Ghost Kitty~
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  • I just hope i didn't hurt him or anything like that D: & read my other message mister hmmph don't abandon my BIG messages D: jk you can if you want lol
    Eh i didn't know second was a boy =_= this is why guys having girl avatars confuse me. I just end up feeling stupid and bad if i say the wrong thing to the wrong gender T-T
    You don't talk to any of those friends anymore? I was never that interesting i was just the quiet one in the class but sadly for me being quiet just made me a target people picked on D: I hate my past T_T Wow that's a lot of pages lol my neck hurts when i try to read a book so i don't read xD but i had read goosebumps and theres this book i do wanna read it was made into a movie it's called Secret Window with Johnny Depp you know him?
    Well me is glad that you had fun today ;3 i want you to have lots of fun everyday! What sites do you be on? since you be having lots of windows/tabs open.
    Yes indeed i do tend to get tired trying to keep busy so me understand you hehe. Oh Negima that's coolios are you almost done with it? Ah im the same :3 un social irl i'm to nervous/shy to talk to anyone & my past when i used to talk/make friends they turned out to be fake friends & back stabbers & so forth. The friends i make online are way cooler anywayz. We like some of the same stuff's you talk to people from all over the world learn new things and etc it's awesome. I don't have a friend over here so im basically a loner but i have friends on this site so im ok :3 Haha yeah spinning for to long can get you tired & also dizzy @_@
    Hehe im just a lazy person :3 i like to relax but also keep busy when i need to. Didn't make sense im sowwy =/ I'm sure you will get that goal done no rush you'll get to it when your ready^^ You don't hang out with your friend? that girl. Ya can go out to the mall or something me don't know what you like to do outside. What manga are you reading? Haha i always wanted to spin around with someone & then throw them xD I feel like you have power when your spinning idk. Aww so your day wasn't fun? My day was fun since i was on here having fun with you and my other friends :3 & i still am hehe. Wow that's a lot of windows/tabs open mister you should not have so many things open D: i want your computer to run fine me dont want it to mess up on you anymore T_T
    Wow i was trying to picture everything you was mentioning you saw in your dream and it's amazing :D That will take some time to paint a lot of details & stuff. Lol i try to not have more than one tab open :) you are silly mister. You keep yourself busy huh? having so many tabs open xD I think it would be hard for anyone to throw a 300 pounded person lol i can throw a stick/ball ^-^ How was your day today?
    What do you wanna paint? like what did you see in your dream? I think you will be able to paint it when you feel ready. Maybe your gut is telling you not now but soonish. I guess just keep panting till you know for sure that your ready. Are you sure? i feel like i annoy people when i leave big messages/talk to much.
    Waa i had to uninstall the new game i installed :( the music in the bg kept skipping or w/e when the game lagged here & there i just got annoyed and i couldn't deal with it T-T It lags when i went to different spots so yeah. I hate when i find a new game i like & i end up having to uninstall it cause some stupid reason =_= life is so unfair to me. Hmm i guess it happens to computers when you had them for a year or so. You should get it checked out then since you only had it for a year & now it heats up & freezes/lags. You can also look it up online to see what it means. Maybe someone has/had the same problem. Ah im so stupid =/ i forget karate has people breaking boards. what do you throw in Judo? people i assume? Like for defense or something gah i am retarded.
    I'm sure you were good at judo especially if you were like two belts away from the blackbelt. Did you break a wooden board with your head/hand?
    Wooah that sounds soo yummy :P even tho i hardly know what those things are xD Oh wow im so sowwy :( i wish they didn't care if you played games or not. Disapproving video games is harsh =_= It's ok im sure you do fine in games & don't suck hardcore. Practice makes perfect eh? Omg that sounds amazing^^ i would like to see all your arts (ok not possible i know) I'm sure you did an amazing job on all your art pieces :) Hmm that happened on my old computer used to over heat after a while (burned my fingers) But i was still able to play games without much lag. Maybe it's time for a new computer mister or a check up on the one you have now. You don't want it to over heat to the point where it can start a fire D: i was afraid of that when my old computer over heated =_= Erm im sorry if i leave you such big messages. I can stop that & leave you short ones if you want.
    You should get black shades/curtains to cover your windows so it won't let the sun in or shine that much. I have my window covered always so yay :D Me sowwy if the sun bothers you :( i would want you to sleep comfy and peacefully grr mean sun T_T I like the games to be full screen cause i wanna be in the game's world fully idk if that makes sense =/ But i don't mind some games not being full screen like the visual novels i downloaded. Yeah im like that as well i don't care for graphics to be all that as long as it looks decent and it's not an eye sore im a ok lol and i have a notebook pc not a desktop so my computer can't handle top notch graphics. Like DC Universe Online.
