Recent content by Vice

  1. Vice

    If you have a account can you do a little something for me

    Done. Yeah, quite lucky, he also seems nice just from reading the human nature behind his text messages.
  2. Vice

    If you have a account can you do a little something for me

    Don't worry about it, if he responds I will let you know through dms as I don't respond on forum posts much.
  3. Vice

    If you have a account can you do a little something for me

    Depends on if he answers then. I will try. And no it isn't, I've tested it on the site before for other uploaders. Edit: I've done it.
  4. Vice

    Anime and 'Live Action' Genres, what do you like?

    Ah, I'll try watching it, I usually like those things heh.
  5. Vice

    Anime and 'Live Action' Genres, what do you like?

    Yeah I do. Almost all of it actually. Except the live action ones you listed I didn't watch yet. Also suits? What is that one?
  6. Vice

    Question Please let us block users.

    Thank you.....truly. *is exhausted*
  7. Vice

    Question Please let us block users.

    Sorry, I am not staff rn and cannot help you put a torrent in the otome community as it was my original intention here. Because I did personally message you when I was mod at that time. But couldn't find the time. I did understand your request as it was about haiiro no arcadia links taken down...
  8. Vice

    Question Please let us block users.

    If your feeling harassed always change the way you write your dms until they lose interest and stop, its great for the mental health really and relieves pain and bad blood if you wish to deal with the problem yourself and not get reported. Though doing this twice should be enough, anything more...
  9. Vice

    Unable to download update even with japanese vpn

    Could be :p, but we are derailing this thread by talking about something else aside from the poster's initial problem with willplus games only.
  10. Vice

    Unable to download update even with japanese vpn

    It is definitely related to a foreign IP block, there are certain JP sites like these aside from the one specified that is capable of this feat that can thrawt connections. They probably must have a few IP addresses reserved that are blocked from most VPNs as well. I am not sure how to bypass...
  11. Vice

    Unable to download update even with japanese vpn

    Is it WillPlus company games? Seems to be giving a 504 Gateway time-out error.
  12. Vice

    Rapidgator Premium only links, what for?

    Regarding debrid services half of them can turn out to be fake or they seek money later on when they gain enough popularity through free users aka once they reach a satisfied server limit. They'd either reduce the file size or ask to pay to continue. Even cboxes ask to pay as well.
  13. Vice

    Unable to download update even with japanese vpn

    Maybe urban vpn since its free?
  14. Vice

    Rapidgator Premium only links, what for?

    It is to your first statement.