Recent content by ZheiZhei

  1. ZheiZhei

    [Japanese] [960101][スペースプロジェクト] 転校生

    If you install the game on a non-Japanese system, you will get the English version.
  2. ZheiZhei

    [Request] ドラゴンマスターシルク1&2 (Dragon Master Silk 1 & 2) Try this.
  3. ZheiZhei

    [Request] キミキス ちょっとまとめ劇場 (TECH GIAN付録) - キミキス あとちょっとおまけ劇場 (2year special)

    I found the 2 Year Special on 5ch, luckily the link is still available. キミキス あとちょっとおまけ劇場 Passwprd: jAJu8ox2 You need run this game in Japanese and be sure there is only english characters in path.