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  1. T

    [Hentai game] [ADV] [Ricotta] プリンセスラバー! / Princess Lover!

    Well, it doesn't for me, neither does it for Kertar apparently. I'm on Win10 x64, allrdy tried the compatability mode etc. Edit: I figured out the problem, when finished downloading, it made a file named SaveData instead of a folder named SaveData. If this happens, remove the file, make a...
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    [Hentai game] [ADV] [Ricotta] プリンセスラバー! / Princess Lover!

    Allrdy tried that.. :P Didnt work either.. :(
  3. T

    [Hentai game] [ADV] [Ricotta] プリンセスラバー! / Princess Lover!

    Nope, wouldn't be having this problem if there was lol..
  4. T

    [Hentai game] [ADV] [Ricotta] プリンセスラバー! / Princess Lover!

    There is no setup.. -_- Nor is there any disk to mount..
  5. T

    [Hentai game] [160408] [WAFFLE] 淫靡蕩少女 ――抗いし純真なる少女―― ブランニュー版:アザレア編 [H-Game]

    Stops working after a few seconds, does anyone else have this problem or know a solution?
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    [Hentai game] [151106] [ぱこぱこそふと] ビッチなあの娘に性活指導! JKビッチ★はめぱこスクールライフ [H-Game]

    I have the same problem as Gehrman has (had) but I'm unable to fix it, even with the way he did it. Is this a comon problem, or am I just stupid? :P