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  1. S

    [Hentai game] [150424] [ALICESOFT] イブニクル -Evenicle- + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

    Finally manage to complete chapter 4... I didn't notice that you can enter the mountain in the hanny island :D.
  2. S

    [Hentai game] [150424] [ALICESOFT] イブニクル -Evenicle- + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

    Well I did those event when im still around level 40+, Im already level 52 because I keep on checking every town and other places still cant enter the fishing village.
  3. S

    [Hentai game] [150424] [ALICESOFT] イブニクル -Evenicle- + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

    Finished that already... still stuck. By the way you can capture Gal Monster using Ramius skill that has 1 limit use per battle. You will use that in finishing the 3rd door of Camelot. You need to kill the eyeball then capture or let the the Gal Monster escape.
  4. S

    [Hentai game] [150424] [ALICESOFT] イブニクル -Evenicle- + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

    Anyone can help me here? Been stuck here for hours... I already visit every available islands there is and revisited every town. The only town that give me a dialogue is the colopty island and fishing village but I cant enter there.