Ghost Kitty~
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  • <---- you got a lot of likes :P your so likeable mister. (i put licks/lickable xD)

    I like hearing about your dreams ^^ i can read your dreams all day <3 much more exciting than anything else. You do have a lot of battles with fish type creatures xD
    Hehe you dreamed about eating sushi xD you love sushi jk. Aww im sowwy if you haven't slept well either :( or haven't eaten well.

    Eh thats it? i wanted to know who was the captain D: I hate cliffhangers gah. But sounds interesting your dream didn't want you to see who the captain was :o this would be an awesome dream diving adventure. Like dream divers (i made the name up but sounds like a cool movie xD) Like people will dive into someone's dream to find out what the person who was dreaming couldn't. Lets say your captain^^ I have such an awesome idea for a movie to bad it will never see light of day =_=
    I hope you have been eating cookies & drinking tea. Me knows you like tea & cookies (and slapping people with fish and kidnapping them) You silly mister :]

    When do you start school? since your on break right now.
    Omg sowwy for replying so late D: had like other messages to reply to they made your comment go to like the second page lol.

    We left off talking about your dream with the shark and how only in 2 dreams you saved a girl but doesnt happen in every dream lol.

    Idk if what i do before i go to sleep impacts me on what i dream about. I always day dream about being in a anime world but when i go deep in sleep its never hardly about anime lol. But eh its ok day dreaming is better :) What dreams have you had these couple days?

