que tambien de ese juego no hay crack hasta el momento.

vaya extraño ver gente que habla en español en esta pagina yo pensaba que solo habia angloparlantes
Re: [161028] [ANIM] メス堕ち!魅惑の人妻ライフ ~年上妻たちとのいちゃらぶ汁だく性活~ [H-Game]

This games is really expensive. You can't just buy them all. Personally, i can't buy even one of them. I'm just not a rich, and not a millionaire. So only choice for me is wait.

I really see more and more protection against piracy in the eroges the truth is a shame since it is very difficult to buy and enjoy this type of titles for people that we are from the West and we do not have the resources to be buying these titles.

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