Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Ok, just a quick request - does anybody know any NTR type games in a fantasy setting that involve monsters? Be it whatever type of NTR, I don't mind. The only few I've been able to find involve other men but not monsters....
i see you are a man of culture as well. we seem to have very similar taste. as far as your request though, i took a quick peak at my CG's and found 3 that fit what you're asking. sadly they were all pretty popular at their time so you may have seen them already.

Grimoire no Shisho is the first game that comes to mind, because almost every bad end is a monster rape scene. there is still human NTR, but it seems to have at least 1 monster per girl, per bad end.

viper RSR has only monster rape bad ends

Escalayer by alicesoft. it has a power ranger feel to it with all the corny bosses. losses to bosses unlocks there rape scene. plus it's that really good artist from alicesoft and mangagamers is almost done translating/editing

these are all NTR as you play the man who travels with the girls.
i see you are a man of culture as well. we seem to have very similar taste. as far as your request though, i took a quick peak at my CG's and found 3 that fit what you're asking. sadly they were all pretty popular at their time so you may have seen them already.

Grimoire no Shisho is the first game that comes to mind, because almost every bad end is a monster rape scene. there is still human NTR, but it seems to have at least 1 monster per girl, per bad end.

viper RSR has only monster rape bad ends

Escalayer by alicesoft. it has a power ranger feel to it with all the corny bosses. losses to bosses unlocks there rape scene. plus it's that really good artist from alicesoft and mangagamers is almost done translating/editing

these are all NTR as you play the man who travels with the girls.

Man I think it was Viper RSR that got me into NTR, I played it when it first came out and its what brought this whole idea into my head back then. I wanted it to be more then bad endings though, but for the girls to run off into caves after looking for monster pleasure after a "bad event" because they couldn't deny the pleasure they felt. Alas that was not the type of game it was....

As for Power Ranger feel, my fav series of all time would be Aisaiger. Its a pain to get running now though on Windows 10 sadly. The thing I didn't like about the Escalayer series is that after the "rape" or defeat scenes the girls act totally normal afterwords. I really wish there had been some follow up after, even just text with them talking about it or something...or self pleasuring themselves and spying on them. Again never happens....
Hi guys, sorry for the off topic question. i'm fairly new to this type of community, hope to get along.
As a start, can anybody clarify if you need part 4 of the mexashare links? I've downloaded like 3 games this month but each one says that, I'm missing part 4.... any ideas?
Depends on the game and who uploaded it. If velka uploaded it you have to a wait a few days for to upload the final links if it wasn't him need more information like the name of game and were you downloaded to help.
The thing I didn't like about the Escalayer series is that after the "rape" or defeat scenes the girls act totally normal afterwords. I really wish there had been some follow up after, even just text with them talking about it or something...or self pleasuring themselves and spying on them. Again never happens....
that's what put's me off in terms of ntr in most alice soft games.
oyako rankan NTR actually comes up a few times during sex scenes. like the MC would ask "you're not a virgin" if one of the 2 younger girls lost it to an NTR guy first or how it has bad ends with story depending on who got pregnant first and by who.

the white haired maid girl even starts lactating if she has too much sex with other guys, during your sex scenes with her. so the NTR isn't just a "scene and forgotten about". the characters have different dialogues during sex scenes depending on past scenes.

though it's spotty with machine translations.
LOL I just assume all games made by Empress are NTR, I actually met the artist who goes by Sei back in 2002 when Activesoft released Discipline. I bought a FF7 hentai doujinshi off ebay in 1997 from Japan from him (wanted to see if it would sell) and we became yahoo email pen pals - then met in 2002 when I went to Japan. Haven't emailed forever though.
I really enjoyed his games, Bible Black was one of the first VN that i enjoyed everything in it - Story, scenes, characters, music. And i think Bible Black animated series is one of the best animated hentai of all times, quality was very good and combined we probably got like 10 hours of good animations with interesting story and characters.

I was really happy when he started to make games again under Empress studio and Starless was very good, dominancE was OK and the rest were more of a disappointment for me personally, but they still had his amazing art - something that i can always enjoy.

I wonder if he will ever produce a new game again....

Edit. What i especially liked in his games - that there always were some kind of a villainous & sadistic heroines like Reika
oyako rankan NTR actually comes up a few times during sex scenes. like the MC would ask "you're not a virgin" if one of the 2 younger girls lost it to an NTR guy first or how it has bad ends with story depending on who got pregnant first and by who.

the white haired maid girl even starts lactating if she has too much sex with other guys, during your sex scenes with her. so the NTR isn't just a "scene and forgotten about". the characters have different dialogues during sex scenes depending on past scenes.

though it's spotty with machine translations.

