Recent content by mordin323

  1. M

    [REQUEST] YOUTOPIA (FXX) Collection

    +1 this artist looks very good
  2. M

    MMD discussion and sharing

    Isn't this run by the same people as kemono? Why are they gatekeeping the importer on a separate site and leaving the kemono one broken for a year lol
  3. M

    [Hentai game] [SLG] [ディーゼルマイン] SUMMER-田舎の性活- / [dieselmine] SUMMER - Countryside Sex Life Ver.1.02

    The sprite animation in this was really good, especially for the purple heart scenes. I tried looking into this companies previous work but sadly the animation doesn't seem to be the same quality :(
  4. M

    2020 Hentai releases - April

    Sotsugyou XX densha is interesting. You don't see too many hentai with deformed or chibi looking characters. Too bad the sex scenes were pretty boring like most stuff under the petit label.
  5. M

    2020 Hentai releases - March

    Holy shit, Inmou looked so bad. Giving Queen Bee a run for their money.
  6. M

    2019 Hentai releases - September

    Well, the new Shaga was super disappointing. 20 minutes of "plot" with no sex scenes and what we get wasn't even that good. Hentai releases in 2019 have been pretty dire.
  7. M

    2019 Hentai releases - November

    petit label though... yuck
  8. M

    2019 Hentai releases - January

    All this Petit label stuff is the worst. Hentai releases were dire this year. Basically the only thing I had to look forward to were the occasional uncensored releases.
  9. M

    [Japanese] [DDL] biohrd's [April 2016 / 04-2016] Collection

    Woah a relatively new hentai got an uncensored release? Is there any more of that coming out?