Recent content by timmytree

  1. timmytree

    [Lesson] One word a day #2

    Sorry for the late post. I am quite busy at the moment. A thing I did not metion in the last post. In Japanese, adverb and adjective is basically the same thing, I seperate them in here for convience to translate eng to jap. Here goes the words this week: 1.政治 noun meaning: politics...
  2. timmytree

    lol I will show up from time to time, but I am quite busy at the moment XD.

    lol I will show up from time to time, but I am quite busy at the moment XD.
  3. timmytree

    XD I never really use a forum so I don't really know what to do around here XD. But I think it...

    XD I never really use a forum so I don't really know what to do around here XD. But I think it is nice community, and I am really happy to be a part of it :D
  4. timmytree

    Konnichiwa~ Nice to meet you~

    Konnichiwa~ Nice to meet you~
  5. timmytree

    [Lesson] One word a day

    I will raise the level if the words are too easy. Tried to limit the words to really simple words.
  6. timmytree

    Which Key visual novel games do you prefer?

    I would say rewrite. It is very different to all the other key VN, and really hard to understand. But it has a very deep meaning.
  7. timmytree

    [Lesson] One word a day

    Thought this may be useful. As there is already a hiragana + katakana lesson, I thought I'd open a small lesson. Nothing EPIC. I would update with seven words a week (one per day, three nouns, two verbs, one adverb and one adjective), with how it is pronounced, the meaning of it, and to use it...
  8. timmytree


    I thought you always wake up before you crash
  9. timmytree

    Count to a million

    3917 late night? XD
  10. timmytree

    Count to a million

    3914 Hello
  11. timmytree

    What time is it?

    22:10 bored
  12. timmytree

    Your country pluses and minuses

    JAPAN Pros: +Anime (hahaha I know. be jealous) +fast internet +good food +safe +good transport Cons: -economy has gone to sh*t -our PM quit over a little problem -radiation -new laws restricting contents in anime etc... -all the people (we don't have a lot in total, but in the city it is as...
  13. timmytree


    このサイトは思ったより日本人と日本語しゃべれる人が多かったので正直驚きました。 日本でお住まいの方も少なくはないと思います、では一回オフ会ってのはどうでしょうか? まだ未定ですが、参加希望者が居れば書き込んで下さい。^^ 参加出来ない人も結構いると思いますので人数自体で計画を立てていくと思います。 では、よろしくお願いします チミー・ツリー
  14. timmytree

    What are your goals in life?

    goals... sounds unrelated to a guy my age. It has come a time where I should really decided what I want to do in life and all, but nothing seem to interest me. So I guess my goal is to find a goal in life.
  15. timmytree

    日本語で自己紹介しようぜっ! Let's Introduce Ourselves in Japanese!

    orisaさん、どうもです そうなんですか・・・ カナダで頑張ってください! 確かに日本語のほうが簡単ですね・・・w 英語は一人称とか色々ややこしいので、今でもあんまり上達してない気がする・・・ 中国語は日常会話は多分大丈夫と思うが、それ以上はちょっと無理・・・ 最近日本語がちょっとおかしくなってような気が・・・ 2ch用語とか使いまくってるんでw