Yeah i know that's why i said ''most'' not all games, still i don't like the ntr on alice soft games it's really half assed imo, speaking of which can you guys confirm if this game will have ntr ??
I really enjoyed his games, Bible Black was one of the first VN that i enjoyed everything in it - Story, scenes, characters, music. And i think Bible Black animated series is one of the best animated hentai of all times, quality was very good and combined we probably got like 10 hours of good animations with interesting story and characters.

I was really happy when he started to make games again under Empress studio and Starless was very good, dominancE was OK and the rest were more of a disappointment for me personally, but they still had his amazing art - something that i can always enjoy.

I wonder if he will ever produce a new game again....

Edit. What i especially liked in his games - that there always were some kind of a villainous & sadistic heroines like Reika

What i really liked about bible black was how the guy turned evil, that kind of corruption isn't seen enough.
I agree with most of what you posted, but there are a couple of things in which I disagree. Maybe it's just a matter of perspective.

In regard of Kento: I think he ends up more like a perverted voyeur than a cuck by the end. The way I see it that way is becuase once he understand why her mother is doing that, when he discovers the book in the library about infidelity, his internal struggle settles. Once he believes that her mother is doing that because of loniliness and sexual frustration because his father is away, he begins to think that her relationship with Touta is not a bad thing, on the contrary, he begins to think is something positive and should go on, that and the fact that he is excited by the inmorallity of that relationship. From that point (depending on the players choices) he might activelly help them out a little so their relationship could continue. So he goes from curiosity to confussion to internal struggle to undertanding to acceptance. However that's just my way of seeing it, I could be totally wrong.

In regard of Touta: I agree with most of what you put but there is one thing I disagree: Touta does change, but this change is not that obvious because we don't see his POV exept for brief and scarce moments through the game. Also Rascou has a way of writing that has a lot of subtleties that are not that obvious at first sight. There is a lot implied or hinted, and you only can notice if you pay attention to the narration and the characters behavior. There is some info that you can easilly miss because you have to read between lines to get it, so it's specially hard for we westerns since we don't have a complete understanding of japanese. That's why I'm playing this game really slowlly, paying special attention to the text and even using dictionaries in the parts that I think there is important info, to make sure I get the whole meaning of the words.

At the end of the second ending of the second game we see Kento reflecting about Yukari and Touta relationship. And state clearlly that Touta has changed, his notes has improved and there is not more complains on his behavior from the neighboors. He pretty much had become a good kid (except for the fact that he has a forbiden relationship with a hot MILF :D). Kento is amazed by Touta and his admiration for him grows, but then he things that the one that changed Touta is his mother, so it might be that Yukari is the amazing one. Of course he hasn't really change to be a good kid, but there is not denial that he has improved a lot. In the first game we have a Touta that will use others to steal, relies on blackmaill to achieve what he wants and doesn't have respect for adults/authority. At the end of the second game we have a Touta that tries hard to get his reward and obeys Yukari most of the time.

To understand this change first we have to analize Touta's circumstances. He is the black ship in his family, so her parents just let him do whatever he wants. Instead of saying that his parents don't care about him it would be more acuratelly to say that they don't have any expectations from him. Also his father is always working and his mother is always going out to have fun, leaving Touta alone, so there is not any quality time for them to be together. On top of that Touta's brother is a genious and the pride of the familly, so Touta have a strong inferiority complex. I think Touta behaves as he does because he desperatly seeks for attention, ironically the more he behaves like that, the more his parents loose hope on him, and the more they just let him do whatever he wants. Yukari is the only one that begins to pay attention to him and ends up caring for him. At first Touta sees Yukari just as someone that will take care of his overwhelming libido, he will only care about his pleasure withouth caring much about Yukari's situation. This begin to change at the end of the first game/begining of the second, when Touta begins to try to pleasure Yukari, he gets really obsessed with it, to the point that even Yukari is amazed at how Touta makes a bid deal out of it. I think, Touta desperetally wans Yukari to like him and in his simple-minded and guillible nature, the only tool he has for that is sex. At this point, Touta also begins to back off everytime he sees Yukari getting really angry at him, and it's even stated in the game that he does it because he doesn't want her to hate him. If you think about it, Touta could have throw all the "reward system" out after having sex with drunken Yukari in the first scene of the second game. He has the blackmail material (and he gets even more later on), so he doesn't have to put out with all that study anymore, but he abides the rule of one sex a week and keeps studying hard for the test-reward. So I think at this point is not only sex what Touta wants, but also Yukari's company and attention, specially after she says to him "I don't hate kids that try hard" (or was it "I like kids that try hard"? I don't remember very well).

