Vel-chan's alive! Thought you'd been kidnapped by a creepy fat old man who crept into your house. I mean, you've obviously been a bad girl

Donmai, and thanks for the wishes! I don't celebrate it, but I do hope you had a great time with your loved ones as well :)
Then Vel-chan's bestester... in butchering the English language
Ah, I see. Utada was my earliest favourite too. I guess Vel-chan doesn't listen to Japanese songs much?
What spell though? Not something like invisibility or a ninja escape spell, right? We're in this together, right?
Oh, fine! Diamond case? It'll even protect you from sunlight by refracting it!
No to curves? How about flat? I'm actually flat-chested
But I'll be "extraaaa gentle so [Vel-chan] doesn't break", I promise!
Use it for recruitment purposes! It'll be just like an army enlistment ad, but more honest about the bloodbath
Hmm, Vel-chan adores her senpai too, doesn't she?

Will she enjoy however I treat her?
Just some maintenance, Ma'am! * Ignis stuffs a small CCTV into the hole.
But there's nothing wrong with that! Without it, humanity would eventually be extinct!
N-not really, I prefer being on the giving end
Fine, I'll scam someone else :(
It's not kidnapping if you consent! * Ignis uses Vel's hand to sign on a contract waiving her rights.
That's right! Not even death frees you from my stalking! To infinity and beyond!