Title: 終わりで始まりな放課後に
Romaji: Owari de Hajimari na Houkago ni
Released Date: 2012/12/22
Company: Studio Diving Frog 2
Info: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ107593.html
Not cg file. I find a Visual Novel.
Thanks for advice
I'm Windows 10
And tried compatibility mode. But it's still can't install
Do I have to install a virtual PC?
Setup file is run. It just can't install
Found it.
Title: Ms ~If it is true~
Romaji: Ms ~If it is true~
Released Date: 2000/09/01
Company: Maboroshi Ware (幻ウェア)
Info: https://vndb.org/v20775 , https://www.dmm.co.jp/mono/pcgame/-/detail/=/cid=719mbw0001/
This game is mahjong game :)
Title: おまたせっ! パイ牌PIE! クリスマススペシャル
Romaji: Omatase! Pai Pai Pie! Christmas Special
Released Date: 1998/12/11
Company: Bags
Info: https://vndb.org/v19670
This game is mahjong game :)
I downloaded a new file and used <Virtualdvd> and loaded ccd file.
But, still can't open it.
I'm so sad :(
Is it a virtual drive problem?
Could you tell me the virtual drive software you use?
yumekumi.ccd: The end of the file is damaged.
yumekumi.ccd: No files recovered
yumekumi.img: The end of the file is corrupted
yumekumi.img: Damaged header found
yumekumi.img: No files recovered
yumekumi.Sub: A damaged header was found
yumekumi.sub: The end of the file is damaged
yumekumi.sub: No...
Warning message: The file or directory is corrupted.
yumekumi.ccd loads fine. However, the game setup folder cannot be opened.:(
Is there a solution? I'm Windows 10.