    Do you know what your having for dinner? Hm i suck at first person shooters too xD well online on console im pretty ok :3 Since im not a hardcore gamer i tend to suck pretty bad & im always clueless about stuff D: Ah idk i mainly play mmo/mmorpgs but i get tired of fighting so much (grinding sucks monkey balls) Also since i always play alone it's hardly any fun :( You should try Sword Girls it's a card type game & it's a browser game so no installing involved :D & it's anime style woot woot. You did judo O_O omg that's awesome so im sure you can kick major butt if you needed to ^-^ You do art as well? gahh i wanna see your art :3
    Which anime you think has some really good music in it? I mostly end up liking the intros/credits music since their easier to find some are not xD Yes cute games for the win!! Anime style games are the bestest. The realistic ones are meh. You sure do like action. Do you like to fight? like play fight or w/e. Hmm im sure you would be an awesome action man You would have epic swords/guns and would kick major butt like a boss xP
    Lol yeah horror movies do repeat sounds a lot like the girls screams and such. Oh really? i must watch that anime again then ^^ You just cleared everything up for me so now ima watch it again :D What did you eat today mister? oh wait you probably just woke up a while ago so no dinner yet right? Aww you so cute :3 makes me wanna watch horror movies/anime with you :P You just play flash games? i played a couple browser games but i like the game to be full screen and other things. Yeah anime does have some good music in it.
    Look's like im gonna eat fish today :3 OMG i just installed this new free-to-play game and its sooooooooooo CUTE!!:bliss: The characters are all chibi and i bought this bunny outfit and gahhh overload of cuteness:fullblush: It's called Glory Destiny Online. When i first got in the game everything was in japanese i think so i didn't know what anything meant xD but i managed to click the right buttons ha. Second time i got in the game everything was in english so yay. What games have you installed on your computer? You've seen a bunch of animes? Hmm any Harem/slice of life/school type ones? Im watching Kanon again been a while since i've seen it but i still remember what happens lol.
    Wow you have some imagination there mister xD aww you don't wanna see horror movies alone :3 thats cute. But if you see horror in anime its ok? I saw Higurashi but just got confused as hell =/ I saw maybe 3-4 or 5 episodes and stopped after that cause i was wayyy lost. You said it was a movie but the one i saw had episodes so me dont know. If you like her as much as you say you do your gonna have to tell her cause if you don't another guy will and you will lose the chance of being with her. But being friends isn't bad either atleast you would still have her in your life. I understand that your scared to tell her though. Yeah those stupid loud noises =_= It's like im all in the movie and bam loud noise comes out of no where and i jump inside then i laugh xD
    As i see it very loud noises catch me off guard in movies not the actual footage just the sound. Why do horror movies scare you? I mean it's all fake so i laugh at it haha.
    Pfft sucks i can't send a big message :( I have to send the rest of my message in this one. I do wanna see the new Mission Impossible movie i have the first 3 movies & waiting to see The Rum Diary with Johnny Depp in it. Have you seen any new movies that have came out? Awwdon't be afwaid horror movies can't hurt you :) I mainly like watching the torture/death scenes in horror movies. I enjoy a scare here & there as well. Some horror movies catch me off guard and i laugh when it does like wooah i wasn't expecting that lol.
    At a bus stop wtf That was pretty dumb but idk maybe she liked him at first site cause to give your number away to a total stranger makes no sense. Ah she did? maybe she doesn't like you in that way and maybe just likes you as a friend. The only way to know is to ask & find out. You don't wanna be the guy who just bothers her. Na i never saw that movie. What Language is that in? japanese? I had seen Suicide Club freaking awesome in japanese but i didn't mind reading the subs for that movie. Since i mainly watched it for the deaths anyways :lmao:
    Haha that's coolios you just grabbed books cause of the name & read a few pages :D Did any one of those books keep you reading for more than a few pages? Wow you putting a girl through that mission tisk tisk mister :yelcard: You should ask her if she likes anyone else or just say i like you but like in a joking way or something and see what she says. Don't let another guy beat you to it. Also hmm if they together she basically liked him but maybe got bored or she ended up liking someone else and now doesn't feel the same way he does. Nice or not you shouldn't just say yes to going out with someone if you don't like them cause all your doing is hurting them in a worse way than just saying i don't like you in that way. Aww im sowwy if the anime isn't working :( I like other types of movies i just get bored of action/romance/comedy but thrillers/suspense/horror/drama types are much better :)
    Yay food to heat up through out the week woot! lol. That sounds nice actually ^_^ Hmm were there any interesting books you ever read? Aww i understand & me? Noz im a girl & if i had 4-5 guys liking/loving me i would go insane cause i wouldn't be able to handle it & i don't like hurting anyones feelings :( You download anime shows? I just watch them on a anime site. The only things i download are songs/games hehe. Woah only 10pm there? i know you aren't tired yet. I think ima play a match or 2 of LoL then i might watch a movie or some vids on youtube.
    Yesy randomness is fun :] Wow that's a lot of food not the type of food i would want to mix together xD. I only eat dinner which is mostly always chicken with rice or chicken with mac&cheese. You're a book worm? How many books would you say you read since middle school to now? Do you ever wish you were like a anime guy who has 4-5 girls liking him? I never asked a guy that so you will be the first ^-^ Sorry i replied so late. I was on the phone then when i got off i had gotten a text to get another call from someone i thought forgot all about me & didn't care about me anymore so that took up most of my time & me so sowwy for that. It's 1am right now what time do you usually stay up to? Ohh that's what spamming is haha What type of movies you like? I like horror but horror movies lately kinda suck =/ so haven't watched a horror movie in a while. The last horror movie i saw was Hostel 3. Romance makes me:vomitblood:
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