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  • Since you are done with P and starting with S already, I wanted to ask again, if you could reupload parts 4, 6 and 8 to RG in this thread.
    Thanks for granted all my request :3
    I'll ask you again for sure.
    Anyway thank you again
    Well, do you have really much money for an some thousand Km (Mile - if at you in mile is) fly (for two tickets; yours and my), then am I OK, okay^^?
    How lucky for you - there is an big storm and rain...>_>

    Notice: Then are you on a sub-tropical coutry.
    I do hear "Moe~Moe~Kyun"? - And yeah, it's my good friend Moe - Is long ago, what's up^^?
    A bunch of thanks for you!!
    Thanks for your reply
    and thanks for reupload.
    I'll wait for sure :)
    Thanks again moe-kyun
    Hello. Sorry for disturb.
    I just want to ask do you have this game. If you have, please re-up it. I really really want to play that game.
    Please reply me soon. Thank you :D
    I got a very very old link to work and found the fix for the mdf file. It can be found here
    If you are interested. You will need IE to download it it seems, other browsers cant read source file.
    Have a great day, and thank you for your time!
    I think its just the MDF file that is broken. A few years ago there was a small patch for it around, but i can't find it anymore.
    As it is now, the installation with the image messes up and the game crashes in a few scenes :(
    Uh, sorry to disturb, but do you still have the MDF patch for
    [100924] [Yatagarasu] Obscene Guild -Katayoku no Datenshi- | ObsceneGuild -片翼の堕天使-
    ? Since only the broken image seems to still be around.
    Happy new year, Moe-kun!!!
    And a healthy and peaceful year for you and your family!!!
    This one went down recently, could you reupload? thanks -[Studio e.go!] がくパラ!!~GAKUEN PARADISE!!~
    (sorry, I don;t know how to use this code "@moemoe-kyun;").
    Can i ask you, what difference between 1.1 and 1.0? Because when i inset h-code, it's still same (hook code didn't appeear)
    Hi there, found your thread for Tick! Tack! English version recently. Tried the patching but didnt work so wanna give yours a shot since its extract and play. However the links doesnt seems to work. Will appreciate if u could amend them. Thx a lot. This thread
    I'm just here to comment and say thanks for all the stuff you upload, you are a patriot when it comes to every person's right to play Eroge
    why you can't upload to more file host? what do you mean by "keep maintain 4 is my limit? i don't know why these 4 file host (bitshare, uploaded, rapidgator, and terafile), i can't download from these 4. that's why i ask you to reupload this VN. sorry if i ask you to much (sorry for my terrible english)
    can you reupload this (Walkure Romanze VN) on other filehost like putlocker, sharebeast, sendmyway, etc (because i can't download from uploaded, bitshare, rapidgator, or terafile. i dont know why). sorry for my terrible english. thanks for your attention
    Hi all O(≧▽≦)O, here the links to all my Company SET COLLECTION
    Studio Ryokucha
    Studio Mebius
    Saga Planets
    でぼの巣製作所 | Debo no Su Seisakusho
    There are more and i will bring its to AS (=^・ω・^=).
    Btw IF you found dead links, just leave a comment in a thread has dead links and use AS mention : @moemoe-kyun; to ping me. I will reupload ASAP. (* >ω<)
    Hey moemoe-kyun,

    I recently grabbed an upload of yours that you did couple of months back. Here is the [cage]-naisho-no-yorimichi-%7C-%E3%83%8A%E3%82%A4%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A7%E3%81%AE%E3%82%88%E3%82%8A%E3%81%BF%E3%81%A1-134022/"]link . Thanks for the share but sadly I am having an issue running the game. I installed the game just fine by mounting CAGE_011.MDS but for some reason whenever I try to run the game.exe it gives me this . I tried to find a crack but wasn't able to locate one. Even I tried to crack the exe with AlphaROM but I was largely unsuccessful with it. I play a lot of VN so I got all the basic applocale stuff covered. I am not sure what I am missing so I would appreciate it if you could help me out if possible cause Google isn't being much help :(

    Well, I've me always asked, if the Uploader the uploaded game also play, or just upload...:goodtea:~>
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