[Sorry for the double message. I wanted to edit because of a "line organization" problem, and this happened ><]
Yes. I've already helped build rpg forums, building stories and all that... but it is the first time I have a opportunity to work on an actual VN. The prospect is appealing. ^^
Ok for the LPW. I'll definitely go chat there. Thank you for the informations. :)
Now about your drawing... no wonder you've won, it's absolutely sublime, pure CLAMP style.
Whether the drawing or the character itself...I really love it.
I'd love to see some more.
You put my own "skills" to shame. x)
Yup, chatting more would be nice. ^^ And to answer your question, my favorite flavor has been the classic vanilla for a long time... until I tried "la fiore di latte", the milk flower. The taste was... there is no word for it. Light, soft, delicious... I quickly became addicted, until I moved and could find no more in my new city

Aaaanyway. As for the ones I simply like, almost anything except mango, banana and kiwi.
What about you? What Ice cream flavor do you like? And anothe one: what kind of stories are your favorite (whether in movies, books, games...)?