[ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

No that FK box I don't have. Well than are some files missing.
Kop khun krab.

Have still to figure out which DLCs I not have. I have also no animations from the HS Battle and I can't start it too.

Well, looks like you are missing honeyparty_01_plus, it was like one of the very first ones that were released, it goes before the 5/12 one, but I'm not sure if that is your issue. You can install it and try, but I think you may have to install the rest of them again as well as your mods that get broken by the updates, but I could be wrong about that. One way to find out, make a backup and let the installation fun begin.


Oh and the Battle Arena stuff came out in two separate updates as well, but even with just the initial DLC you should be able to open them.
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Well thanks guys, I will see.
But I hope I can use the 4K texture with the Studio NEO.
Because some from my girls are using 4K textures.

Hmmm... well, that Arena is not really important, but those animation would be nice to have them.
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I don't know why but some times when enter H-scenes, i can't control the game though mouse or keyboards (H-scenes is still running but i can't do anything). My game is fully update and use latest translations. Help me pls :alice_cry:
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I don't know why but some times when enter H-scenes, i can't control the game though mouse or keyboards (H-scenes is still running but i can't do anything). My game is fully update and use latest translations. Help me pls :alice_cry:

That is weird.... what os are u on ?

Try un-install the whole game + delete all the mods + translations
( better delete the installed folder too ! c://illusion/HoneySelect )

install the game again in Japan regional + Japanese settings
( Use demon tool, mod iso -> run the Japanese.exe )
Don't install translations + any mods

See if u can run it first...
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Okay, so after relenting for so long, I finally, finally installed the new HS with Studio Neo. Tinkering with it, the possibility is greater, however a huge question now (apologizes if it's been answered but going through each page is a chore and their are 250+ as we speak) and I'm wondering is how does one move the neck, head and adjust them accordingly without messing up the animated animation?

Example, if I'm making a H-Scene and I want it to animate but also be able to adjust the head, as soon as I select either IK or FK, then it completely messes up the animation from it's original counterpart. However all I'm looking to do is simply adjusting the head, neck for better positioning.

Is there any way of adjusting these parts without having to select IK, and FK? Once again, I'm totally new to Studio Neo so it's quite confusing for me at the moment. Thanks in Advance.
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You can work around it by setting the neck to follow the camera, move the camera to desired angle, then set neck to freeze. Also match the IK/FK to animation (using the button in the IK/FK tab) as you need it.

...yeah, it's stupid to move neck and head movement entirely to FK.
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You can work around it by setting the neck to follow the camera, move the camera to desired angle, then set neck to freeze. Also match the IK/FK to animation (using the button in the IK/FK tab) as you need it.

...yeah, it's stupid to move neck and head movement entirely to FK.

Thank you for your reply, I'll tinker with that and hopefully get it working, and yes, it indeed is stupid to do such a thing when the previous Studio made it blatantly easy, while the neck and head fix was part of the other options that had the clothing removal, blush etc, etc which was so much easier.

Anyhow, last question is how does one remove/hide the UI entirely when taking pictures or filming? I was able to hide everything besides the menu on the top right (the top right menu which shows the menu, work, color etc, etc icons).
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Okay I figured it out, why I can't use FK items. It has something to do with Platicmind's HSParty Graphic Patch ver.170527 .
I made an clean install from the game and add step by step the mods.
At last I installed the 4K mod and suddenly the control box is not appearing, to have the possibility to activate the FK nodes.
So it means, that I need an updated 4K graphic patch for the DLC 06/30 Studio NEO.
It would be cool, if anyone can maybe update this graphic patch.

Btw, I found the Battle Arena stuff, but is this DLC important? --> 02 honeyparty_battle0609_sub

If someone have coding skills, than check this here out: https://github.com/0xd4d/dnSpy
The basic resolution limit is in CustomTextureControl, to find it in the Assembly-CSharp.dll
That assembly dll can be found in StudioNEO_64_Data --> Managed

using System;
using Manager;
using UnityEngine;

// Token: 0x020002BE RID: 702
public class CustomTextureControl
	// Token: 0x06001116 RID: 4374 RVA: 0x0000D09F File Offset: 0x0000B29F
	public CustomTextureControl()
		this.InitEnd = false;
		this.matDraw = null;

	// Token: 0x17000267 RID: 615
	// (get) Token: 0x06001117 RID: 4375 RVA: 0x0000D0B5 File Offset: 0x0000B2B5
	// (set) Token: 0x06001118 RID: 4376 RVA: 0x0000D0BD File Offset: 0x0000B2BD
	public Material matDraw
		private set;

