[Utility] HiR_Neo

If you do not install Mod of other modder, please edit an abdata\studioneo\info\00.unity3d directly.
The ItemList_00_00-ItemList_13_00 in the its file is so.
Therefore HiR_Neo is not necessary.


I have ton of mods, and I want to delete them out of my neo studio
Please give me an easier explanation because I still dont understand #1

Why and how should I make an item list for introduction to studio neo under the abdata\studioneo\HoneyselectItemResolver
>I have ton of mods, and I want to delete them out of my neo studio
#27 >Please overwrite by the its file, The item list returns to a official state.
Only official item is left if you do it.
And HiR_Neo is not necessary.

Anyway, The item list returns to a official state.
Then if you want to add only the item which you made , please do #29
The one line in the ItemList_00_00-ItemList_13_00 have a following structure.
Please study how official items is written.
Then, you understand how you should add a new item there.

(This is not a thing for modder.
This way is for adding an item in individuals)

column1:管理番号=Slot ID
set the Slot ID except the Slot ID that other items use.

0 = 基本形 = Basic form
1 = ベース = Base
2 = 家具 = Furniture
3 = オブジェ = Object
4 = 食材 = Food
5 = 武器 = Weapons
6 = 小物 = Small
7 = キャラ = for Character
8 = Hアイテム = H-Items
9 = 液体 = Liquid
10 = 2D効果 = 2D Effect
11 = エフェクト = Effect
12 = ギミック = Gimmick
13 = 3DSE = 3D Sound Effect

column3:名称=item name(Used for select to item in the studio neo)

If an item file includes material & texture, set is not necessary.

column5:バンドルパス=A path and file name to an item file

column6:ファイルパス=animator file name in column5's file

colmun7:子の接続先=jointed object
When making a gimmick item, this is used.

colmun8:アニメがあるか=use animation

colmun9:色替え:use to color1 adjustment
True or False

colmun10:色替え対象:appoint frame for color1 adjustment

colmun11:色替え(カラー2):use to color2 adjustment
True or False

colmun12:色替え対象(カラー2):appoint frame for color2 adjustment

colmun13:拡縮判定:Can change the item size
True or False
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Reactions: Lewdduck
>I have ton of mods, and I want to delete them out of my neo studio
#27 >Please overwrite by the its file, The item list returns to a official state.
Only official item is left if you do it.
And HiR_Neo is not necessary.

Anyway, The item list returns to a official state.
Then if you want to add only the item which you made , please do #29
The one line in the ItemList_00_00-ItemList_13_00 have a following structure.
Please study how official items is written.
Then, you understand how you should add a new item there.

(This is not a thing for modder.
This way is for adding an item in individuals)

column1:管理番号=Slot ID
set the Slot ID except the Slot ID that other items use.

0 = 基本形 = Basic form
1 = ベース = Base
2 = 家具 = Furniture
3 = オブジェ = Object
4 = 食材 = Food
5 = 武器 = Weapons
6 = 小物 = Small
7 = キャラ = for Character
8 = Hアイテム = H-Items
9 = 液体 = Liquid
10 = 2D効果 = 2D Effect
11 = エフェクト = Effect
12 = ギミック = Gimmick
13 = 3DSE = 3D Sound Effect

column3:名称=item name(Used for select to item in the studio neo)

If an item file includes material & texture, set is not necessary.

column5:バンドルパス=A path and file name to an item file

column6:ファイルパス=animator file name in column5's file

colmun7:子の接続先=jointed object
When making a gimmick item, this is used.

colmun8:アニメがあるか=use animation

colmun9:色替え:use to color1 adjustment
True or False

colmun10:色替え対象:appoint frame for color1 adjustment

colmun11:色替え(カラー2):use to color2 adjustment
True or False

colmun12:色替え対象(カラー2):appoint frame for color2 adjustment

colmun12:拡縮判定:Can change the item size
True or False

I get it now, so you are telling me the whole time that if I want to add individual mod to neo studio from now, I need to follow this structure right? Which one is the right place to do this? SB3UGS?

I was confused that I have to do something after I return 00.unity.3d to official state, I just run HiR neo and it works, studio neo get rid of the mods just now.

Thank you very much, and sorry for taking your time.

Edit: the mod maps are not gone? what am I doing wrong here.. Its those mod maps that you can pick them at the same place with official game maps
>I need to follow this structure right?
Yes, it is right.

>Which one is the right place to do this? SB3UGS?
It is in the SB3UGS.

