Sry agn kudo-san for making a fuss >.< went to check this morning found a thread that was around 6 months back , the BS linkz was still alive >.< :( sry abt it thought the linkz was dead
hm? u have help me upload the game i want already which was that link , why are u saying sry?
i should be the one saying thank you here >.< haha
did u misunderstand somewhere >.< haha
One is limited first edi , one is premium , well its both the same except for tokutens . >.<
Hi kudo, can i request for a reup on twinkle crusaders
P.S plz vm back if kudo-san is taking up this request TY >.<
Oh and i prefer BS,FS,FOM >.<
Yeah i was shocked myself too >.< cause normally BS linkz lived longer , i will get it tmr hope it doesnt dies hahahaha , and thks for the fast reup ! :) さすが、Celly-sanだなははは
and i wonder when the Escu:de game is coming