	// Token: 0x17000268 RID: 616
	// (get) Token: 0x06001119 RID: 4377 RVA: 0x0000D0C6 File Offset: 0x0000B2C6
	// (set) Token: 0x0600111A RID: 4378 RVA: 0x0000D0CE File Offset: 0x0000B2CE
	public bool InitEnd
		private set;

	// Token: 0x0600111B RID: 4379 RVA: 0x0009D320 File Offset: 0x0009B520
	public void Initialize(string drawMatABName, string drawMatName, string createMatABName, string createMatName, int width, int height)
		this.InitEnd = false;
		this.matDraw = CommonLib.LoadAsset<Material>(drawMatABName, drawMatName, true, string.Empty);
		if (null == this.matDraw)
		this.matCreate = CommonLib.LoadAsset<Material>(createMatABName, createMatName, true, string.Empty);
		if (null == this.matCreate)
			this.matDraw = null;
		this.texMain = this.matCreate.GetTexture(Singleton<Character>.Instance._MainTex);
		if (Config.BasicSettings.enable4KSkinDiffuse)
			width = 4096;
			height = 4096;
		this.createTex = new RenderTexture(width, height, 0);
		if (Config.BasicSettings.enableSkinDiffuseMipMap)
			this.createTex.filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear;
			this.createTex.useMipMap = true;
		this.InitEnd = true;

	// Token: 0x0600111C RID: 4380 RVA: 0x0000D0D7 File Offset: 0x0000B2D7
	public void Release()
		this.createTex = null;
		this.matDraw = null;
		this.matCreate = null;
		this.InitEnd = false;

	// Token: 0x0600111D RID: 4381 RVA: 0x0000D116 File Offset: 0x0000B316
	public void SetMainTexture(Texture tex)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.texMain = tex;

	// Token: 0x0600111E RID: 4382 RVA: 0x0000D128 File Offset: 0x0000B328
	public void SetTexture(string propertyName, Texture tex)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetTexture(propertyName, tex);

	// Token: 0x0600111F RID: 4383 RVA: 0x0000D140 File Offset: 0x0000B340
	public void SetTexture(int propertyID, Texture tex)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetTexture(propertyID, tex);

	// Token: 0x06001120 RID: 4384 RVA: 0x0000D158 File Offset: 0x0000B358
	public void SetColor(string propertyName, Color color)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetColor(propertyName, color);

	// Token: 0x06001121 RID: 4385 RVA: 0x0000D170 File Offset: 0x0000B370
	public void SetColor(int propertyID, Color color)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetColor(propertyID, color);

	// Token: 0x06001122 RID: 4386 RVA: 0x0000D188 File Offset: 0x0000B388
	public void SetOffsetAndTiling(string propertyName, float tx, float ty, float ox, float oy)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetTextureOffset(propertyName, new Vector2(ox, oy));
		this.matCreate.SetTextureScale(propertyName, new Vector2(tx, ty));

	// Token: 0x06001123 RID: 4387 RVA: 0x0009D414 File Offset: 0x0009B614
	public void SetOffsetAndTiling(string propertyName, int baseW, int baseH, int addW, int addH, float addPx, float addPy)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		if (addPx >= 0f & addPy >= 0f & (float)addW + addPx <= 1024f & (float)addH + addPy <= 1024f)
			baseW = 1024;
			baseH = 1024;
			addPx = Mathf.Abs(addPx);
			addPy = Mathf.Abs(addPy);
			baseH = 4096;
			baseW = 4096;
		float num = (float)baseW / (float)addW;
		float num2 = (float)baseH / (float)addH;
		float ox = -(addPx / (float)baseW) * num;
		float oy = -(((float)baseH - addPy - (float)addH) / (float)baseH) * num2;
		this.SetOffsetAndTiling(propertyName, num, num2, ox, oy);

	// Token: 0x06001124 RID: 4388 RVA: 0x0009D4CC File Offset: 0x0009B6CC
	public bool RebuildTextureAndSetMaterial()
		if (!this.InitEnd)
			return false;
		RenderTexture arg_75_0 = RenderTexture.active;
		RenderTexture.active = null;
		bool arg_55_0 = GL.sRGBWrite;
		GL.sRGBWrite = false;
		GL.Clear(false, true, Color.white);
		Graphics.Blit(this.texMain, this.createTex, this.matCreate, 0);
		GL.sRGBWrite = arg_55_0;
		this.matDraw.SetTexture(Singleton<Character>.Instance._MainTex, this.createTex);
		RenderTexture.active = arg_75_0;
		return true;

