
My journey into anime world started in 2009 or in 2008. I remember that, one day I wanted to take short break from programming so I've launched CS. However, due to my laptop issues the CS didn't launch, so I've started to search websites for some entertainment and found anime banner on one of the sites. I thought: "Hmm I'm not that interested in watching cartoons, but ok I will watch one. If I will like it then I will watch more until the very end of the series of my choice (Perhaps I can get used to watching it)." The series of my choice was ......... ゼロの使い魔 (3rd season). I've watched the episode in which Syphild in form of the naked girl jumped on Saito. Since the Polish culture is a little different from those views my eyes were litteraly burned. I run to the kitchen to hide myself. When I returned to my laptop, the season was paused on the moment of that jump, yet I decided to continue. From that point fortunately or unfortunately I've started to watch more and more anime until today :)

Anime, Eroge, 日本, Programming
IT programmer