Search results for query: *

  1. Eternalflamz

    Signature/Misc dump! All the good stuff~

    Heyo! To be honest I haven't done anything sig related (other then the most recent SOTM) in about a year! I'd be glad to get back into it, as it's awesome fun - but felt like putting some of the stuff still dusting away in my hdd out there was the right thing to do. Hopefully the stuff's...
  2. Eternalflamz

    Nekomonogatari (Black)

    All four episodes have aired already, but only two has been subbed as of 2/01/2013 (Australian Time) I didn't see any other threads of it so I made one, what do you think of Nekomonogatari? Personally, I'm a huge fan of the Monogatari series, and am very happy to watch it, it's funny, sexy...
  3. Eternalflamz

    Share your Renders/Stocks

    I've got a bazillion different Renders and a fair few Stocks, and i know that there are some rather good designers on this site! So i thought that it would be cool to share some neat renders/Stocks we have made or found. Ill start~
  4. Eternalflamz

    Is it bad that I disliked Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann?

    As the title says, is it bad that i didn't like the supposedly amazing Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.. o-o.
  5. Eternalflamz


    Still a novice and all Comments would be appreciated, what to focus on improving ect ? And this is just another Beta (>o.o)>
  6. Eternalflamz

    Free sigs o.o

    Just somewhere to put some of the sigs I've done, anyone is free to use any of them :]
  7. Eternalflamz

    Tria [BETA]

    I'm fairly new to Making AMV's. Any Feedback would be dearly appreciated ^.^
  8. Eternalflamz

    Soul Eater AMV- Shotgun Senorita

    My First AMV ever. Also first time touching a video editing program :P
  9. Eternalflamz

    Sig's For Grabs

    Im not amazing at it yet :> But if you like any feel free to use them :) ^^ Mine atm :< Feel free to use it after I'm not using it >.>
  10. Eternalflamz

    Say a funny stereotype about the country you live in.

    Like~ Here in australia we ride kangaroo's to school!
  11. Eternalflamz

    Anime Suggestions ^.^

    Well personally i have more or less run out of anime in my "Anime to watch" list :l Soooo~ If anyone has any kewl suggestions that would be epic xP And~~~ I guess ill put out some suggestions for someone else if they want aswell xD (If you havnt seen these anime's i recommend them!) Kara No...
  12. Eternalflamz

    Those who love AngelBeats!.. I salute you

    Why?? Well because you are awesome.
  13. Eternalflamz

    Anyone want a Gfx Sig battle :P

    Im bored so if anyone is up for a sig battle it might be fun :D Just a thought~
  14. Bakemonogatari novel prequel/Sequal ?

    Bakemonogatari novel prequel/Sequal ?

    Is there anyone who knows where i can find a novel, manga ect translated into english of something in the same series as Bakemonogatari.
  15. Eternalflamz

    What do you think of this comic :P
  16. Eternalflamz


    Eternalflamz here, saying heeeey, If anyone can tell me whats there to do on these forums and where all the funs at it'd be appreciated :D