Just a new test, trying to rework my old Eleonor's story with that new flash program. Gave it a new twist... That's just a demo test... :)
I know, not a pic but an attempt to create a small flash game.
I was hoping to learn enough to create great flash animations. I will simply continue to have fun doing it. In the end, it would be great to animate great stories with music and all... But it take time... so much time. ;)...
Re: Cats and Wolfs
Hi kvmbeast! Futaboy was not active for some time now and I don't believe I have those two mod. Seems like AG3 is part of history regarding sharing now. If I do find some old mods, I will share it. Cheers
I think that redrooster probably have the answer about the why and you guys are right about the he should have. But life is life. ...And it's full of surprises; good or bad. Don't judge a man until you have walk a mile in his shoes...
I do hope he will pass the flag because so much could be...
@Wormy - I love it!! This is exactly the kind of ideas that made me start creating h-games stories back in the days. In French, we call those short and intriguing stories, "nouvelles". Don't know the English term.
Thanks ...and Cheers
Me too!! Although I think Hotel California was a...
Still working with AG3, and loving it. You know my philosophy: "too much is not enough...!" So while working on new poses and costumes, I tried an oily effect I had... Thought it would be great on a dark skinned babe. ;)
You know, I don't believe I have shared pics here before... Probably because I'm not modding the new games, only AG3. Well... First time for everything! I'm just making new "special" girls, poses and back grounds... Cheers
Agree with you guys... Make me feel sad, but things are looking very bad. I love the place, and actually I invested a lot of time in it, but without traffic, publicity won't bring much money. Meaning, harder for Hong to maintain the site. :(
Futaboy decided to quit modding, and has removed everything... I do have some of his mods on old backups. Most of it, I lost in a HD crash. Witch one do you search? I might be able to find it.
I believe your one of the best Star Wars fan I meet in a long time. SW universe is absolutely great, and I love it. I hope to ear more of your passion...
You're right. I noticed that many left. Didn't knew that you came here in that period. I'm glad we can still exchange. ;) I guess I'm only sad that all those great AG3 mods that were created, could actually get lost, because we had no place to ask/share them again. Well, things must move...
Unreachable for me at this time. The saddest thing is that the number of persons going there was getting lower and lower, guests and members alike. Something to be expected in that situation... :(