Recent content by Shadowthief

  1. S

    [Japanese] ✨Shine✨[250124][あせろら] ドラゴンブラッド~竜の呪いと精液で神に復讐を誓うRPG~ (Ver1.20) [RJ01219535]

    Did you try to delete the files "anime.wolf", "BattleEffect.wolf", and "BGM.wolf" after applying the patch? at least that's what the devs say you have to do. Edit: Deleting these files after installing the patch seems to be working.
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    Reason behind your username?

    My username is the first thing that came to mind, It's from a Jag Panzer song, with the exact same name as it's title.
  3. S

    Do you have any pets? O:

    Just one dog, she's a mean bugger to anyone other than family. loyal to a fault.
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    What game are you currently playing?

    At this moment? I'm dividing my time between Detroit : become human and FTL
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    Not a Bug Lost the ability to send PMs

    Hello as the title suggests I have lost the ability to send PMs to people. I should be well over the 10 posts limit for years now....but I am not as active as most people(or next to non at all..) so was wondering is this a bug of some short? or just a deactivation of idle accounts?
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    [Hentai game] [ACT] [ROOMV] 色気を喰らう / Iroke wo Kura

    Do not bother to download this it has DRM protection and it is uncracked.
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    [Japanese] ~NEW~ [170829][同人ゲーム][H.H.WORKS.] FlashCycling~自転車露出主義~【フリーライドろしゅつRPG】 [RJ206082]

    Anyone else has a problem playing this game? it just rips my cpu a new one after a few seconds of playing even though I have the game's requirements more than covered.
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    [Hentai game] [New Release][160702][H.H.WORKS.] COS RO3【コスプレ露出おさわりRPG】 (Ver.1.23) [277M] [RJ177417]

    Re: [New Release][160702][H.H.WORKS.] COS RO3【コスプレ露出おさわりRPG】 (Ver.1.10) [873M] [RJ177417] Ehmm....why does a 310.57 mb game + 41.54 MB expansion(if it is in it) take 873 MB space?
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    [Japanese] [121130] [CYCLET] 海蝕輪廻 パッケージ版

    My antivirus keeps flagging the game .exe as an Agent_r type trojan. anyone else has this problem?
  10. S

    [121124] [HGame] [excess m] ZOMG – 王様はおねショタの夢を見る

    if you are having trouble uploading the files properly you could also post a txt file with the file names and their exact bite count example 夢を見る.demo 124,434 etc...and people could rename the files accordingly.