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  1. P

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Holy moly, StrawberryNauts getting yet ANOTHER HD Remaster, this time up to 1920x1080, and it's supposed to have even more CGs but no new scenario is to be added to remain wholly faithful to the original it seems. If PriministAr Renewal is of any indication, I got a feeling it'll be remade in...
  2. P

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Can't bring myself to read, but still collect anyway... I found a crowdfunding effort for Marmalade 20th anniversary vocal collection with a target of 7m yen (now at 2m)...Lovepical Poppy got Master Up... Looks like this place's well and truly dead, though.
  3. P

    What external hard drive do you use to back up data?

    Lots of WD Externals. These days I try to get the USB-C Ultra ones but that means upping the price. A few external SSDs also, most WD with some Samsung sprinkled in. While I have doubt about the SSDs long-term storage capability, the transfer speed cannot be denied. 2TBs HDDs and 1TB SSDs are of...
  4. P

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Secret Love (tentative), Hooksoft's 25th title, for Summer. Kanojo Step over at SMEE had a half-hearted attempt at keeping relationship secret before (ends up knowing either way after a short time. I'll give it some leniency given its small country town setting). Will this allow one to keep it...
  5. P

    Anyone know how to extract xp3 files into working mp3?

    Extract from the plain xp3 and not xp3.sig? Did you pick the correct encryption scheme? Can you convert those ogg files to something else? Try wav, most basic of all sound format. The ogg.sli file is the control file of the corresponding tracks for where the loop is supposed to happen, measured...
  6. P

    Anyone know how to extract xp3 files into working mp3?

    What extension are the original files in? Can you extract as ogg? Can you play ogg in any player you have? Make sure to tick the extract audio as common format box. If you need a converter, foobar2000 music player can handle basic conversion but you'll need to find LAME for mp3 conversion. You...
  7. P

    Anyone know how to extract xp3 files into working mp3?

    Did you try converting them into something else (say, wav) or you can't even convert them? Export into some other, playable, format (again, wav, or ogg) , then convert them back to mp3 if you really need it?
  8. P

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Meanwhile, Docchi no I ga Suki Desu ka? gets a console port, and interestingly, not for PS5, only PS4 and Switch as always.
  9. P

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Hooksoft (and its sister brands) seems to be silent for nearly a month now...and Moonstone woke up outta nowhere to announce a new game under Cherry brand back in late September, with release date set in late December. An unpredictable time indeed...
  10. P

    Visual Novel Cafe

    It appears they decided to go all-in with that Iris (Airis?) Mysteria thing, to the point that their own past games get cameos there...and it shows that Keyorina is their Magnum Opus by porting it to modern OS this late.
  11. P

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Time is not kind to, others, industry... I kinda lost the will to read things for a pretty long while now. Things had been stale for several years now, I believe. A few Doujin games are actually outperforming bigger names lately in terms of quality...
  12. P

    Question What is the deal with the new "topbar" feed?

    I liked the top of page feed just fine as limited new activities, only showing the activities of forums where discussions actually happen. Now it's become straight up NSFW bar. If I cannot get it back to what it used to be or switching it to text without visible graphics preview, can I at...
  13. P

    [Album] [191228] どっちのiが好きですか? Original Soundtrack

    No Disc 1; only Disc 2 is included.
  14. P

    Welcome to ASF v2

    Is it true, that there is word/character limit to posts? Will long-form posts be possible anymore?
  15. P

    [Hentai game] [230526] [HOOKSOFT] PriministAr -プライミニスター- フルHDリマスター 豪華限定版 [H-Game] [Crack]

    Maybe it's DL version thing? Apparantly Senri's FD scenario (EX Story) is unlocking by finishing her route, under Extras. Kayano seems to need two routes finished. Also, there's a bug where the game will crash if you choose to come inside in first Misumi Hscene. A patch has been released to fix...
  16. P

    [Hentai game] [230526] [HOOKSOFT] PriministAr -プライミニスター- フルHDリマスター 豪華限定版 [H-Game] [Crack]

    This is more or less Definitive Edition. It includes every added scenarios both from the main game updates and the Fandisc, so scenarios for Ghost, Karen, Kayano, and Senri's afterstory are all included.
  17. P

    Visual Novel Cafe

    PriministAr HD Remaster is a port to Buriko (BGI) engine unlike StrawberryNauts HD RENEWAL that stayed on the old engine. They didnt even bother remaking the Recollection interface and just reuse the Gallery UI. Fandisc scenarios are integrated. Basically the Definitive Edition for the title. I...
  18. P

    Visual Novel Cafe

    Moonstone's been quiet for half a year now, and their latest stuff all came from Argonauts. Seems to me like twilight is descending on much, if not the entire sector.
  19. P

    Visual Novel Cafe

    I wouldn't get my hopes up... Forgot to say, PriministAr is getting a HD remaster. The two Motomiya Mitsuki-art games (the other being StrawberryNauts, which got a HD Renewal to 1280x720 and PS4/Switch re-release with added heroine to boot) are both great, cutting right through Hooksoft's best...
  20. P

    Visual Novel Cafe

    I'm too fatigued to read these days, and it seems to apply specifically for reading. I did finished Houkago Cinderella 2 months ago. An improvement from the first one - you might find my gripe about it in this thread if you look for it. The common route stuff got better, enough for me to not...