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  • can you upload these game:


    露出快楽 卒業アルバム~先輩から後輩へ受け継がれる羞恥プレイの伝統~
    (同人ソフト) [121208] [にじいろばんび] えっちな秘密基地

    Thank you for this and shares load of download options greatly appreciated. :)
    Ah sorry to bother you again. Do you know if this game けもの道-六ぷら- ever got released? It seems someones been releasing fakes...
    would you please upload just a nodvd file of this game for me ?この青空に約束を

    because i download from a different site so i have the game but i don't have nodvd file
    Huh ? Reupload ? No DVD Patch for Dummy Cut Version still fine :)

    I though you want No DVD Patch for Full Version so I added to the thread, you can get it there ^^
    Um...It is done, forum only allow 10 seconds after you posted it up to modify any mistakes if I remember correctly :)

    Hi shinichi. I just download 孕ませエニアゴン+1~モノマキナ・犯して孕ませ、出産させて強くなれ!~ in your post recently. i've been played it and i got stuck at the meguru village. in the basement's button puzzle. can you help me out? by the way i've got some information that ther's a bug for that puzzle which is already fixed in v1.2, I just wondering what version is your's? Thanks in Advance.
    How do you use the Shin Koihime † Musou ~Otome Ryouran ☆ Sangokushi Engi~ save game?(i tried putting it in the sav folder but nothing happened do i have to change the name of the save?)

    I can't figure it out...

    EDIT:Nevermind i figured it out:D

    oh and hello it's a pleasure to meet you :D
    Shinichi could you please re-up this eroge
    -[%E7%99%BD%E6%BF%81%E7%B3%BB]-%E8%A6%97%E3%81%8D%E7%8E%8B-nozoking-[857mb]-22636/"][101029] [白濁系] 覗き王 -nozoKING- [857Mb]
    Thanks in advance
    You got my name wrong XD
    Well anyway, there's no need to put something like that besides your sig because it's your userbar now ^^. If you have a request again just PM or VM me.
    Here's your request, I hope you like it!
    If ever you want anything changed or a new one done just say so. ;)
    Nah its okay. No need to advertise the thread. XD
    I'll just notify you then when I'm done.
    Sure I don't mind. I'll just notify you when it's done. I'd probably make it along with the next batch.

    Is there any specific anime character you would like me to include on the userbar or would just prefer the plain text with background one?
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