Hello samyeung46.
Hmm... I don't know.... that's what they all say. The perpetrator that is.
....I'm sorry. I wanted to try saying that. I mean, something similar to that....
I... doubt I have made enough impression with anyone to be missed, nor have I appeared enough but.... sorry, and um, thanks?
I see. Well, just do not forget to clean them up quickly... blood stains are hard to clean.
Happy new year KK! Well, maybe it's a bit too fast where you are right now... although It's just about right where I am.
That's a nice delivery, perhaps from a secret admirer of yours?
You may be a depressed clown, but you really did make me feel a bit better, so.... thanks.
Or maybe because I have been moping around for a few hours before already before coming here.... hmm...
Hmm.... I'm not sure if I should post this kind of things here.... I hope I didn't do anything bad.
Well, I guess so...
But, considering that I am here now, I guess it was not such a huge problem.... I still kind of feel bad about it but... at least I didn't mope around for days... I guess.