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  • He didn't put an own bought tag on it. How would I identify he bought that game?
    If he really did, feel free to show proof and I will delete my post.
    You can say whatever you wanted. We have moved away from copying other people's releases and focus on uploading our own as much as possible.
    Back then when the Japanese P2P uploaders provided everything. Since it was not that case anymore, WE ARE ONE OF THOSE WHO STOOD UP TO BUY GAMES.

    And yes you are right, we ONLY forced to publish when someone was uploading on P2P. Otherwise we publish when it is over 21 days, such as the two games we posted today.
    Call it irony or you want, we do NOT wish to do zero-day release which affect the sales of games in Japan.

    How about list me the benefit/harm of releasing the game as soon as possible?
    1) To the publisher
    2) To us
    3) To people who download
    4) To people who tends to buy when download is not available
    5) To uploaders who copy

    There is plenty of harm and zero benefit to 1)/2)/4) for releasing the game as soon as possible.
    Regarding to VIP, it existed since 2003. And you have no right to say anything about how other people's site is run.

    Ideally we want to cover all releases by our own bought release, but since other people are also purchasing to upload, it is pointless for us to buy the same game.

    If you don't like us or our release policies, don't download from us. You can just download from someone else, who probably was just sharing our copy.
    Again, if anyone think our release is a copy of your own, PM me and I will get it deleted as soon as I read it.
    I am not aware I copied from otokonoko. I never EVER downloaded anything from any threads in AS.
    If someone posted it elsewhere and I happened to post here, there is a small chance it could be from otokonoko.

    I have removed the thread anyway. Please let me know any similar occurrences.

    You should really also mention he copied パラレルファンタジーIF + patch 1.4 from me.
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