Recent content by dayneofstarfall

  1. D

    Hey, what do you mean by new version of sengoku hime 3? 3 doesn't have a renewal edition like 1...

    Hey, what do you mean by new version of sengoku hime 3? 3 doesn't have a renewal edition like 1 and 2 since those two were the oldest. Do you mean Sengoku Hime Hana which is the console version of 3 ported to pc? Or Sengoku Hime 3 with both appends?
  2. [Own Bought][060424][株式会社コンテライド] Chakotto Game Kenkyuukai ~Suzume Taichou no Maid Cafe~ (チャコっとゲーム研究会〜すずめ隊長のメイドカフェ〜)

    [Own Bought][060424][株式会社コンテライド] Chakotto Game Kenkyuukai ~Suzume Taichou no Maid Cafe~ (チャコっとゲーム研究会〜すずめ隊長のメイドカフェ〜)

    TITLE: Chakotto Game Kenkyuukai ~Suzume Taichou no Maid Cafe~/チャコっとゲーム研究会〜すずめ隊長のメイドカフェ〜 BRAND: Conteride Co., Ltd./株式会社コンテライド RELEASE: 2006-04-24 SIZE: 173mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: Chakotto Game Kenkyuukai ~Suzume Taichou no Maid Cafe~ is an adventure vn game for PC that was included...
  3. [Own Bought][140817][NOVECT] Bara to Tsubaki to Fata Morgana (薔薇と椿とファタモルガーナ)

    [Own Bought][140817][NOVECT] Bara to Tsubaki to Fata Morgana (薔薇と椿とファタモルガーナ)

    TITLE: Bara to Tsubaki to Fata Morgana/薔薇と椿とファタモルガーナ BRAND: NOEVCT RELEASE: 2014-08-17 SIZE: 200mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: A lesser known title in the Fata Morgana series, Bara to Tsubaki to Fata Morgana is a collaboration between Fata Morgana and the slapstick fighting game Rose &...
  4. D

    [Request]angel assort vol 1~5

    Uploaded all 5 earlier today. Should be available as soon as my threads are approved
  5. [Own Bought][080118][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.05 (エンジェルアソートVol.05)

    [Own Bought][080118][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.05 (エンジェルアソートVol.05)

    TITLE: ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.05/エンジェルアソートVol.05 BRAND: 工画堂スタジオ RELEASE: 2008-01-18 SIZE: 427mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: A fandisk containing side stories of Solfege and Palais de Reine among other goodies to commemorate the year of 2007 for Kogado Studio. Feel free to reupload this game...
  6. [Own Bought][070119][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.04 (エンジェルアソートVol.04)

    [Own Bought][070119][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.04 (エンジェルアソートVol.04)

    TITLE: ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.04/エンジェルアソートVol.04 BRAND: 工画堂スタジオ RELEASE: 2007-01-19 SIZE: 228mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: Mini fandisc of Blue Blaster, Dear Pianissimo, and Palais de Reine that contains minigames and comics among other goodies to commemorate the year of 2006 for Kogado...
  7. [Own Bought][051229][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.03 (エンジェルアソートVol.03)

    [Own Bought][051229][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.03 (エンジェルアソートVol.03)

    TITLE: ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.03/エンジェルアソートVol.03 BRAND: 工画堂スタジオ RELEASE: 2005-12-29 SIZE: 473mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: Mini fandisc of Blue Flow that contains a number of goodies like wallpapers and minigames to commemorate the year of 2005 for Kogado Studio. Feel free to reupload this...
  8. [Own Bought][050114][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.02 (エンジェルアソートVol.02)

    [Own Bought][050114][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.02 (エンジェルアソートVol.02)

    TITLE: ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.02/エンジェルアソートVol.02 BRAND: 工画堂スタジオ RELEASE: 2005-01-14 SIZE: 145mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: Mini fandisc of Magical Twirler Angel Rabbie and Aoi Umi no Tristia that contains several extra content like soundtracks, mini-games, a digital manga, wallpapers, among...
  9. [Own Bought][031229][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.01 (エンジェルアソートVol.01)

    [Own Bought][031229][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.01 (エンジェルアソートVol.01)

    TITLE: ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.01/エンジェルアソートVol.01 BRAND: 工画堂スタジオ RELEASE: 2003-12-29 SIZE: 161mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: Mini fandisc of Magical Twirler Angel Rabbie and Aoi Umi no Tristia that contains two visual short stories among other goodies to commemorate the year of 2003 for Kogado...
  10. [Own Bought][140320][げーせん18] Sengoku Hime 2 ~Senran no Yo, Gunyuu Arashi no Gotoku~ Renewal Edition (戦極姫2~戦乱の世、群雄嵐の如く~ 新装版)