(Because the map of mods is not items, HiR is not related)
The map of Mods disappears if delete the file except the following file under the abdata\map
00.unity3d, 00.unity3d.manifest, 04.unity3d, 08.unity3d, 15.unity3d, 19.unity3d, 20.unity3d
(These files are official maps)

However, map of mods is disappeared in the studio of old version too when do it .
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Reactions: Yarryi and Lewdduck
<HiR_Neo V1.1.0>
V1.1.0 : Addition of the item's category

Original V1.1.0 : YashiroAmamiya
English translation: cur144

<For User>
If tick a "category advance box", some new category is added to Studio Neo when started HiR_Neo.
It can change it again and again whether you use its function.
And it doesn't influence scene data.


[About Additional New category]
[M]H item
[M]2D effect
[M]Basic form
[M]3D SE

The meaning of the [M] is MOD. (The thing without the [M] is a official category)
All item mods are added to the category mentioned above.
Item mods of Wall&Floor & House, Others, Medical category for old studio is added to Base or Object category by old version of HiR_Neo.
However, in "category advance" of this HiR_Neo, they are added to [M]Wall&Floor or [M]House, [M]Others, [M]Medical.

[About [M]UserDefine1-3 category]
If you want to use this function, it can change the category of the item mods to user definition.
However, only the item mods for studio neo are possible for it.

About category's No.

These are values of the defaults.
It can change category's No. & category's name by editing an AdvanceItemGroup_00.MonoBehaviour(Unzip File).
(However, please don't change it other than a [M]UserDefine1-3's line)
In addition, It can add new category too.

Then edit items list under the abdata\studioneo\HoneyselectItemResolver.

For Example:

<8813><8><Tang (Motion)><><studio/itemobj/honey/Cur_Hitem.unity3d><p_sita><><True><False><><False><><True>

Its item is added to a [M]UserDefine1 if red part changed from 8 to 70.
Then tick a "category advance box", and start the HiR_Neo.

<For Modder>
There is no change as this version in particular.
About the category of the item mods for studio neo, please look at #1.

About the category of the item mods for old studio, please look at here.

Please put the following unzip folder & three files in the same folder.

Download MediaFire

Download MEGA

<日本のユーザーへ(To Japanese user)>

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Reactions: Dr.Bloodmoney

I was wondering what 'category advance' meant. Very illuminating, thank you! Do I understand you correctly that it is possible to create more than 3 personal categories?

About addition of the user definition, please edit an AdvanceItemGroup_00.MonoBehaviour(Unzip file) in this way.

<63><[M]3D SE>


It can add the blue part and can change the category name.
(The addition more than it is possible too)
(In fact, it can change the category name of other lines too)

However, it must not add the red part(Category number = 99).
When wants to delete an item from an item's list on studio neo,
because user change the category number of the item to 99.

Modder can't release the item mods which added to a user definition category.
It must return to a category number like #1 if release it.
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Reactions: Dr.Bloodmoney
First, a big thank you to YashiroAmamiya/cur144 for their effort.

Second, the HiR_Neo V1.1.0 worked perfectly. Everything is listed correctly in Neo.
But the problem is, that I also still want to use the old studio because of the IK Animation mod which is not fully supported for Neo.

What do I have to do if I also want all the item mods in Neo to appear in the old studio?
Use the old Hir again?
I think Studio NEO is good if use the animation item mods.
Because, it can change the animation's speed.

There is the thing an animation didn't work in studio neo in my mod(for old studio)

Therefore, I remade a list of its items for studio neo.

It is the following remakes.

<><><8813><[color=#0000ff]7[/color]><Tang (Motion)><studio/itemobj/honey/Cur_Hitem.unity3d><p_sita>


<8813><[color=#0000ff]8[/color]><Tang (Motion)><><studio/itemobj/honey/Cur_Hitem.unity3d><p_sita><><[color=#ff0000]True[/color]><False><><False><><True>

1.Did change the category number from 7(H-item of old studio) to 8(H-item of studio neo).
2.Use animation sets a "True".
(Because, HiR_Neo converts 1. automatically, but doesn't 2.)

(If think about it adversely, it is a method of add from studio neo's item to old studio)

It should remake a list for HiR_Neo such as the above.
I recommend you ask to animation item mod's author for it.
However, it is terrible if there is much number of authors.
I entrust you.
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Reactions: Subsrulez
By the way, amamiya made the list of to be able to use studio neo's (only)official item in an old studio.

(105: 雨宮:2017/04/29 21:58 No.7636)

1.Unzip(abdata folder) in game root.
2.Execute the HiR(Not HiR_Neo).
3.Delete the thing which installed with 1.(abdata\studio\itemobj\honey\HoneyselectItemResolver\honeyselectparty.txt)
(Because, to prevent HiR_Neo from adding it to a Studio Neo again)

Its item is registered in Japanese, but may English translation Mod not support it(?)
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Reactions: Subsrulez
I think Studio NEO is good if use the animation item mods.
Because, it can change the animation's speed.