	// Token: 0x040016CC RID: 5836
	private RenderTexture createTex;

	// Token: 0x040016CD RID: 5837
	private Material matCreate;

	// Token: 0x040016CE RID: 5838
	private Texture texMain;

using System;
using Manager;
using UnityEngine;

// Token: 0x02000253 RID: 595
public class CustomTextureControl
	// Token: 0x06000ED4 RID: 3796 RVA: 0x0007903C File Offset: 0x0007723C
	public CustomTextureControl()
		this.InitEnd = false;
		this.matDraw = null;

	// Token: 0x170001CF RID: 463
	// (get) Token: 0x06000ED5 RID: 3797 RVA: 0x00079054 File Offset: 0x00077254
	// (set) Token: 0x06000ED6 RID: 3798 RVA: 0x0007905C File Offset: 0x0007725C
	public Material matDraw
		private set;

	// Token: 0x170001D0 RID: 464
	// (get) Token: 0x06000ED7 RID: 3799 RVA: 0x00079068 File Offset: 0x00077268
	// (set) Token: 0x06000ED8 RID: 3800 RVA: 0x00079070 File Offset: 0x00077270
	public bool InitEnd
		private set;

	// Token: 0x06000ED9 RID: 3801 RVA: 0x0007907C File Offset: 0x0007727C
	public void Initialize(string drawMatABName, string drawMatName, string createMatABName, string createMatName, int width, int height)
		this.InitEnd = false;
		this.matDraw = CommonLib.LoadAsset<Material>(drawMatABName, drawMatName, true, string.Empty);
		if (null == this.matDraw)
		this.matCreate = CommonLib.LoadAsset<Material>(createMatABName, createMatName, true, string.Empty);
		if (null == this.matCreate)
			this.matDraw = null;
		this.texMain = this.matCreate.GetTexture(Singleton<Character>.Instance._MainTex);
		this.createTex = new RenderTexture(width, height, 0);
		this.InitEnd = true;

	// Token: 0x06000EDA RID: 3802 RVA: 0x00079138 File Offset: 0x00077338
	public void Release()
		this.createTex = null;
		this.matDraw = null;
		this.matCreate = null;
		this.InitEnd = false;

	// Token: 0x06000EDB RID: 3803 RVA: 0x00079184 File Offset: 0x00077384
	public void SetMainTexture(Texture tex)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.texMain = tex;

	// Token: 0x06000EDC RID: 3804 RVA: 0x0007919C File Offset: 0x0007739C
	public void SetTexture(string propertyName, Texture tex)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetTexture(propertyName, tex);

	// Token: 0x06000EDD RID: 3805 RVA: 0x000791B8 File Offset: 0x000773B8
	public void SetTexture(int propertyID, Texture tex)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetTexture(propertyID, tex);

	// Token: 0x06000EDE RID: 3806 RVA: 0x000791D4 File Offset: 0x000773D4
	public void SetColor(string propertyName, Color color)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetColor(propertyName, color);

	// Token: 0x06000EDF RID: 3807 RVA: 0x000791F0 File Offset: 0x000773F0
	public void SetColor(int propertyID, Color color)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetColor(propertyID, color);

	// Token: 0x06000EE0 RID: 3808 RVA: 0x0007920C File Offset: 0x0007740C
	public void SetOffsetAndTiling(string propertyName, float tx, float ty, float ox, float oy)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		this.matCreate.SetTextureOffset(propertyName, new Vector2(ox, oy));
		this.matCreate.SetTextureScale(propertyName, new Vector2(tx, ty));

	// Token: 0x06000EE1 RID: 3809 RVA: 0x00079250 File Offset: 0x00077450
	public void SetOffsetAndTiling(string propertyName, int baseW, int baseH, int addW, int addH, float addPx, float addPy)
		if (!this.InitEnd)
		float num = (float)baseW / (float)addW;
		float num2 = (float)baseH / (float)addH;
		float ox = -(addPx / (float)baseW) * num;
		float oy = -(((float)baseH - addPy - (float)addH) / (float)baseH) * num2;
		this.SetOffsetAndTiling(propertyName, num, num2, ox, oy);