    [Japanese] [Own Bought][140320][げーせん18] Sengoku Hime 2 ~Senran no Yo, Gunyuu Arashi no Gotoku~ Renewal Edition (戦極姫2~戦乱の世、群雄嵐の如く~ 新装版)

    TITLE: Sengoku Hime 2 ~Senran no Yo, Gunyuu Arashi no Gotoku~ Renewal Edition/戦極姫2~戦乱の世、群雄嵐の如く~ 新装版 BRAND: げーせん18 RELEASE: 2014-03-20 SIZE: 3.38gb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: Updated to use to the same system as Sengoku Hime 3 ~Tenka o Kirisaku Hikari to Kage~ and a resolution of 1280 x...
  11. [Own Bought][111125][げーせん18] Sengoku Hime ~Senran no Yo ni Honoo Tatsu~ Renewal Edition (戦極姫~戦乱の世に焔立つ~ 新装版)

    [Japanese] [Own Bought][111125][げーせん18] Sengoku Hime ~Senran no Yo ni Honoo Tatsu~ Renewal Edition (戦極姫~戦乱の世に焔立つ~ 新装版)

    TITLE: Sengoku Hime ~Senran no Yo ni Honoo Tatsu~ Renewal Edition/戦極姫~戦乱の世に焔立つ~ 新装版 BRAND: げーせん18 RELEASE: 2011-11-25 SIZE: 1.40gb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: Updated to use to the same system as Sengoku Hime 3 ~Tenka o Kirisaku Hikari to Kage~ and a resolution of 1280 x 720 instead of...
  12. [Own Bought][071221][Marron] Himawari no Chapel de Kimi to Gaiden Onnakyoushi - Nidoki Ichisaka (Kyuusei)

    [Own Bought][071221][Marron] Himawari no Chapel de Kimi to Gaiden Onnakyoushi - Nidoki Ichisaka (Kyuusei)

    TITLE: Himawari no Chapel de Kimi to Gaiden Onnakyoushi - Nidoki Ichisaka (Kyuusei)/ひまわりのチャペルできみと外伝 女教師・仁時一紗香(旧姓) BRAND: Marron RELEASE: 2007-12-21 SIZE: 84mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: A Himawari no Chapel de Kimi to Side story that was bundled with its visual fanbook. Was hard to find...
  13. [Own Bought][110402][サン出版] BugBug 200 Anniversary DVD ミニミニAVG集 Part2

    [Japanese] [Own Bought][110402][サン出版] BugBug 200 Anniversary DVD ミニミニAVG集 Part2

    TITLE: BugBug 200 Anniversary DVD MiniMini AVG Collection Part 2/BugBug 200 Anniversary DVD ミニミニAVG集 Part2 BRAND: サン出版 RELEASE: 2011-04-02 SIZE: 1.94gb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: Part 2 of 3 of the BugBug 200 Anniversary DVD MiniMini AVG Collection. Parts 1 and 3 are available online...
  14. [Own Bought][040624][J.C.Staff] Ai Yori Aoshi ~Shuutou~ (藍より青し ~秋冬~)

    [Own Bought][040624][J.C.Staff] Ai Yori Aoshi ~Shuutou~ (藍より青し ~秋冬~)

    TITLE: Ai Yori Aoshi ~Shuutou~ /藍より青し ~秋冬~ BRAND: J.C.Staff RELEASE: 2004-06-24 SIZE: 360mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION (taken from vndb): The popular comic and animation series "Ai Yori Aoshi'' is finally available on PC with beautiful CG! Cherry blossom in the spring, beach swimming in...
  15. [Own Bought][040520][J.C.Staff] Ai Yori Aoshi ~Shunka~ (藍より青し ~春夏~)

    [Own Bought][040520][J.C.Staff] Ai Yori Aoshi ~Shunka~ (藍より青し ~春夏~)

    TITLE: Ai Yori Aoshi ~Shunka~/藍より青し ~春夏~ BRAND: J.C.Staff RELEASE: 2004-05-20 SIZE: 407mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION (taken from vndb): The popular comic and animation series "Ai Yori Aoshi'' is finally available on PC with beautiful CG! Cherry blossom in the spring, beach swimming in...