There are other hints in the game that indicates that Touta begin to care about Yukari (and viceversa), the most obvious one was in the flee market scene (really cute scene by the way). Touta tries to slip some aphoridisiac into Yukari's dring in the cafe to have easy sex with her, but he realize that he doesn't have the drug with him. He gets depressed that his plan didn't work and Yukari notices that Touta is down. Yukari invites Touta to the flee market to cheer him up (player's choice). Once there Touta hears some women bad mouthing him and Yukari. Yukari also hears and tells Touta to don't mind, but Touta gets really pissed off and go flip their skirts in vengeance. Yukari is surprised by his behaviour, since Touta doesn't really care much about that kind of stuff (it's usual for him that the old gossipmongers hags bad mouth him). Then she realizes that he wasn't mad because they were bad mouthing him, he was mad because they were bad mouthing Yukari, and in usual Touta's nature, he didn't find any other way to release his anger than making a prank at them.

We can also see a subtle hint of Touta's change in the final sex scene of the second ending from the second game: After Yukari and Touta reach orgasm and Touta eyaculates in the condom they go for the second round. Yukari doesn't want to get away from Touta's cock so she starts to move her hips again, and is actually Touta that suggest they should change the condom. Because Yukari doesn't wants to unplug Touta's cock yet, she says it should be fine if it's just one more time (probably). It almost seems like Yukari is the one behaving like a kid and Touta is behaving like a responsable adult, is only after Yukari says it's ok that Touta starts moving his hips. If you compare it with Touta from the first game, he would has started moving his hips as soon Yukari started moving hers, withouth caring at all about the used condom.

I think there are more, but I don't want to keep going because this post is already long enough. I would like your opinions on it.
It's probably a matter of perspective like you said. I don't really think much of Yukari and Touta's relationship other than a struggle for Yukari to not succumb to lust and to protect her family.

The impression I get from Touta's behavior throughout the game is that he wants to show the world that he's a man. From the first game, he blackmails his only friend's mother and wants display and prove his manliness in a public blog. He thinks of Yukari as his woman/sexual property and brags about it as such on his Rassbook blog. That doesn't really change much in the first game and it's even worse in the second game since he doesn't even bother to blur Yukari's face now.
But yea, you're right in that he starts to be more compliant although you can make the case the reason Touta is more compliant is that he knows that sex is gonna come to him anyway after Yukari has done it with him so many times and that he also has the leverage (many more blackmail photos) to persuade her if needed.

I don't think Yukari thinks of Touta much either other than a kid she has to deal with because of the blackmail (especially after the night she got drunk). She complies with Touta's requests for sex since she realizes his requests can escalate if she doesn't refuse. So she's now trying to make the best out of a bad situation by making money and suppressing the blackmail. This obviously changes after the sleepover where Yukari starts to crave sex more/become more easily sexually frustrated thanks to Touta fucking the daylights out of her.
But overall, Yukari seems at least to me only concerned about Touta's progression since it's what earns her money but obviously she realizes that Touta can provide "other benefits" which is what makes her let loose later on.

My impression of the ends is pretty much that Touta won Yukari's heart over by simply blackmailing her and fucking her into submission. By the end, Yukari loves sex with Touta now and her real intentions in the past of doing it for her family's sake is more or less an excuse used now to justify having sex with Touta and betraying her family. I still think Kento gives the impression of a cuck since he's aware of the relationship and he does nothing to intervene (in fact, he even tries to get the two to have sex). Maybe I just associate Netorase with 'cuck' because to me their meanings overlap to a degree.
To me at the very least, their relationship is very one-sided in favor of Touta.
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Has anyone checked in the h-code for last heiantei game works with this follow up installment of 元ヤン奥さんとギャル娘ちゃん~召しませ母娘丼~?
Yeah i know that's why i said ''most'' not all games, still i don't like the ntr on alice soft games it's really half assed imo, speaking of which can you guys confirm if this game will have ntr ??

Theres no way to know right now, so far there is no indication or tags on getchu or the official website. Doesn't mean it won't but so far there is no indication of NTR, I do see mangagamer is translating the other esculayer game (the first one in redone in HD) though.

I didn't like it as much, I playedbeat blades haruka to death before it was translated and I felt more of a connection to the heroines then in the first game, where she is just some girl who doesn't care much for you but loves sex. The first game felt more like a power rangers sex training game without the focus on ntr or love aspects. I liked the CG though.

I noticed especially with older games like that, the NTR wasn't really played up or probably even considered NTR at the time. It was just a thing that happened to the heroine who lost and you saw her raped. There was no focus on how it made you/the male protagonist feel or how it effected your love.

