Haha look these sentences make great sense togetherxD
I am a very very good gentleman with handcuffs.
Hahahah xD
Bow tie and a monocule?lol a butler image appears on my mind with a pokemon cap xD
Music in space?I thought there was no sound in space though xD
Aliens must have told you some of their secrets xD
I'll rescue you and then give a hug xD so that you can feel safe haha xD
Home cooked meal yes,though my cooking is not the best

Y-you'll take it?!

I'm not sure about the end though xD
Why cat owo?cant be a dinosaur or a jaw?xD
Hahaha now you're insisting xD
Hidden desires are very very very very dangerous xDD
xDimagine a room within my brain and on top of the door there's a skull sign xD
Why would you go there??XD
And my secrets are the embarrassing stuff so why would I tell it?xD
hahaha xD and there's probably a yandere button somewhere xD
You gonna handcuff me?!whoa whoa whoaaaaaaa xDDDDDD But I'm sure I'll try to escape xDDD
How did I know your thoughts?heh

Cause my skill levels is much more higher since I'm the final boss and the greatest fujoshimon!!!nihahaha >:3!!
Amazing right?xD
And men can be cute too!xD extreme cute!so so so cute!xD
wow another crazy hobbiexD?and it's tank lifting?!Then I'm like a feather if you'd try to carry me xD
Hahahah who knows maybe xD
but boxes can be broken xD
ahahah dont worry not gonna use my axe xD