Hi Corocoro,
When you get a chance, can you re-up RG links. Most of them are down.. The following are the only ones that are still up.
1 - part2
3 - part2
4 - part2
5 - part2
7 - part1
8 - part2
Hi Corocoro,
Now i'm interested to checking this out. I never heard of this before =) All the RG links are down except ep2. Can you re-up when you have free time?
Thanks a bunch!!
Hi Corocoro,
Can you re-u the RG links when you have a chance. All the RG links are down. There's no rush, just whenever you have a chace.
Thank you, Arigato!!!
Hi Corocoro,
I downloaded all but seems the rg link for ep16 is down. Can you re-up when you get a chance.. no rush at all, just whenever you have free time.
Hi Corocoro,
Can you reup RG links, looks like all of it are down. There is no hurry on it, just whenever you have a chance. I Thank you from bottom of my heart. I did have this series saved, but deleted it by mistake EGAAD!!!
Hi Corocoro,
HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! All the RG links seems to be down. When you get a chance, can you re-up the RG links. My wife says Thanks in advance!!!