[Maps] Egyptian Maps for AI-Shoujo & Honey Select 2 by FutaBoy


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Trusted Member
Nov 5, 2013
I've thought about it for a long time and I've decided that I'm going to stop with modding.
One of the reasons is my health. I need distance to recover myself and modding is stopping me from doing that. The other reason is personal. I only can say, that you can thanks those who made me make this decision and I don't feel like stressing about certain things anymore. Some will feel addressed and also know what I'm after respectivily what I mean. And overall the modding scene has changed so much, that I don't really enjoy it anymore. My time and my health are too valuable for that.

Egyptian Maps for AI-Shoujo & Honey Select 2 by FutaBoy

When you download my mods and you use them for payed things like video clips, scenes, screenshots, or other projects, would it be nice to left me a credit in your project or to give me something in return. Cause I also spend a lot of effort and time into my work and there would it be fair at least to mention my name. My mods will still be for free.
And one thing more. Without my permission I don't want, that someone is spreading my mods on other boards or they appear in other mod packs.
Please ask me before.
Thank you for your understanding.

This maps pack contains two Egyptian maps, which I ported them first for Sexy Beach Premium Resort. They are originally made for DAZ 3D.
The two maps are an Egyptian Bath and the Temple of Ra.

Egyptian Bath

Temple of Ra


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