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  1. Totally✮Crazy

    Latest Thought~

    Independence day, huh? Set your slaves free for today, do your stuff yourselves, feel grateful for their work
  2. Totally✮Crazy

    Diabolik Lovers: Dark Bridal [Eng Patch]

    I know, I can send you a link via PM if you want
  3. Totally✮Crazy

    Latest Thought~

    Ouch, was that a punch aimed at my intellect? Wow, me was really hurt, you sure you're a princess?
  4. Totally✮Crazy

    Latest Thought~

    avenged? when did they rip? did they eat a cat with some disease? poor babies
  5. Totally✮Crazy

    Latest Thought~

    Franky is being violent, cuz you miss your spidies? poor franky
  6. Totally✮Crazy

    Latest Thought~

    Welll at least it shows you know some good classic parody, imho better than posting smth like: "make me feel the blessing with my own hands to get that fact confirmed", though i would post smth like that if i were a guy, hmmmm Yup, i'm a complex person, i can enjoy the pleasures of both worlds...
  7. Totally✮Crazy

    Latest Thought~

    According to the book of life aka urban dict, the boobs are: 1) mind control device 2) proof that there is a god 3) weapons of mass distraction So yeah the #greatestthings And Leggy, you should post that comedy piece in a video link, people would appreciate it better than that gif
  8. Totally✮Crazy

    Latest Thought~

    Well then, disregard the fact i shared. And you should reply to him, it's not nice to keep your stalker in suspense. If you are a girl, I'm sure he just wants to see your blessing too.
  9. Totally✮Crazy

    Latest Thought~

    If you were talking about me I am not a guy, for I was blessed with a set of boobs
  10. Totally✮Crazy

    Latest Thought~

    I know
  11. Totally✮Crazy

    Latest Thought~

    Not anymore
  12. Totally✮Crazy

    Latest Thought~

    nightpanther hmmm, why did i read your nickname as "nightpartner" must be smth i ate for breakfast
  13. Totally✮Crazy

    Come join our PS Vita otome games sharing group on FB :-D

    Now, hypo, why didn't you invite lulu-ssi to our marvelous group??? Come lulu-ssi, dear, we have people who enjoy chatting about vita otomes very much! Visit our thread here ;)
  14. Totally✮Crazy

    !!!JOIN NOW!!! Otome games co-purchase

    Thank you, honey! We really appreciate your membership, hope we can make you feel at home on our Discord channels :alice_love:
  15. Totally✮Crazy

    !!!JOIN NOW!!! Otome games co-purchase

    Thank you, Berry! Hoping more people will see the absolute benefit of such cooperation! :alice_fight:
  16. Totally✮Crazy

    !!!JOIN NOW!!! Otome games co-purchase

    !!!JOIN NOW!!! Otome games co-purchase & discord-chat on otome-gaming AT LAST THE OTOME GAMES CO-PURCHASE CAME BACK! AND YOU ARE PRIVILEGED TO BE AMONG US! Tired of waiting when someone will share the game of your interest? Don't have the finances to support your overgrown...
  17. Totally✮Crazy

    What game do you like playing, why?

    So, your name does have a connection to DA, and here I thought no one but me showed some dedication to the legendary series ;)
  18. Totally✮Crazy

    Need recommendation on ENG otome games!

    Depends on what story you like - real life, mystery, fantasy, steam-punk, sci-fi - and the language, do you know any Japanese or only English?
  19. Totally✮Crazy

    Come join our PS Vita otome games sharing group on FB :-D

    My most attention is on steam otome games now, though I don't have many spare time to play them lately (real life is a b*itch), so I just add interesting titles to my favorites and wait for some sales or if the price is affordable, or the game definitely is worth it, buy them on spot and move...
  20. Totally✮Crazy

    Come join our PS Vita otome games sharing group on FB :-D members and supporting developers (not just waiting for someone to share and being able to find it reposted on dozens of sites later, which *TELLS A BIG SECRET* basically make money from those uploads). So, I sincerely hope you'll succeed in your endeavor and maybe you will extend it...