Oooh, this thread is alive again! Hello there, how are you? I recently watched Azarashi Soft 10th Anniversary Live, and it was so wonderful! I love all the vocalists and all the songs!
And by the way, Amakano 3 was announced!
I didn't play sequel, only original game (first part), so I can't say anything about this... But there also was problems in original game (like, why Orie doesn't have her own route that she deserves... intead of this we had forced harem, and I didn't like it at all).
Hmm... from Textractor it's this line:
A:2958:75434990:34C906:0: WideCharToMultiByte (HQC@0:kernel32.dll:WideCharToMultiByte)
I don't know how to convert it into H-code
It shows like <text line> <character name>
That's ridiculous to CUT the content from original JP release and sell it as a DLC... And I don't even talking about that ADV mini patch, it really was a DLC on JP release, but why they cut another content, geez... what the hell. I understand eroge industry nowadays in terrible condition, but...
Tried to do this, but game doesn't run at all. I wonder what the problem when on Win11 you just press Start.exe, and nothing happens (installed version too).