Hi smoothlaunch/vrl0ver, you made some of the best mods for Honey Select, are you still porting ABM over to Play Home? I guess many modders are waiting for studio since the "game" is kinda stale without it.
Great to see someone picking up the slack our beloved Eusth left behind! Illusion is supposed to release their own native VR patch soon but going by past experience I bet their solution will be inferior to your 0.1 alpha version of Eusth's original mod.
Yes there is, it's one of the first in the options screen, I just turned everything off. Really don't know why they went for those big blue clouds, as if we wouldn't know what we're supposed to touch & grab without them :reallyconfused:
Looks great as always uncenone, I assume you play the 2d mod version of this game then? You should try VR though I guess it's hard to walk into a store and ask to try the latest Illusion game in VR to see if you want to buy it ;-)
It's the best quality adult VR game at the moment I think so yeah I "play" it. Too bad it's so small both in gameplay and amount of sex positions. Your uncensor looks great!
Did you run the shortcut it created called VRKanojo (Patch & Launch)? On Oculus hold down the trigger button, for Vive it's grip button it seems. Only 1 button needed.