    Yeah sowwy i haven't been on lately (been busy mostly) I feel bad that im now just replying to your message i wish i could of replied sooner :( if you hate me its ok i deserve it.
    I think I figured out what caused my slow rise of activity :o. I think that posting visitor messages also helps increase :o. Since Ive gotten like..20% in last 2 days. :o (Dont know if its true tho~)
    Mr sammykins... I'ma get off for a while i feel kinda sleepy today since i didn't sleep vewwy well :( It's 4am and im hardly tired by now but gah didn't sleep good >.< It makes me sad cause i won't be able to talk to you if im sleeping D: im very sowwy. -gives you lots of huggies & then some cookies- Me gonna miss you :( if i don't get back on in a bit then i'll be on later so ima say goodnight sweet dreams and sleep tight. Byez..
    Hmm seems like the fast forward was actually turned back in time that way you could save the girl. Ohh a certain girl? <.< nvm. I think you died as why you woke up. Mainly when you die or about to die you wake up. I woke up a few times before i actually died in a dream. Sometimes i want to die so i see myself dying but when i have no control over the dream & i am about to die i wake up. Really confusing sowwy. Anywho back to your marvelous movie type dream. It seems like you end up saving a girl in your dreams xD Like the one you saved from falling in your other dream about climbing a tree for points. You got to use weapons ^^ wasnt that awesome & a sword non the less. I wish i had adventure type dreams like you :( but with a guy saving me =_=
    This is getting exciting lol it's like im watching a movie but through my mind xD Omg The Guild that reminds me of Angel Beats :] Aww she saved you <3 im sure she will show up again. This can definitely be a movie sounds so amazing ^^ I'll reply once your done with the dream. I keep leaving you messages and your not even finished yet >.<
    Eh ok that dream turned into a nightmare O_O & omgz the shark could run? As soon as you said it chased you i pictured it running after you on it's tail fins xD Spaghetti and chow mein? I like chow mein ^-^ & ya had that tasty food but wanted fish? you are silly mister. I didn't know sharks ate that. of course its a dream so they hardly make sense lol. I swear dreams can be turned into movies The part about the city maze then the city turning into (idk what that word was) and it has tree trunks sounds kinda cool to see in a movie. I'm glad you didn't see the 4 buff guys get eaten up by the shark O_O would of been such a bloody scene >.<
    Oh nvm i just got the rest of your second dream ignore my last message thinking it was short lol.
    Hehehe you make me giggle so much :3 You know actors exist in the world xD. Have you seen any Jackie Chan/Jet Li movies? they do lots of sword fight type movies & stuffys. Yeah i get super excited when i get a kill in a game ^-^ then i die and get all sad :( wanting a huggie. That was a short dream xD You just went ice-fishing that's it? haha sounds peaceful :) and interesting. But wayyy to cold for me >.<
    Aww me sowwy you only got one kill :( Well it's ok everyone has their own certain taste for thingys. So guns isn't your thing but swords/magic is that made me think of Dungeons and dragons/Lord of the rings xD. A lot of online games have warriors/Mages/Rogues/Scouts you would love them^^ but me knowz your computer. I'm just saying if you were able to install games you would had install so many xP I don't like fps games that much. I just play them when i feel like killing people or dying <.< Eh you don't feel full when you eat sushi? omg that's soo weird O_O i will stay away from it then. I don't wanna turn all fat cause i ate to much xD
    The climbing tree part reminded me of kingdom hearts for some reason lol. You know that game? And whos your favorite actors/actresses.
    Hmm i hope i get to try some sushi when i get the chance^^ Wow that is some dream i don't mind more messages of your dreams long or not i would like to hear about them. It sounds like you will save a girl from falling or something like that. You are a hero for saving her ^-^
    You should just play some Fps the only way to get good at something is to try it out and not avoid it. Sure you might die alot but everyone sucks when they start off doing something they never done before or arent that good at. Practice makes perfect. I'm not that good but i still play for fun. I get all happy when i get a kill :3 so its worth and & it kills time so double worth it xD
    You remember the odd dreams? OooOo do tell i wanna hear about them ^-^ And aww im sorry if you didn't have a good sleep :( Whatcha doing now? besides being on here.
    How was the sushi? And i know but at least you had a bunch of girls around you xD you haven't had a rice ball either? geesh japanese people have the awesomest stuff =_= I just installed Repulse it's a shooting game & at least this one works fine on my computer. The other two new Fps games didn't cause of the high end graphics & such. This one has decent graphics. I got my butt pwned xD but i got some kills though.
    You were in a group of mostly girls? HAREM!!! na just kidding :P And you never told me if you had a good sleep/rest or not. Yesy cookies for you :3
    Eh i think i'll just chat on here =_= Lol sounds like you won't finish it you'll be to busy watching anime/reading manga/ & etc to even finish that movie xD It's alright i mean it aint anything special. Na im ok i don't wanna look for anybody in person & doesn't help that im a shy/nervous person =/ I think i had dreams but can't remember. Your eating rice? I always wanted to try a rice ball :( never got to & sushi waaa so unfair.
    How do i get to the IRC? i hear it's not good place for noobs >.< which i might be lol. You like kidnapping people huh sammykins you mean mean boy xD I hope you had a good sleep & some nice dream. Did you eat anything yet? I had chicken & rice^^ Gonna go take a shower now then i'll be back:] -gives you huggies then a cookie with some tea-:fluteangel:
    Yeah he was the Mad hatter in Alice in wonderland xD i saw the whole thing :3 you should finish it as well mister. Hmm you're right but from being single/alone for the longest time i don't crave for company as much as everyone else. I had relationships but got cheated on/dumped etc & having fake friends who just back stab me & lie it made me not trust anyone anymore & it made me not look for a bf/friend in person anymore either. So being a loner is kinda ok for me. Not so much stress/drama to deal with when your alone. Plus i got this site/anime/online games/music to keep me company & not so lonely :)
    Ive been wondering, when I seee your name in my "recent visitors" list, you and a few others have a + in front of your name. Wuz dat? o.o
    D: you got bullied? i would kick their butts >.< I know im not strong against guys but i would kick them in the ballz if they messed with you T-T I'm glad you had people to help you though. I had no one T-T But its k i was used to it. Yay you know Johnny Depp ;D How many of his movies have you seen? any ones you like. Omg Sammykins you are soo mean xD hitting him with fish daily and kidnapping him i feel so bad. You wear glasses? aww cute :3 I never read a big book or even finished one lol.
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