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  • Mmm... maybe a maid?

    xD. Don't cry. =O Couldn't find anything really good. I suck at searching for certain things. My apologies.
    But i did find one.
    And since it's not that good i'll give you a small bonus too. xD
    I'll have to give your present later, since it's getting annoying to find a good one and i'll have to leave now. (while there are thousands of good Erika pictures. xD)
    I'll try to find one later, if i can't then forgive me. t-t
    Sorry what means "FA"?

    €dit: If its Fortune Arterial sorry I cant read japanese I am just fan of Bekkankou's* art

    *Artist who paints for August

    Frank, I was about to say Happy Birthday but I had a 16 hours internet outage yesterday O-o

    It was a great fuck up of my ISP, it was supposed to be thirty minutes, but ended up 16 hours.

    Sorry for the late birthday >.>

    I'm always a shy person when greeting people :048:

    You're gift: a cute loli neko take good care of her
    *says in a shy voice* Ummm... Happy Birthday Frankincense may the power of the internet be always with you :D
    Hey Frank~ It might be one hour too quick for UTC, but since I'll likely be on my way to the uni by that time-

    Happy Birthday! All the best!
    Oh also I made you an admin. I believe it'll be better with me getting MIA every now and then (and Checkmate's going on a trip soon, too).
    Umm, sorry for the late reply. I guess I don't need to say again how I've been having problems coming online. Anyway, I'm still on the project, and even though I'm not making any updates, I'll be sure to post my translations when I have things settled (I've been having so little time I can spare while I can be online).

    At the moment I'm writing this message, it seems that the wiki has a problem again - it appears to be redirecting to which is an invalid URL. I don't know why, but I'll get that fixed soon. As about file upload, I thought I had enabled it, but I'll recheck as well as authority to edit.
    Well, I couldn't identify the problem, and couldn't find a way to fix it. Hence I had to make a new directory for the wiki. Accesses would make no difference as long as you keep introducing the URL as to people, but if in the past it would redirect people to now it redirects them to (that's the reason I introduced as the URL to you when I made it, for cases like this).

    As about backup, well, the database should stay safe on the server. Will make backups slowly when I have enough time.
    Nice timing, I could just get online a few minutes ago, and got asked by Check about it. Will take a look shortly and let you know.
    and may be via torrent too, and spamming tons of uploader sites, updating 24/7/365: hotfile/fileserve/megaupload/rapidshit/mediafire/PUT WHATEVER YOU LIKE HERE IN 10 Seconds (Upload speed = 100MB/s)
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