Every now and then it skips a line, seems to happen most often when scene transitioning or sprite change. Is this just me? For now I'm just using the older version of the h-code, seems to work.
Does the user have modify permission? Same process as before but look for the security tab at the top and select you're user, under permissions modify should be checked allow, if not edit it and select allow and try to to change the read only again
It can't save without write persmission. Is the folder in read only? Right click on main folder, select properties, under attributes if Read only is checked uncheck it and apply.
This is down, can you please reupload~ thank you
I was wondering if you still had [101029] [PULLTOP] 恋神 -ラブカミ- 初回限定版 (http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/hentai-games-38/japanese-%5B101029%5D-%5Bpulltop%5D-drama-cd-maxi-cd-ost-%5Bh-game%5D-%5Bno-dvd-patch%5D-231/) or a torrent if possible~ thanks
Havent seen a save file anywhere yet, but if you select easy mode in the beginning, any time you need to battle you can click the little white flag on the bottom to skip it.