Speedy, di daerah tempat tinggal aku, cuma Speedy aja yg tersedia.
Cuma pagi sama sore aja, trus klo skrng kadang2 ga tiap hari online, sibuk maen game XD
It's 10 Megabyte/s and unlimited quota.
Now I'm using some not-too-reliable-but-still-expensive service for US$ 110 @ 2MB(Megabit)/s (DL 250kB/s).
I can't upload anymore because I don't have enough time for online T-T
Anyway, I can only see "Imouto" username now... it's just me or ?
I only make big thread then update it with new stuff by editing the main post, so I only had a few threads.
My current ISP is the best my country can offer (price is still reachable) , yes some backwards country like INA don't have any good but not too expensive ISP T_T
There is one fast and...
Only active when HF still have the DL section. Uploaded files, but rarely talk in any section.
It's because I always using different username everywhere ;)
It's Indonesian ISP, they will block anything they want to block lol XD T_T
This include almost all of Anime-based forums.
My ISP block Hongfire and proxy server so I can't get the No DVD from them, can anyone upload it here, please ?
Thanks as always girlcelly :D
I see...
With my inactivity in digital world, I rarely talk with users, but I really like your post, so I know that I have to say this : Thank you :D
*back to lurking mode*