	// Token: 0x06000EE2 RID: 3810 RVA: 0x000792A0 File Offset: 0x000774A0
	public bool RebuildTextureAndSetMaterial()
		if (!this.InitEnd)
			return false;
		RenderTexture active = RenderTexture.active;
		RenderTexture.active = null;
		bool sRGBWrite = GL.sRGBWrite;
		GL.sRGBWrite = false;
		GL.Clear(false, true, Color.white);
		Graphics.Blit(this.texMain, this.createTex, this.matCreate, 0);
		GL.sRGBWrite = sRGBWrite;
		this.matDraw.SetTexture(Singleton<Character>.Instance._MainTex, this.createTex);
		RenderTexture.active = active;
		return true;

	// Token: 0x0400135E RID: 4958
	private RenderTexture createTex;

	// Token: 0x0400135F RID: 4959
	private Material matCreate;

	// Token: 0x04001360 RID: 4960
	private Texture texMain;
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The 0609 update for Battle Arena basically enables the full functionality of Battle Arena, AKA lets you play the card battle game in there and not just create cards and moves.

Not important if you use Battle Arena just for animations.
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i can't open game help me please
look at red square in picture after i click honey select 64 window of game don't appear and i can't play game
tell me how to fix it please
if someone can help me fix this problem i will give steam key to you


  • jjj.png
    122 KB · Views: 325
I'm just getting started with HS and so forgive me if this is a dumb question.

I got started with a compilation called "Fully Updated HoneySelect + All DLC & Extra Content [BACKUP] - Version 1.20" which states in the instructions it includes all updates except for the following
● DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0616to_sub
● DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0630ws_sub

I haven't been able to locate them. Any advice? Thanks in advance for your help! ^.^
i can't open game help me please
look at red square in picture after i click honey select 64 window of game don't appear and i can't play game
tell me how to fix it please
if someone can help me fix this problem i will give steam key to you

  • Try to move the game files in another folder with a shorter and simpler path (like "D:\Eroge\HoneySelect"). Your current installation path is very long and has a lot of symbols.
  • Use the English Launcher made by MegaKameha. You can download it here : Honey♥Select English launcher

Please wait patiently for an answer and refrain from creating new threads when you have issues. All support related to this game belong in this thread and this thread only (I deleted the topic you created).

I'm just getting started with HS and so forgive me if this is a dumb question.

I got started with a compilation called "Fully Updated HoneySelect + All DLC & Extra Content [BACKUP] - Version 1.20" which states in the instructions it includes all updates except for the following
● DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0616to_sub
● DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0630ws_sub

I haven't been able to locate them. Any advice? Thanks in advance for your help! ^.^

The "honeyparty_01_plus" downloads are updates. You can grab the latest one from this MEGA Folder (honeyparty_01_plus_0630grt_all.exe).

And think about thanking MegaKameha for providing the mirrored files (original post).
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  • Try to move the game files in another folder with a shorter and simpler path (like "D:\Eroge\HoneySelect"). Your current installation path is very long and has a lot of symbols.
  • Use the English Launcher made by MegaKameha. You can download it here : Honey♥Select English launcher

Please wait patiently for an answer and refrain from creating new threads when you have issues. All support related to this game belong in this thread and this thread only (I deleted the topic you created)

i try move file to anotehr folder but this method can't fix problem
i use launcher you say it can open game but it open hs ver 1.1. be not hs ver1.2 or party
someone help me please


  • qqqqq.png
    144.5 KB · Views: 224
  • Try to move the game files in another folder with a shorter and simpler path (like "D:\Eroge\HoneySelect"). Your current installation path is very long and has a lot of symbols.
  • Use the English Launcher made by MegaKameha. You can download it here : Honey♥Select English launcher

Please wait patiently for an answer and refrain from creating new threads when you have issues. All support related to this game belong in this thread and this thread only (I deleted the topic you created)

i try move file to anotehr folder but this method can't fix problem
i use launcher you say it can open game but it open hs ver 1.1. be not hs ver1.2 or party
someone help me please

Gonna need a little more info to help you out. Your game folder looks like it is fairly vanilla, have you installed any mods yet?
What state is your game in? What I mean by that is what updates do you have and did you install them in the correct order? If you are unsure of the order for installation, the numbers at the end of the update name are the release dates, so just put them in in chronological order, the ones that don't have numbers are outfits.
I don't really know what is happening in you installation, but it's possible you are missing a dll file or something else that is very important.
Have anyone this DLCs? --> DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0602iy_sub, honeyparty_01_plus_0602ae_all and DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0616to_sub
I need it for a test.

And where was the list, with the order of DLC installation?

Thanks ahead.

