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  • Many thanks, i appreciate your expanded liking effort :dthumbup: And yes the darkness, well i thought why not widening my horizons besides comedy stuff, as long as a decent story stays behind it. And as long as it's readable, ha ha.
    No prob, glad to see you trying out HS, too! :)
    I'm not sure if you got that all figured out, or not, but here you go. I uploaded everything I've used, thus far, into one rar file.!3gtnmIgC!o10VaeqvUbj-crMFdBLGN5o1P2GOdRfzcvP0mcCEpRU

    As for the install order, it should go like this:

    1. UITranslation.v0.16.0-HoneySelect (Duh, lol)
    2. UI Translations.CollaborationV.0.51
    3. [HoneySelect] UITranslation-Images-v0.2
    4. Text-Translation-0.11
    Oh, hey, sup! Fortunately, there isn't too much to worry about, as of yet, so I can give you a list of what to install.
    First off, though, is it just the translations you need?
    Hey thanks for the rep man! AS reminds me of the old HF which was great. Glad you like the pics! I spent quite a bit of time on Yui, porting her from SBPR was less than satisfactory. There was a lot of tweaking to be done but I'm pretty satisfied with her outcome.
    Thanks for the rep! Yeah, that was a lot of fun to do. :)

    I see most of us have seen what has been done to HF... Guess we'll all be sticking around here for the time being?
    And hey, I miss your glasses girl avi, already!
    For a time, I tried to make myself believe there was... But... Too many life experiences and having an overly analytical mind ultimately drove me into atheism several years ago. Religion, as a whole, I honestly don't care much for; just look at history, or even the present. One of my biggest pet peeves is respect my beliefs, and I'll respect yours. Shove your beliefs in my face, and I'll spit all over'em. o_0 Jaded, but that's just how it is.

    I... Know nothing of the Chaos Gods, or Slaanesh. Sorry! (Hey, I went a little Shatner on you there! lol)
    I'm not religious, by any means, but I do prefer the many fun (and mundane) gods of Greek Mythology over... the current overpowering alternative shoved down all our throats. -_- It's all just mythology, anyway, heh heh...

    Either way, both of us were on the verge of a cardiac arrest, lol. Looking back, you're right about that PP. Crazy!
    With every twinge of guilt, there's going to be shit loads of ecstatic glee, though, heh heh. I pretty much felt the same way about the Penguins, too. Neither team has won it a lot! (Mine, obviously never...)

    I swear, 90+% of that 3rd period was me freaking out about the Penguins spending time around our goal and getting off shot after shot! Brutal! That PP we had was pretty sorry, too, lol.
    The hockey gods... That shit always cracks me up. "The Hockey gods", "The Baseball gods", etc, as if Zeus and the lesser are up in a mighty Hall looking down upon sports teams and deeming who is worthy to win or lose.

    Funny, if you think about it. Reminds me of that old, early 80's flick Clash of the Titans, actually.
    Even after we went down 3-1, I couldn't bring myself to hate your team, honestly. Pretty much felt like we were done. I don't have that confidence in the Sharks like I do with the GS Warriors.

    Hell of a game! Jones stepped it up for us after that frenzied 1st Period. We'll see how shit goes down on Sunday, though.
    Argh, this whole period has felt like a goddam power-play for the Penguins!

    And just when I say that, the Sharks are getting a PP chance...
    Oh mind you, seems imgur is blocked hard here, links get corrupted after you post them. So that's out of the window.

    I've yet to watch any KanCole stuff, it's so popular though... do you recommend it? I figured people liked it because of the games, and since I've never played one...
    Hmm really? I think it's only posts where you curse or something, some of mine were delayed, others were instant. at any rate, share some of that DK mojo in the picture works thread please! Let's show 'em what we got!
    Oe DK! Ofc you had an account here :hapjudge: Gt found out there's groups here too! Maybe we can set up the cabal shelter here after all. Oh, btw, you know you can change your name right? Just a thought...
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