Recent content by able1214

  1. able1214

    [Other] [New Release][200626][Key] Summer Pockets REFLECTION BLUE 初回限定版 [5572M] (Crack Included)

    The reason why the crack is not working is because when 2DJ took my upload from KF, they thought that is a backup file which is useless then deleted it, thats what cause the problem...Then it got posted here. Origianlly the crack contains 4 files: [email protected], Kdays.dll...
  2. able1214

    [Hentai game] [190426] [ぱれっと] 9-nine-はるいろはるこいはるのかぜ [Crack is included] [H-Game]

    Yea the crack only works on DL version not the package version.
  3. [Request] [まふぃん] はるかどらいぶ!

    [Request] [まふぃん] はるかどらいぶ!

    Original Title: はるかどらいぶ! English: Haruka Drive! Released Date: 11/30/2018 Company: まふぃん Getchu link: VnDB link:
  4. able1214

    What games have you bought recently?

    red dead redemption 2 on ps4
  5. able1214

    What game are you currently playing?

    Magia Record
  6. able1214

    Your favorite Anime character

    homu homu from madoka!
  7. able1214

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu III SAO: Alicization
  8. able1214

    best anime 2018?

    if movies are included, i'd recommand Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms
  9. able1214

    Which anime is this?

    Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda
  10. able1214

    What's the funniest anime you've ever watched?

    Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu no doubt.
  11. able1214

    First anime you ever saw!

    da capo, first haren i watched when im 17
  12. able1214

    Give me good animes to watch.

    CLANNAD AIR KANON Little Busters P.S. prepare tissues:D
  13. able1214

    What games made you cry?

    Final Fantasy XV
  14. able1214

    Hello guys!

    Hello this able1214, I've been an invisible user for a long time on this forum now I decide to say hello to everyone!