Aisaiger series was actually one of the first games that featured bad ends that focused on the connection between the husband and wife, in some ways it pioneered NTR as a gameplay mechanic. I've always been sad that studio closed before they finished their next NTR game which looked really awesome. I think at the time the problem was the series just didn't sell enough, NTR wasn't a big thing like it is now. I'd love nothing more then to see the company make a "reboot" of themselves and release an updated extended NTR HD version of the Aisaiger series that works on Win10/Win7 for that matter lol. Right now getting Aisaiger to run is a nightmare but possible because its so old.

I actually looked at taking all the assets and rebuilding the series into english but while possible, it has a combat card game mechanic (which is actually really fun and simple) with battle damage and for that I have no idea how to program.

Who knows maybe that could be my next project if I found a programmer who could help lol.
Man the most recent Potage/Gendai game left me just as disappointed as usual. Always great setups ruined by shitty writing between sex scenes, more so this game could have featured some awesome NTR stuff. I mean there is a slight netorase path but its more in your head because its never discussed between the characters even during the sex scenes. The game's entire plot is centered around putting sex videos between you and your girlfriend online but its like that aspect is never explored even during sex other then getting the best angle for the audience. Like it would have been better if your gf's face was censored (and a lot more realistic) as many japanese girls do online that aren't trying to be porn stars (as she wasn't) but maybe some guy figured out who she was or fuck if they even TALKED about what they were doing outside of the sex scenes. Its like the entire theme of the game is dropped between sex scenes and daily life between them. Videos? What videos?

Literally one of the first choices of the game is to either tell your girlfriend you want to make videos of her having sex online or hide it from her and just do it. If you chose to tell her, its game over bad ending. Instead you basically give her no option and put the videos online anyway and shes fine with it didn't ask her...because that makes more sense.

Plus it would have been cool if you could select what type of direction you wanted to take the videos rather then just stumble around getting different endings based on random choices. Like theres a scene where you and your gf have a threeway but its never discussed as anything more then her getting double penetrated and that only happens if you cheat on her. Don't get confused, shes not agreeing or want a threeway as some sort of revenge but because you brought a random stranger home to fuck. She just goes along with it because no reason. Never any talk about jeez your fucking my girlfriend or what type of video this is or whatever. How she feels, how you feel. Hell I would have been happy for more interaction with the online community like reading messages posted about your most recent videos or requests. But its like the game lives in a vacuum between sex scenes and daily life completely unrelated.

I love the artwork for potage games but I hate how bad the writing is for them, plus I always feel like there was a better story to tell for every game besides one (the fantasy game thats a sequel).

For example there was one potage game that looked like a sex club story but it just turned out to be rape girls and use them, not even character development to build up to it. My idea that it was a sex club would have been so much hotter, especially if you talked your girlfriend into joining the schools underground sex club instead...or if you joined it but fell for a girl in it but had to keep watching her fuck other guys despite you two growing closer outside of the club. Stuff like that.

Thats another example of a potage game I'm REALLLLLLY tempted to pull all the assets from and completely re-write it as my own game with the story it was "supposed" to have, but thats too much work lol...I mean not saying I wouldn't but it feels like a project of labor rather then love.

It amazes me how much talent there is in the eroge community when it comes to art and sound but how disappointing so many stories are, even if the concept is good. Hell I've played games where the writing SO bad it can't be translated or understood normally.

Its why some translation software or people who translate japanese appear not be translating material properly - they are, the source material is just badly written.
bit of a small request. any doujins or VN that have the MC watch heroines loose their virginity in front of him. mostly looking for fantasy where there on an adventure and thing go wrong, but will take even modern day.
1. on a seperate note. i dont suppose any one has shishunki na adam volume 8 and 9? some people are saying it's out and have it, but don't want to share it. any one have a lowkey site that has it? link to volume 8 on amazon incase some one might recongnize the cover. apparantly volume 8 has a crap tone of NTR. 8 volumes in and apparently MC's first love, gets her virginity taken by some one else and he has to watch.

Here's the dlsite link.

It's a novel though.
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Here's the torrent link. Just released today. It's a unity game and VNR doesn't work with it.

Gameplay is similar to Slay the Spire + RPG.

It's been out a bit longer than that on this site, but Unity gives me display/resolution-related errors when trying to launch it in a VM.

Textractor might work -

Edit: Shadow Garden released their latest game, Valkyria, I can't wait~ Will be an eventual guaranteed buy.
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Just finished "C’~can’t live without you ~" from back in 2001 perhaps one of the oldest NTR games I've ever played involving two lovers and NTR as part of the story rather then bad ends like in most games of that era. Also reminds how far games have come in nearly 20 years...this game literally just puts the message area right in the middle of the screen and requires you to mount the CD music lol...

Was it a good game? It wasn't bad, was worth playing through but the sex scenes are too short! Had a lot of different variation CG (like your lovers underwear changes all the time) and lots of story options. I like the NTR parts because of the mystery and surprise results.

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