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  1. Z

    [REQUEST] [a Matures]陵辱催眠姦~発情ビッチ共を連続で犯りまくれ!

    did you change the name of the execute file to bruns.exe I'lll check what the h-code is when I get home
  2. Z

    [Hentai game] [131025] [BISHOP Royal] 館 ~官能奇譚~ + Bonus + Update [H-Game]

    So its a corruption game by the looks of it. Sounds promising, thanks mate
  3. Z

    [Hentai game] [131025] [BISHOP Royal] 館 ~官能奇譚~ + Bonus + Update [H-Game]

    Does anyone have a summary about this one, I've ran the text through a translator but I get some odd errors, I can understand some things about it being a slave type game. If anyone can give me a hand please
  4. Z

    [REQUEST] [a Matures]陵辱催眠姦~発情ビッチ共を連続で犯りまくれ!

    [モニスタラッシュ / a Matures] rename the main .exe file to bruns.exe, once that is done run latest ith or edit text in VNR this was the only way I could find that would extract the dialogue in my case I just made a copy and renamed the copy and kept the original