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  1. Pencil Lazuli

    [Hentai game] [120727] [FLAT] atled -everlasting song- + Update 1.1 [H-Game]

    Well, according to getchu: パソコンパラダイス 200号記念のオリジナルゲームとして発表され、同人作品というカテゴリーながらクオリティーやストーリー性の高さが絶賛された 『-atled-』。 その隠れた名作が、FLATの手により大幅加筆・リニューアルを遂げて再誕! It seems they added a lot of new contents to it that you may call it renewal. And yes, it's still the same story.
  2. Pencil Lazuli

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Currently playing Majikoi S. I haven't cleared any route in the first game yet but I find it no problem if you have gone the prologue in the first game. I quite like the new "choose your future" system here. There are too many routes to choose from. I haven't unlocked every route yet, but...
  3. Pencil Lazuli

    Paste your eroge backlog here.

    Japanese otakus finishes an LN in around 2 hours. As VN goes, it is finish-able in around half a day. (not cited but based on my own experience, or if any, there are reviews in...
  4. Pencil Lazuli

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Not really a trilogy, but... Ikusamegami ZERO -> Ikusamegami 2 -> Ikusamegami VERITA ...order of play is okay?
  5. Pencil Lazuli

    Paste your eroge backlog here.

    Japanese readers finishes an LN in around 2 hours. As far as VN goes, it is finish-able in around half a day. (not cited but based on my own experience, or if any, there are reviews in...