
There once was an otter that lived in the sun. He basked and he bathed until the day was done. Wasting away, year, after year. Never having found a thing to hold dear. With his life having faded, his soul having its all over. The otter is dead.

Anime, gaming, manga, flat chested petite women, physics, alchemy, cats, alcohol, more alcohol
The Land of Faires and Wieners
Mad Scientist
Favorite Anime
ef A Tale of Memories
Favorite Manga
No favorite, to many to pick just one.
Favorite Games
Dragon Quest series, Tales of series, SMT series and its spin offs like Persona
Favorite Singers/Musicians
Mike Patton(pretty much all his many bands as vocals) Freddie Mercury, shouldn't require explanation.
Favorite Voice Actors/Actresses
Kugimiya Rie bring on the Tsundere goodness. More and more.
I could list a few others, but, Tsundere, especially Taiga. It's like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain, or ears, regardless...yes.


*signature redacted for security reasons*