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  1. Daniel Giovanni

    [Request][VJ003720][Black Package Try] 肛戒 BestPrice版 / Koukai Makan no Kokuin (Best Price)

    That is definitely one of the best games from Black Package Try.
  2. Daniel Giovanni

    [Misc] Mega-Pack for AI-Shoujo & Honey Select 2 by FutaBoy

    Thanks for all. You made a lot of people happier with these things. Fantastic tools.
  3. Daniel Giovanni

    [Japanese] ✨Shine✨[101029][BLACK PACKAGE TRY] くノ一 桔梗 BestPrice版 [VJ005118]

    Absolute legend, now is only missing: 肛戒 BestPrice版 Thank you very much
  4. Daniel Giovanni

    [Japanese] [Tinker Bell][In'youchuu][RE:UP NEWLINK] FULL VERSION +BONUS+ SAVE

    Expired link, not everybody can download all that much in a single day :( Upload to mega or another better server :ninja:
  5. Daniel Giovanni

    [Tinker Bell][In'youchuu] FULL VERSION 90%+FULL SAVE

    didnt seem to have any seed
  6. Daniel Giovanni

    Missing/Unreleased Game List

    くノ一 桔梗 BestPrice版 Maker BLACK PACKAGE TRY Release 2010-09-29 The posted version on anime-sharing is much more censored. BestPrice edition have less censorship. A comparison
  7. Daniel Giovanni

    [Request] [Black Package Try] Kishuu no Yakata (Best Price) 貴醜の館 BestPrice版

    What about that one くノ一 桔梗~幻想官能絵巻~BestPrice版? :akazukin_puppyeyes:
  8. Daniel Giovanni

    [Request] 女忍者アズサvsオーク2 ~淫獣たちの宴 (released)

    Really? VNDB says it have 3 editions.
  9. Daniel Giovanni

    [Japanese] [070914][Black Package Try] 肛戒~魔姦の刻印~

    Do you have the Best Price version of this game and this くノ一 桔梗~幻想官能絵巻~BestPrice版?
  10. Daniel Giovanni

    [Request] [Black Package Try] Kishuu no Yakata (Best Price) 貴醜の館 BestPrice版

    Looks like miracles didnt exist, i will die probably before finding here くノ一 桔梗~幻想官能絵巻~BestPrice版 :mini_sulk:
  11. [REQUEST] メクルメク・キュアナ・チョコスイーツノ・ウタゲ UNCENSORED

    [REQUEST] メクルメク・キュアナ・チョコスイーツノ・ウタゲ UNCENSORED

    Title メクルメク・キュアナ・チョコスイーツノ・ウタゲ Its the fantia version who is uncensored. Link
  12. Daniel Giovanni

    [アトリエ これまんま] メクルメク・キュアナ・チョコスイーツノ・ウタゲ, エルフさんがHな冒険をするぷちCG集。, ある街娘さんと淫魔さん。, 盗賊さん、ペットになる。 (4CG) version from fantia is uncensored, hope someone bring that one to the site.
  13. Daniel Giovanni

    [Request] くノ一 桔梗~幻想官能絵巻~BestPrice版

    Been waiting for this for years, hope some charitable soul share that game. It have less censorship than the regular one. That is why is called bestprice.
  14. Daniel Giovanni

    (Request) [Black Package try] Koukai: Makan no Kokuin (Best Price) 肛戒 BestPrice版

    I second that, hope someone bring some of the best price editions of other black package try games like: Kunoichi Kikyou ~Gensou Kannou Emaki~ :(