EDIT: Okay I found the install order.
Here is it, if someone need it too.
01 - DISC_01
02 - DISC_02
03 - All Inclusive Game Updates 99-1014
04 - honey_souki
05 - honeys_yoyaku
06 - HoneySelect DLC#_01
07 - DLC#_01 12-22-2016 Patch honey_03_plus1222sa
08 - DLC#_01 honeyex_souki
09 - DLC#_01 honeyex_yoyaku
10 - HoneySelect DLC#_02 (Disc 1 and Disc 2)
11 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus
12 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0512vp_all
13 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_souki
14 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_yoyaku
15 - DLC#_02 honeypty_Battle
16 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0512ras_sub
17 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0519drt_sub
18 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_additional_data_0519_all
19 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_battle_arena
20 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0526wsx_sub
21 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0526pls_all
22 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0602iy_sub
23 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0602ae_all
24 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0602riy_sub
25 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0602rae_all
27 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_battle_0609_sub
28 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0616to_sub
29 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus_0630ws_sub
30 - DLC#_02 honeyparty_02_VR (optional, if someone want to use VR Goggles)
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how to decrease destroy gauge?
how to seen sitri h event?

how to decrease destroy gauge
-Don't Violent With Heroine And Before Enter H May Be Have Destuction Lock Button

how to seen sitri h event?
-You Must Have Sex 5 Time With Other Heroine May Be Can Request H With Sitri
how to decrease destroy gauge
-Don't Violent With Heroine And Before Enter H May Be Have Destuction Lock Button

how to seen sitri h event?
-You Must Have Sex 5 Time With Other Heroine May Be Can Request H With Sitri

1.i know destroy gauge increase if i do violent sex but i want know how to decrease destroy gauge?
2.if i choose 3 sum girl 1 is lacus clyne and girl 2 is shimakaze and i choose 2 girl cow girl after i fuck lacus what button i must press for fuck shimakaze?
Hi everyone o/
Sorry for doing the noob as my first post but I fled here from HF (which became trash since the last time I went there) and I wish to play this game before tomorrow. So I hope a wandering soul won't find me too annoying and will be able to help me.
I'm currently lost with all the files I can dl and which one I should use.
First thing, I downloaded the game and installed it (from 2D.G.F) but with the game came the files honey souki/yoyaku and co. and I don't know what to do with them. I saw someone runing the honey03_plus0909k and copy the setup folder but he did nothing with the others and also installed the game with copy/paste so I don't know if it is the best way.
Second thing, for the expansion pack, once I mount the iso image there is no setup.exe file. So how do I use it?
Finally, once I've installed the game and the expansion, does the EMF patch install everything else or are there other things like updates I should donwload?
Thank you for your help :D
Anyone know where Roy12 hides his character cards? I need to update my cards since he's released new stuff and I've updated...but the only thing I can't actually find on his site are the character cards. I have an older zip file with cards, but it is outdated and I can't remember where I got it from.
Anyone know where Roy12 hides his character cards? I need to update my cards since he's released new stuff and I've updated...but the only thing I can't actually find on his site are the character cards. I have an older zip file with cards, but it is outdated and I can't remember where I got it from.

you can find roy 12 by google

Hi everyone o/
Sorry for doing the noob as my first post but I fled here from HF (which became trash since the last time I went there) and I wish to play this game before tomorrow. So I hope a wandering soul won't find me too annoying and will be able to help me.
I'm currently lost with all the files I can dl and which one I should use.
First thing, I downloaded the game and installed it (from 2D.G.F) but with the game came the files honey souki/yoyaku and co. and I don't know what to do with them. I saw someone runing the honey03_plus0909k and copy the setup folder but he did nothing with the others and also installed the game with copy/paste so I don't know if it is the best way.
Second thing, for the expansion pack, once I mount the iso image there is no setup.exe file. So how do I use it?
Finally, once I've installed the game and the expansion, does the EMF patch install everything else or are there other things like updates I should donwload?
Thank you for your help :D
don't use emp patch that pacth outdated all file you must use you can find here
1.if i choose 2 man doggy fellatio if male 1 fuck girl and male 2 get blow job what button i must press for make male 1 get blow job and male 2 can fuck girl
2.if i choose 2 man fellatio if male 1 get blow job and male 2 get hand job what button i must press for make male 1 get hand job and male 2 get blow job
3.if i choose 2 girl cow girl and girl 1 is lacus clyne and girl 2 is shimakaze after i fuck lacus what button i must press for i can fuck shimakaze?

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TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry if disturb, but can you please reupload this game? Thanks in advance.
Bedusz wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Reupload please 🙏
okinawa wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

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