Recent content by WUryLyP

  1. W

    [Voice] ci-en ほしのよぞら 2011/11

    you should post the download link and describe what it is on other forum; Japanese has a lot of boards which allow you post stuff anonymously, doesn't she? Since I had closed the group and leave telegram, you can contact me with message feature of the site...
  2. W

    [Voice] ci-en ほしのよぞら 2011/11

    Since a lot of people only want free sources, without any payment or efforts. I decide to close the group.
  3. W

    [Voice] ci-en ほしのよぞら 2011/11 2022/03 Decompression password or alternative download links, please join the group to obtain.
  4. W

    [Voice] ci-en ほしのよぞら 2011/11

    つまり、これらのリソースを他の人と共有したり、他のウェブサイトに公開したりするということですね。もし広まれば、私はもっと多くのコンテンツを投稿します。 In other words, you're saying that these resources will be shared with others or published on other websites. If they become widespread, I'll post more content.
  5. ci-en ほしのよぞら 2011/11

    [Voice] ci-en ほしのよぞら 2011/11

    ci-en ほしのよぞら 2011/11 file size: 213.3Mb information: The link contains a voice recording and an illustration from one of Hoshino Yozora's...