Recent content by RoriMusi

  1. RoriMusi

    [Japanese] [2006][Erogos] Maho☆Tama Series ~Sukumizu Hen~(まほ☆たまシリーズ ~スク水編~)[Crack]

    Relax dude, i was just asking for some help, you dont need to be rude.
  2. RoriMusi

    [Japanese] [2006][Erogos] Maho☆Tama Series ~Sukumizu Hen~(まほ☆たまシリーズ ~スク水編~)[Crack]

    im using Windows 11, and the crack is done, but it shows this when i try to play it
  3. RoriMusi

    [Japanese] [140221][TLB] 田舎のがっこで夏休み♀♀♀×♂

    hi, could u please re-upload it, the mexa is gone and rapidgator only works for premium users
  4. RoriMusi

    [Japanese] [2013][Studio Himawari] Yume no Touhou Tag H Tournament 2(ゆめの東方タッグHとーなめんと2) [Save]

    could u check the link of rosefile on this one as well pls?, is not getting the file not found but it doenst download as well for some reason.
  5. RoriMusi

    [Japanese] [2012][Studio Himawari] Yume no Touhou Tag H Tournament(ゆめの東方タッグHトーナメント) [Save]

    Hi, may u re-upload the links, when i try to download it on rosefile it says the game can't be downloaded : "File is not found 404 Error", the rest of the links are dead.
  6. RoriMusi

    [Japanese] [050415][わるきゅ〜れ] 怪盗L☆lita&you~姉妹監禁肉遊~

    Hi, it's me again, all the links are dead expect rapidgator who is only working for premium users, if is not a bother, pls may u re-upload it.
  7. RoriMusi

    [Japanese] [2015/05/29] プレイ!プレイ!プレイ!屍 / Play! Play! Play! Shi

    hello, the links are dead, may u re-upload them pls? ( if u do it on Mega or Drive i would appreciate )
  8. RoriMusi

    [Japanese] [120413][萌雛] 危険日OK!孕んでシスターズ

    Thanks, God bless your Soul
  9. RoriMusi

    [Hentai game] [ADV] [ドリル] ロリ物語 / [DORILL] Loli Story

    the torrent isnt working, may u re-upload it pls?
  10. RoriMusi

    [Japanese] [120413][萌雛] 危険日OK!孕んでシスターズ

    may i get a new link?, all of them are dead except rapidgator, but it asks for premium if i want do download it.