Ah I see. Sounds cold, and a bit lonesome too, I thought there where not many people living there. Or that there even was Internet. 35 is awfully cold sshshh
I see, you probably been learning for many years then, trough study, or tv/movies and entertainment ?
By philosophy you mean 'Grammar' do you ?
Ah well, I guess I learned to speak English when I was still at child school basically, saw a lot of movies and stuff in English when I was a kid, and we all started learning English pretty early. Maybe around between 8 and 10 years old.
Though I've been trying and wanting to learn some Japanese, which off course is the main lingual(langauge) focus for most at this place.
Wish you a good spring, when ever it shows up, and hope you don't get struck by either meteorites or nuclear bombs.
Off to bed I go. Cya !