Hello again I am sad to report that after checking the FF links I found they were all disappeared. Please reup them whenever you have the time. Also happy holidays if by chance you are into that sort of thing. :) Thanks
Hello there, please replace episodes 1,5,6,8,11, and 12 links on ff. I believe they are all down on rg if you wanted to know that as well kind sir. Thank you.
Hello I have been trying to find this whole season but this is the only thread I can find. Am I just stupid or is there a thread somewhere with the whole season I'm not seeing?
Hello most of the ff links are down except for eps 1,2, and 15 and part 1 of 7, 8, and 14 and part 2 of of 3 and 11. Please reup them when ever, thanks:)
Hi. I had a hard drive supposedly crash (it won't turn on) It is so sad. :(
It would appear all of the FF links are down according to the nifty file check. If you are okay with some reups I will be going through some things. Thank you for your time.
I'm sorry to report but there is about 15 FF links gone for Robotics;Notes:( Please please reup these
Ep #'s
#1pt . 1&3 #2pt . 2&3 #3pt . 2,3&4
#4pt . 2&3 #5pt . 3 #6pt . 2 #7pt . 4
#9pt . 3 #13pt . 1 #17pt . 4
I hope you are doing well thank you so much!:)