
Why are Modular Motorcycle Helmets Considered Fully Packaged Multipurpose Helmets?

The best modular motorcycle helmet fits many situations. That includes cases that call for both open and full-face helmets. It’s a versatile helmet for different groups of riders. Helmets cost a significant amount of money. Thus, not everyone can afford to buy several open and full-face helmets. At the same time, it’s not possible to find one helmet that fits all situations perfectly. But a flip-up helmet comes close to bridging the gap between open-face and full-face helmets. Read on to find out how and why it’s so.

So Why Regard a Modular Motorcycle Helmet as Fully Packaged and Multipurpose?

A modular or flip-up motorbike is considered a fully packaged multipurpose helmet due to its versatile use. It’s a single helmet that can play the role of two types of helmets; full face and open face. It’s its ability to assume dual kinds of helmets that makes it a multipurpose protective gear. As an adaptable helmet, it helps in the following ways:

➡ ➡ ➡ See more: How to Choose the Best Modular Motorcycle Helmet

Dual Visor for Day and Night rides

The provision of dual visors on a modular motorcycle helmet also makes it a multipurpose helmet. A two-in-one visor allows the rider to navigate both day and evening rides. During the day when there is a bright light, you’ll use the smoked type of shield. The dark visor minimizes the glaring rays of the sun. Hence you can see clearly without strain. On the other side, when the light grows dim, the transparent visor then becomes ideal. Besides, most of the multipurpose helmets use a retractable visor mechanism. That makes it very easy to swap between the two shields. A modular helmet can act as a full-face and an open-face helmet. When you push up the shield, it transforms into an open-face hood. By closing down the flip chin, it resumes its full-face mode. Thus, as situations demand, you can swap between the two modes, and enjoy both modes.

Uses of Modular Motorcycle Helmet in the Open Face Mode

Moving up the visor transforms the helmet into the open-face mode. That makes it suitable for the following situations:

Ideal for Training

As you train or learn about riding a motorcycle, you’ll make several stops to talk to your instructor. Imagine at every stop you’ll have to struggle and take off a helmet.

The movable chin bar solves all that inconvenience. During those training classes, you’ll rarely cruise at high speed. Therefore, the modular helmet still offers you the convenient protection you need.

Easy Communication

There are cases when you need to stop briefly and engage in conversation. A delivery man makes several stops to chat with the mail owners. When such a person gets the best modular motorcycle helmet, it makes his work simple. Lifting the chin bar is quick and makes conversation simple.

Suitable for Touring Adventures

Motorcycles are ideal for adventurous rides in the countryside and city life. To enjoy such sceneries, you’ll have to go at low speed and have a helmet that gives you a good view of your environment. A modular helmet in the open-face mode becomes suitable for such a task. It also gives you lots of space to use your field glasses.

Best for Summer Rides

The scorching heat during summer requires helmets with adequate ventilation. Flip-up helmets have adequate ventilation, even adjustable ones. Adjusting the vents increases the airflow, thus cooling you down.But the best of all is the movable chin bar’s role. When the summer heat makes the helmet's interior temperature unbearable, the movable visor comes to your aid. It lets in plenty of cool air to make you comfortable.

Supports Quick Drinking or Eating of Snacks

During bike races, you may become dehydrated or depleted of energy. Taking off a helmet is inconvenient and takes much time. By folding the helmet’s chin bar, you throw in a few energy bars into your mouth or sip cold refreshing water. A modular motorcycle helmet won’t disappoint in such a scenario.

⇨ RELATED: How to Find the Perfect Modular Motorcycle Helmet - Expert Advice - Helmetgurus.com

Uses of a Modular Motorcycle Helmet in the Full-Face Mode

When you change the environment and you need a full-face helmet, a flip-up hood won’t disappoint you. In the full-face mode, the helmet becomes suitable for the following purposes:

Blocking Wind and Bugs

An insect hitting your eyes or getting in your mouth may force you to lose control of the scooter or motorcycle. But when you pull down the face shield, the visor blocks such and lets you enjoy your ride.

Better Safety for the Entire Head

A full-face helmet covers all the crucial parts of your head. That includes the neck, face, chin, and back of the head. Fastening the chin bar reinforces the protection. And in the event of a crash, you are less likely to sustain brain or head injury. Although its cushioning ability might not match a standard helmet, it's better than a half-, open, or jet helmet.

So, Who Can Benefit from the Multipurpose Role of a Modular Motorcycle Helmet?

Several groups of people can benefit from the versatile role of flip-up helmets. That includes the following people:

Parcel/mail delivery men

Riders who commute to work and pass checkpoints at the gate

Those who like adventurous rides

Any other low-speed motorcycle, moped, or scooter rider

Parting Shot on Modular Motorcycle Helmet as a Fully Packaged Helmet

Before taking a ride on your scooter, remember safety comes first. However, different riding styles and territories call for different types of helmets. Buying every helmet for adventurous, street, commuting, and racing bikes might be costly. That’s where the best modular motorcycle helmet at online Helmet Gurus comes in as a fully packaged multipurpose helmet.You can wear it to work, during adventures, as you deliver mail or parcels, and even those learning how to ride motorcycles also need it. In other words, if you need a two-in-one helmet (open and full-face), then the modular helmet wins.