I would love to fully commit to Neo because of your animation item mods (they are awesome) ^^. Thanks for your pointers.

But with "IK animation mod" I meant vrl0ver's "HS Studio Addon Plugin" (where you can animate IK nodes) that still makes me use the old studio.
I love to create my own H animations :3. I can see why vrl0ver may not port it to NEO completely, because NEO has so many things to consider.

But thx for your advice below, cur144! It worked great for old studio.
HiR_Neo_1.1.0_eng writes error
the problem is that I don't know how to cope:
Please help:crushed:
The list of items might be broken for some reason.
Install file of the #27, it return an item list to official state.
Then execute HiR_Neo V1.1.0
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Reactions: Yarryi
Thank you master, but it didn't help.
Reinstalling the game identity is not helped.
Maybe I screwed up with the software.

My 1000 apologies to you, master.


The reason for my failures:
NTLEA Locale Emulator (in particular Japanese)

Excuse for troubling.
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HiR_Neo_1.1.0_eng writes error
the problem is that I don't know how to cope:
Please help:crushed:

The list of items might be broken for some reason.
Install file of the #27, it return an item list to official state.
Then execute HiR_Neo V1.1.0

Are there the following files or folder in the same folder?


And please look at here too.

What Yarri had shown happened to me too. I went to check the tools and software and everything was in order. I went to StudioNeo folder and inside the Info folder where studio item list is stored I saw that the file name 00.unity3d is changed to 00.unity3d$$$$$ or something similar like.

The fix I performed: I have a back-up of original 00.unity3d replace with the corrupt one and ran HiR Neo again.

Download this file (00.unity3d) and paste it : abdata\studioneo\info run HiRNeo again and tell me if it fix.
Thanks you very much. I followed the instructions. My problem was different.

And was very strange:donow:
HiR_Neo_1.1.0_eng writes error
the problem is that I don't know how to cope:
Please help:crushed:

The list of items might be broken for some reason.
Install file of the #27, it return an item list to official state.
Then execute HiR_Neo V1.1.0

Thanks you very much. I followed the instructions. My problem was different.

And was very strange:donow:

Okaaayyyy.... But did it fix or you still have the problem?

I think it will be... :evillaugh:

Thanks you very much. Ram-0-Ram

Thanks you very much. cur144
I want to know if there is a way to sort mod item lists, because it is bugging me when I see items from the same mod get mixed/splitting up by another mods.
Or I demand the function right here right now, if you please.. No rush, don't worry. :goodtea:
<HiR_Neo V1.1.0>
V1.1.0 : Addition of the item's category

Download MediaFire

Download MEGA

I started HiR Neo for the first time on HS Party main folder, and I never started earlier versions of HiR for old Studio/HS v1.1,

but.. it immediately gave me a serious mistake that prevents it from working: "impossible to find in D:\IllusionGames\HoneySelect Party\HoneySelect\studioneo\info\ItemList_00_00.MonoBehaviour"

How can I fix this, please?

Ps: I had forgotten to put up to the "abdata" folder in the path, now it works! :redface:

I noticed that many items were not found from HiR Neo, maybe because they are installed in the old Studio that requires to run the old HiR, which I have never used, maybe?
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@ Lewdduck
HiR_Neo 1.1.0 have categolize option. (see #30)
and, I have plugin for item search.(http://www.hongfire.com/forum/forum...17-07-09-add-new-cos-sutdio-item-plugin/page7 #91)

sort function is very difficult for me.

@ Marie Rose
No, HiR_Neo add old/neo sutido items to ItemList.
target file is this.


Everyone exists here is added.
No, HiR_Neo add old/neo sutido items to ItemList.
target file is this.


Everyone exists here is added.

In practice HiR Neo tells me he does not find some "unity3d" files, I guess because in fact there are not where they should be..

the problem is that it is not reminiscent of what mods belong to, so they can be properly re-installed with HiR Neo

here the lost/not-found files list:

many of @@TosiS@@/@@effect@@unity3d, and many of@@Sita@@-@@Sita2@@unitity3d, and 2 files of Cur/cf_cur_acs_LS.unity3d

Which mods belong to / come from?
@Marie Rose
Its mods were released in Japanese BBS.
I think installation is difficult if you don't understand a Japanese installation method,
and such a problem often happens to you in future too.
It is you should understand Japanese first to avoid it.

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okinawa wrote on Esan's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

okinawa wrote on Shine's profile.
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MRJK wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello Ryzen, would you mind if I will ask you to upload this? ( seem like a different version)
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Hello, in this post part 2 and 4 in mexashare are down. Could you please reupload ?? Thanks!
